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Spawning noise?

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My question is does a character make a noise that can be heard by those nearby when re-spawning?

(I have searched for an answer to this, but no luck.  Apologies if this has been covered, I can't find any mention of it.)


Recent experience of looting on a newly restarted low pop server, was carefully moving around, opened a door to a face-full of bullets.  The local area hadn't been touched, loot everywhere, so I was confident it was fresh and untouched.

(Ignoring the hilarity of being killed by one of only 5 other players on the map...!)

My issue is that if my assailant had just spawned into the building, then I have no way of knowing this and am at a complete disadvantage.  Despite all the careful ninja gameplay you can possibly muster approaching a position, absolutely nothing can defend against someone simply popping into existence nearby or into the room you are about to enter.


Shouldn't a new spawn make some kind of noise to alert people nearby (i'm thinking within the range of open chat) that a player has simply just appeared on top of you?  I remember the loading ammo noise that used to occur.  Was that some kind of 'bug' that was fixed?  No spawning noise gives the spawnee (is that even a word?) the advantage which I think is wrong.


And yes, I was kind of pissed at the time as it was my longest running character and to loose it it such a way was kind of balls.  I suppose the player could have been simply camping, but like I say it was a new server re-start, so they couldn't have been there for very long.  Plus I think I would have seen them entering the building they shot me in as I had been watching it.  There were no footsteps or door noises (I was in range, I would have heard them.)  I should have checked the windows first as I would have seen them, so partly my fault for letting my guard down (lesson learned form that one), but still, a little aggrieved that the bullet(s) with your name on can just simply pop into existence nearby without you knowing anything about it.  I mind less about being killed by my own carelessness than I do about having a geared player silently appear within 50ft of you.



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I don't think that this is a bad idea, though there's stipulations to that.


I know that there was a time when I had taken the incredible risk of entering the Balota Airfield Jailhouse to look for some goodies. I could have sworn I heard footsteps outside, and I was looking at the door cautiously. Well, somebody apparently had been server hopping and the cowardly piece of scum spawned inside of the building behind me and killed me.


The key is to make sure you couldn't hear spawn ins too far away, or at least always make sure that if somebody spawns into the same building as you it is made aware to you. 


The problem about implementing this now in DayZ is that servers restart or crash or you just disconnect all the time, so if you're trying to be stealthy or at least not be seen, a random server disconnect means that you'll have to risk making noise as you spawn back into a server to resume your sneakery. Honestly, I wish they would implement spawning back into servers in the same position you had left them in (standing, crouching, prone).

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There is no respawn or login noise.

It has been debated heavily in the Suggestions forum but I believe it is normally locked after a much heated debate.

The only people actually against it are server hoppers and I do not know what developers have said on it.

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@ OP: You are right!


There is one circumstance that i am aware of where you make a noise when logging in.


This is when you have a suffered a fracture and not mended it yet. each time on log in you should yeah a agonizing yell.


otherwise though you're silent

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@ OP: You are right!

There is one circumstance that i am aware of where you make a noise when logging in.

This is when you have a suffered a fracture and not mended it yet. each time on log in you should yeah a agonizing yell.

otherwise though you're silent

Or just a yawn regardless of your health with logging in? If you are worried about people hearing it, then do not log out in airfield control towers.

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I always thought it was a good idea to have a very low but audible noise for when someone joined the server.


They could be near you, they could be on the other side of the map. It is up to you to be more cautious with that information.


Though a nearby noise wouldn't stop server hopping by any means it would make the hopper have to find a location where most likely no one would be before they logged out and back in. It would definitely give the player currently in the area a better chance to come out the victor.

Edited by Dazinth

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I am against a spawning in sound   as and fix all solution and I am in no way a server hopper. I do agree something needs to change, it just needs to be balanced.

The current system is gives a surprise advantage to the recently spawned player but a spawning sound would tip the scales giving an unbalanced advantage to the presently in-game player. I would like the idea of a spawning sound a little bit more if it only applied to those who just changed server but even then it's not the best way to fix the problem in my view.


Let me tell you a semi related story first. I have a very slow internet connection and not the best computer and spawning in takes a very long time for me. I learnt that while spawning if I hit Esc I can see my surroundings long before I can move. I also learnt that the whole time I'm spawning in that my body exists in-game just standing there vulnerable and I can't do anything about it.

