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CD Key theft.

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If I purchase arma 2 and combinded ops to play the DayZ mod, Do I have to create a new steam account or will it overwrite my ban from the CD key theft and I can use my old steam account?

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you need to make a new account and repurchase

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He is saying his cd key was stolen, and the thief got banned while using his key?

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He is saying his cd key was stolen, and the thief got banned while using his key?

That's what they all say.


@OP keep in mind, whoever stole your CD-Key could have malware on your computer. Consider doing scans and such before purchasing anymore copies.

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"Certain users have been contacting us regarding sudden global bans since last night when a BE Client and Server update was released for ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. To clarify, these bans are not false positives in any way.

In reality these are bans from the past that are related to the cd-key that is attached to a user's Steam account. Yesterday's update added support for old cd-key-based global bans in the new Steam version of the game (1.63). Note that with Steam the cd-key that is written to your registry is no longer relevant for authentication. Only the cd-key that is attached to your Steam account matters and like in previous game versions you will not be able to play on BE servers with a cd-key that is globally banned.

Therefore, if you previously had been using a new unbanned cd-key by writing it directly to the registry you will now have to attach it to a new Steam account to be able to play on BE servers again




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