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What is wrong with you people?

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Uhm...must be a really unlucky evening: I find canned food or fruits basically everywhere. On the other hand, berries and/or apples are quickly reaching mythological status in my gaming sessions: as far as I can remember no fruit was EVER found by any of my characters on bushes or trees; only lying around in kitchens and such. One of the major problems in 0.49 is that if you aren't exceptionally unlucky you're going to eat a decent amount of food near your spawnsite...enough to start trekking towards other locations without fear of thirst/hunger. And once you reach another town, the cycle repeats: you find a lot of food, eat/drink a lot...and so on.


I didn't know 0.50 experimental was out: this evening I'm going to switch to experimental and try it, just to see if it's true you consume more calories.


OK this is weird then because yesterday in the space of about 20 minutes I had 12 portions of berries lol. Me and my mate though hardly find food anywhere. We're going to Stary next.


We were thinking, after being told about persistent servers being bugged, that a change of server would work but we don't seem to be finding as much gear as we did 4/5 days ago and the server pops are low too. The server didn't have persistence in the name but that doesn't mean it's not turned on right?


Anyway, I found an axe in Novy so at least we can make a fire now. We even found non rotten apples on trees so it seems we can at least feed ourselves.


When looking for berries or apples, it seems to be random on each try. I find a group of them then keep going from one to the next until i've done each bush or tree about 3 times. Seems to yield at least some food.

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-3 Hello??? In what country do they make maps but use a completely foreign language to write in those maps! Make the Town names in cryllic or make the sign posts in English. 


Everything in Cyrillic. 

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Everything in Cyrillic. 


In Mother Chernarus cyrillic reads you

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