About a week ago a server restart caught me out in the middle of a field. As I was spawning in, my character uncontrollable and vulnerable, a zombie found me and started laying into me. I was healthy before the restart. by the time I could take control I was probably only a couple of hits from death as my screen was completely greyscale. I killed the zombie and survived but half my stuff was unfairly ruined. 


If a sound were played while spawning in, an in-game player could easily find a spawning player while they stand there vulnerable and uncontrollable waiting to spawning in. It would be massively unbalanced. 


Allow me to propose an alternate idea

I would much prefer restricted spawn-in areas. Meaning that you couldn't spawn into popular buildings or out in the open. If you attempted to spawn into these areas your spawn would be pushed to the nearest small house away from players or the nearest tree line away from players and zombies. 


So that the recently spawned player doesn't receive a tactical advantage of knowing they have been pushed away from a player the rules should be similar to as I just said. Always be pushed out of popular buildings such as hospitals and military buildings rather than only pushed when there is a player nearby.

Edited by LucidHills

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I know an injured character makes a rather painful sounding "aarrgh" when it loads into a server , ive had my own as well as friends characters do that when logging in with a broken arm or leg from the night befores escapades.

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I thought the old bug where the person logging in would play the reload sound of their weapon was actually a very effective way of preventing people doing ninja spawn ins and being able to flank or appear behind a player. (especially when you could ghost very easily)


Its pretty ridiculous for you to secure a building completely and then have some guy spawning in behind you and nailing you, with the only possible warning being yourself carefully looking at player counts. Considering this is supposed to be a survival game it makes little sense to reward people for spawning in what used to be certain death areas as they are now totally silent and stand a reasonable chance of catching someone with their pants down.


To me its like everyone is trained in Vietcong infiltration tactics being able to tunnel behind your arse. Normally you can get lucky and catch the cheeky twats by killing them as they are logging in.


Perhaps in the future not being able to log/log off in buildings should be considered. Buildings often glitch you anyway when you log off and although combat logging is far rarer than it what it used to be people will often run into large buildings and log somewhere before you can get to them. This would mean you cant get ninjad once you secure a building and people cant hide and log in buildings which force you to carefully clear them out in the event that they didn't log out and instead are camping.

Edited by OmpaLompa

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I remember that reloading sound thing on spawn. It saved my ass on a couple occasions, giving me enough time to boogie on out of the area. The thing about having a sound on spawn is that...for the player that is already in-game, they aren't expecting to hear anything...so when someone spawns in and they hear the sound in all likelihood they aren't going to know exactly where it came from. I wouldn't go around hunting for another player, especially if I have no idea what they are packing.


I'm all for having a sound play during log in.


For one, it's a terrible idea to log out in a highly trafficked city, or area. You're just asking to be popped when you log in. I have never willfully logged out anywhere near any buildings. I always go out to the nearest tree line. Think of logging out as putting your character to sleep. You wouldn't sleep in a building that everyone and their mother goes to for loot, would you?


I also understand that sometimes people might lost connection, or the server might restart while your looting a city. In the event of a server restart, you are usually pretty safe to log back in as long as no one was around before restart. If you lose connection, well...here is a tip. It's something I do to ensure I don't get killed when I log in. I find a 0 pop server and log in, head to the tree line, and go back to my home server. That way I can make sure I'm not gonna be met with a barrel to the forehead when I spawn.


In Day Z, you have to take extra precautions to ensure your own survival. Sometimes that means going out of your way to make sure you keep your character alive. The best way to make sure you are logging out safely is to ask yourself if you would sleep in the spot you log your character out at...and if you are forced out of the game due to thing beyond your control, then make sure you take the extra precaution to ensure your characters safety.


Those are my pennies.

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My question is does a character make a noise that can be heard by those nearby when re-spawning?

(I have searched for an answer to this, but no luck.  Apologies if this has been covered, I can't find any mention of it.)


Recent experience of looting on a newly restarted low pop server, was carefully moving around, opened a door to a face-full of bullets.  The local area hadn't been touched, loot everywhere, so I was confident it was fresh and untouched.

(Ignoring the hilarity of being killed by one of only 5 other players on the map...!)

