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Good Greef

So the team is trained, am I right?

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If the new team is fully trained then why do we still keep getting beyond broken updates? Every update seems to be worst than the last for like 4 updates now. That was like the big excuse. Oooo the team is being trained. Well, their trained now right, so lets go!


8 months later and a machete still takes 20 hits to kill a zombie. Give me a RL machete and I'll crack a skull in one shot.


Spent 3 hours looting and didn't find a single round of ammo, no axe, can't defend myself.


What they need to do is shut off the advanced weather until ITS FIXED. Turn off the ruining of clothes by one hit UNTIL ITS FIXED. Nerf zombies UNTIL ITS FIXED. What is so complicated about that.

Edited by Good Greef
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Or you could simply stop 'testing' the game until it's fixed!  

 I've read too many of these "too difficult and too inconvinient" threads, so I had to post!

The game ( which is still not a game I might add! ) is in fact rather easy, last life I had I spawned on a server with nearly constant rain, was fluctuating between Hypothermia and cold for several hours, yet I had no problems finding my way around, and smacking zombies to death with my fists where I had to.

 Beginning to wonder why people find it difficult..

Edited by Nainakai
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Your name perfectly captures my reaction to your little rant.


Welcome to early development. Enjoy the ride.

Edited by Grindstone
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I love these threads, I have read through about a dozen of them in the past week alone. The tears are delicious great job devs keep it up

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It's been said but we are testers. Apparently we are not fully trained as so many people who bought this alpha game don't get it. I've said this before but I'll say it again, if they remove the stuff that is broken then they have no feedback or experience on when it occurs to be able to fix it. Does that make sense Good Greef?

It is not a game, it is a test model. Test it with us, report the bugs on the bug tracker and then it may help fix it faster. BTW, my toon currently has a machete and I have taken on about 5 zombies with 1 or 2 hits to dead so your doing something wrong.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:06 AM, CANUCKinNZ said:

Crap *you're, I meant you're!

you have heard of the edit button right? Or did you do that intentionally...

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  On 9/27/2014 at 1:40 AM, Nainakai said:
Nainakai, on 26 Sept 2014 - 8:40 PM, said:

Or you could simply stop 'testing' the game until it's fixed!  

 I've read too many of these "too difficult and too inconvinient" threads, so I had to post!

The game ( which is still not a game I might add! ) is in fact rather easy, last life I had I spawned on a server with nearly constant rain, was fluctuating between Hypothermia and cold for several hours, yet I had no problems finding my way around, and smacking zombies to death with my fists where I had to.

 Beginning to wonder why people find it difficult..


Video or it didn't happen. I refuse to log into servers with a ping higher than 40, my internet has 30mb download and 6mb upload and I can say that the current build has lag spikes so bad that I am guaranteed to get my gear beaten to ruined if I fight a zombie with anything that takes more than 2 hits to put them down.


From now on "uber skilled" players who post crap like this will be called out as liars until they post proof because I know the game is too laggy at random times to pull off the crap they say they do all the time.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:18 AM, LimeMobber said:

Video or it didn't happen. I refuse to log into servers with a ping higher than 40, my internet has 30mb download and 6mb upload and I can say that the current build has lag spikes so bad that I am guaranteed to get my gear beaten to ruined if I fight a zombie with anything that takes more than 2 hits to put them down.


From now on "uber skilled" players who post crap like this will be called out as liars until they post proof because I know the game is too laggy at random times to pull off the crap they say they do all the time.

Yep, takes "uber skills" to walk in a circle-strafe.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:32 AM, Grindstone said:
Grindstone, on 26 Sept 2014 - 9:32 PM, said:

Yep, takes "uber skills" to walk in a circle-strafe.


Yep, because every building has room to allow you to walk in circle strafe. <_<

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:46 AM, Hells High said:

Your cup of tears comes with a silly straw.

Have some beans, sir.

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I'm too lazy to read the thread, but obviously the most made excuse is.....




That's no reason for the game to be crap.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:53 AM, Sarah Walker said:

I'm too lazy to read the thread, but obviously the most made excuse is.....




That's no reason for the game to be crap.


Lol. Systems in an in development piece of software currently being built aren't 100% finished or working perfectly so the game is crap, and threads like this don't waste space on the server box.


The forums are good fun tonight. A+ all around.

Edited by Hells High
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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:37 AM, LimeMobber said:

Yep, because every building has room to allow you to walk in circle strafe. <_<


Then go outside? It's not hard to "fool" the zombie AI. Pull them back into the room, run around them, profit. Not rocket science.

  On 9/27/2014 at 2:53 AM, Sarah Walker said:

I'm too lazy to read the thread, but obviously the most made excuse is.....




That's no reason for the game to be crap.

So, the game not being close to finished is no reason for the game to be crap. Thanks for clearing that up.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:58 AM, Hells High said:

The forums are good fun tonight. A+ all around.

Agreed. Stuck at work doing basically nothing, so these delicious tears are a much-needed pick-me-up.

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I have never actually seen a fresh spawn standing in the middle of the road punching a zombie in the arm.

But when I do, I will post video proof in this thread.

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I personally think it has moved forward nicely compared to December oh the rubberband days of yore. hell I took a 2 month break updated the game and was fuckin surprised how good it runs and how much more content is added then I read new animation a truck,new zeds and farming are coming shortly whew, there are going to be bugs hell they always fix them some are just more of a priority than others hell why do I have to explain this why am I bothering I'm happy with progress keep up the good work devs IMHO your doin a good job take another 3 years for all I care I'm not going anywhere.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:53 AM, Sarah Walker said:

I'm too lazy to read the thread, but obviously the most made excuse is.....




That's no reason for the game to be crap.

that's like bitching about a car with no tires or seats...I don't know why it won't go down the road I know its not finished but damnit I should be able to drive at top speed with out these damn sparks flying everywhere and everytime I turn I fall out of the damn thing piece of unfinished crap. that's your logic in a nutshell
Edited by gannon46
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Thanks, for pointing it out.




Still not a reason for devs to be lounging around and doing nothing... (I know they don't.)

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  On 9/27/2014 at 2:46 AM, Hells High said:

Your cup of tears comes with a silly straw.


Lets bash the OP because he made a thread and stuff by calling his post a 'cup of tears', guys.


Seriously, grow up - Posting this kind of stuff in reply isn't constructive at all. It creates a hostile environment, as well.

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  On 9/27/2014 at 1:36 AM, Good Greef said:

What they need to do is shut off the advanced weather until ITS FIXED. Turn off the ruining of clothes by one hit UNTIL ITS FIXED. Nerf zombies UNTIL ITS FIXED. What is so complicated about that.


Don't come back until it's fixed.. What is so complicated about that?


Next time don't bother.

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