My issue is that if my assailant had just spawned into the building, then I have no way of knowing this and am at a complete disadvantage.  Despite all the careful ninja gameplay you can possibly muster approaching a position, absolutely nothing can defend against someone simply popping into existence nearby or into the room you are about to enter.


Shouldn't a new spawn make some kind of noise to alert people nearby (i'm thinking within the range of open chat) that a player has simply just appeared on top of you?  I remember the loading ammo noise that used to occur.  Was that some kind of 'bug' that was fixed?  No spawning noise gives the spawnee (is that even a word?) the advantage which I think is wrong.


And yes, I was kind of pissed at the time as it was my longest running character and to loose it it such a way was kind of balls.  I suppose the player could have been simply camping, but like I say it was a new server re-start, so they couldn't have been there for very long.  Plus I think I would have seen them entering the building they shot me in as I had been watching it.  There were no footsteps or door noises (I was in range, I would have heard them.)  I should have checked the windows first as I would have seen them, so partly my fault for letting my guard down (lesson learned form that one), but still, a little aggrieved that the bullet(s) with your name on can just simply pop into existence nearby without you knowing anything about it.  I mind less about being killed by my own carelessness than I do about having a geared player silently appear within 50ft of you.

Well, I know I usually hop into newly restarted servers and camp the military barracks.  I try to be the first guy in, then I camp and wait for the door to open, and I kill anything on the other side.


My advice to you is if there is another person in the server, expect them to pop up, no matter where you are.

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Well, I know I usually hop into newly restarted servers and camp the military barracks. I try to be the first guy in, then I camp and wait for the door to open, and I kill anything on the other side.

My advice to you is if there is another person in the server, expect them to pop up, no matter where you are.

Why not fix the issue of people spawning in the building being searched, instead of telling people to deal with it?

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This is part of the game play: before, with the reloading guns spawn, you were openly anouncing to everyone around that area, that you were coming in.   Now, with the silent spawning, is a matter of luck also...or bad luck, depending which side of the gun you are on!


Please bear in mind that sometimes, server restarts just when you are on the top of the ATC at the NW airfield.....well...bad luck....What i mean to say is that re-spawning on high danger areas is not only related to hoppers and also, is just a matter of luck....so I guess we need to deal with any condition!


My humble opinion! 



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Another tip for the current system is to close every door behind you. If all the doors in a building are closed, you're more likely to hear someone moving around inside.

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This is part of the game play: before, with the reloading guns spawn, you were openly anouncing to everyone around that area, that you were coming in.   Now, with the silent spawning, is a matter of luck also...or bad luck, depending which side of the gun you are on!


Please bear in mind that sometimes, server restarts just when you are on the top of the ATC at the NW airfield.....well...bad luck....What i mean to say is that re-spawning on high danger areas is not only related to hoppers and also, is just a matter of luck....so I guess we need to deal with any condition!


My humble opinion! 




This is kind of my point.  Without any kind of spawning noise the possibility on walking into a freshly spawned player is now luck based.  I do not think this is a good thing as it negates the entire point of carefully and patiently scoping a place out before entering as there is literally nothing you can do about a player who wants to camp an area and can come and go as they please without anyone in the immediate vicinity being aware.


I'm perfectly aware of server restarts and the fact you can re-spawn in the middle of a dangerous area.  That's not what i'm talking about.  I'm talking about newly spawned players immediately having the upper hand which I don't think is a positive thing.  I'm talking about players being able to abuse the fact there is no longer any kind of indication of them spawning within feet of you.  This kind of 'luck' is something the game can do without, in my opinion...

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Another tip for the current system is to close every door behind you. If all the doors in a building are closed, you're more likely to hear someone moving around inside.

Indeed, and I do this.

Even before doors became randomised.  There was a real rush of adrenaline looting a building you thought was untouched only to find interior doors open...


There is however nothing whatsoever you can do if a player decides to camp a building and can simply pop into existence nearby without any indication they have done so.  

The spawning player has the advantage.

I think this is wrong.

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That exact thing happened to me and a few buddies just last week.  We looted elektro, cherno, SWAF, skipped balota and went to the military base out west, then to the one next to NWAF then finally to NWAF.  After all of that we loot NWAF and end up in the jail building.  Suddenly, one of our group drops upstairs, sniped through the window.  We close the door and post up, there was 2 of them.  We get into kind of a standoff that lasted for at least 15 minutes, trying to get a clear shot and guarding the doors etc.  Suddenly, out of nowhere the upstairs door (that we secured and closed) opens and we all die, caught completely off guard.  Idk if it was just some guy that spawned in or if one of the 2 logged, hopped servers and went in and logged again, went back to the server and killed us.  The second option is certainly possible given the timeframe in which this all took place.  Either way, it's bogus.  Whatever it may be, something should be done about that kind of thing.

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That exact thing happened to me and a few buddies just last week.  We looted elektro, cherno, SWAF, skipped balota and went to the military base out west, then to the one next to NWAF then finally to NWAF.  After all of that we loot NWAF and end up in the jail building.  Suddenly, one of our group drops upstairs, sniped through the window.  We close the door and post up, there was 2 of them.  We get into kind of a standoff that lasted for at least 15 minutes, trying to get a clear shot and guarding the doors etc.  Suddenly, out of nowhere the upstairs door (that we secured and closed) opens and we all die, caught completely off guard.  Idk if it was just some guy that spawned in or if one of the 2 logged, hopped servers and went in and logged again, went back to the server and killed us.  The second option is certainly possible given the timeframe in which this all took place.  Either way, it's bogus.  Whatever it may be, something should be done about that kind of thing.

This is one of the ugliest moves since we dont have the "loading gun" sound.  Normally fresh spawns are not a huge treat, but cheaters logging off and then logging inside or at your back are really dangerous.

Edited by pizuicas

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This is one of the ugliest moves since we dont have the "loading gun" sound.  Normally fresh spawns are not a huge treat, but cheaters logging off and then logging inside or at your back are really dangerous.

Yeah, it's annoying.

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This is one of the ugliest moves since we dont have the "loading gun" sound.  Normally fresh spawns are not a huge treat, but cheaters logging off and then logging inside or at your back are really dangerous.

Indeed it is.

Having no spawn in noise only seems to benefit players trying to exploit it for ghosting or camping purposes.


Maybe the weapon reloading sound is not the right sound, but surely some kind of distinct noise within say a 100ft radius would be appropriate?  It doesn't have be loud, not asking for a klaxon or anything, (WARNING WARNING, PLAYER SPAWNING) maybe a subtle noise that could be missed if you're not concentrating enough, but something would be good. I don't think a map wide noise is needed, but the loss of any noise has already changed the game in the wrong direction for me.  I'm aware of the delay from spawning in to actually being in control of your character, so any noise should occur when you actually get control to avoid any 'ringing the diner bell' criticism.


Far from encouraging player interaction, the lack of spawning noise seems to be encouraging campers and ghosting.  Fine if all you want to do is kos, less fine if you want a little more from the game.


Been killed twice now after clearing a building only to have someone magically and silently appear inside.  


As if there's not enough to be paranoid about, now we have to worry about murderous geared wizards with ak's too.  Hardly a positive feature of a zombie apocalypse survival game... 

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By the way, reported the spammer alina22 above.

Good to know?

A 100 meter sound is fucking outrageous though. Like, 10 meters or so and just a quiet yawn will do or something.

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Good to know?

A 100 meter sound is fucking outrageous though. Like, 10 meters or so and just a quiet yawn will do or something.

Agree that 100m sound being fucking outrageous, I suggested 100ft (around 30m) just as a starter, but like the quiet yawn idea.  Something that can be missed if you're too busy bollocking around and not paying attention.

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I don't think we need a specific log-in sound; but we do need players to make more noise in general as soon as they start moving about - especially if they are running.


Stealth movemnet is mentioned a fair bit in the latest dev-blog, so maybe it's on the way anyway.

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From months i'm one of those that is stating about adding a log in sound that can be heard within 15 metres at least.



All those players that are against it are server hoppers and combat loggers and counter-productive for the develop and balancing of the game.


It's not a discussion about banditry or not! Shoot or not! leveling or not, achievments skills or else.....it's just the good sense and faith to understand someone that is running his efforts to reach a goal, despite those that simply quit, leave and rejoin.


Remember that medium-high systems with right graphic settings are able to see accross the walls while log in when inside a building. So it's also some sort of glitch




I admit to server hopping. But i'm so straitgh-arrow to do not combat log and i wisely chooose my positions to logout, out from any danger and taking a couple of minutes more walking.

Edited by GunnyITA

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