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Am i a bad person?

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So i was having a normal day in Dayz, spawned at svet, and headed over to grab some gear. I found a mosin and 20 round (was very happy) and was heading out of svet to head to berenzino. but as i was walking out i noticed a guy stand up on the top of the big office/industrial building (on the right as soon as you enter svet from the south). He was on the very top part where you have to climb another ladder to get to a very small part you can snipe from.


He was about to take a shot at me but i went behind a building, pretending to be looting and pretending to not have see him. He quickly sat back down again and i waiting for a while. I snuck around all the buildings up the office, and tried to get through the doors without making too much noise. I snuck up and got onto the ladder and started talking to him. 

"Hey dude! my friend on the hill saw you up here and i though i would come talk to you"

"Uhhh, wheres your friend?" he asks nervously.

"oh, hes up on that hill over there, don't worry, he wont shoot unless i tell him too."

"Don't look for him, he gets nervous when you look for him"

I then pretended to leave my direct comm on as i told my "friend" in a quiet voice to not shoot him unless he shot me.

"Please put your gun away, i would like to make a trade" i asked him nicely (btw, im not holding my mosin, its on my back)

"Uhh, i don't really want to come down" he says.

"Please? i could always just get my buddy to shoot you and get all your gear" i thought this sounded a bit obvious i was lying, but he bought it.

"Fine fine fine, please don't shoot me"

"I dont even have any ammo don't worry."

He came down the ladder and i asked him if he wanted some crunchin crisps.

"Thanks dude" he says, still nervous about losing his gear.

at this point i saw his gear: Orange mountain pack, Mosin with compensater and LRS, High capacity vest, and what looked like full Gorka (is that how you spell it?) clothes.

He started eating his food.

I pulled out my gun.

Said sorry.

And shot him the GODDAMNED FACE

"Btw mate, didn't have a friend on that hill"



I then got some very abusing messages on steam.

Do you think what i did was fair? im assuming he was sniping people (Why else would he be there?)

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Your character is a bad person for sure. But, such is the game. Assholes like you keep assholes like me on their toes ;)

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Maybe he was just checking for other people, thats what I do when I go on top of roofs. But you already knwo that, you woldn't have written this and asked that question if you didn't already know that what you did was a cowardly thing.

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Thank you too everyone who replied

im not sure how to explain it, but i knew for sure he wasn't there to "look for players"

he did stand up when he saw me at first, with his gun raised (mentioned in the OP)

At the time i really thought he was sniping people for fun and i really wanted him dead, so i bluffed my way through it.


but maybe i should have taken his gear and not killed him :D

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Only time I comply to people like you is if they are hacking and know who I am without me telling them or them checking my pulse. Other than that you'll either have to move along or go down fighting. Was a funny little story tho.

Edited by BnZWyatt

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Hmmm do like I do when you don't know if you should kill or not : shoot him in the leg then circle around him telling him if he takes out a weapon he's dead , If he doesn't take one out then I usually make a new friend :)

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The old sniper friend story, some people are so gullible. I met a guy in svetlo who also had a sniper fiend on the hill, he himself had no gun, shot him in the leg and cuffed him, than asked where is his sniper now. Normally I don't kill or harm unarmed players that do not attack me, but I will kill or knee cap anyone who approaches me with the sniper friend story. 

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Hmmm do like I do when you don't know if you should kill or not : shoot him in the leg then circle around him telling him if he takes out a weapon he's dead , If he doesn't take one out then I usually make a new friend :)

That's my tactic everytime. Leg them and if they seem alright, patch 'em up and send 'em packing. if they act like a douche, handcuff them, steal their gear, patch 'em up and leave them with broken legs.

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that wasn't a bad thing.. you really did him a favor. who knows how long he was up there waiting to snipe someone... see person-shoot-wait-see person-shoot-rinse and repeat. probably not much fun. but you engaged him in conversation, played out a scene, gave him a story to tell. cheers to you! lol

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I think that what you did was very clever and something I had done in the past (except I did have a buddy, my girlfriend who was next to me watching from the ATC) and I just lured the guy into her sights.


Easy loot :)

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Awesome play my friend. You're not a coward (as some have suggested). You used your brain and came out on top. The guy may have been a sniper and maybe not. Hard to tell. I often scope out the terrain, not looking to kill anyone. But if I see an opportunity I'll take it. 

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you have my beans sir. and thx for the idea of the "friend on the hill sniping" 

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So i was having a normal day in Dayz, spawned at svet, and headed over to grab some gear. I found a mosin and 20 round (was very happy) and was heading out of svet to head to berenzino. but as i was walking out i noticed a guy stand up on the top of the big office/industrial building (on the right as soon as you enter svet from the south). He was on the very top part where you have to climb another ladder to get to a very small part you can snipe from.


He was about to take a shot at me but i went behind a building, pretending to be looting and pretending to not have see him. He quickly sat back down again and i waiting for a while. I snuck around all the buildings up the office, and tried to get through the doors without making too much noise. I snuck up and got onto the ladder and started talking to him. 

"Hey dude! my friend on the hill saw you up here and i though i would come talk to you"

"Uhhh, wheres your friend?" he asks nervously.

"oh, hes up on that hill over there, don't worry, he wont shoot unless i tell him too."

"Don't look for him, he gets nervous when you look for him"

I then pretended to leave my direct comm on as i told my "friend" in a quiet voice to not shoot him unless he shot me.

"Please put your gun away, i would like to make a trade" i asked him nicely (btw, im not holding my mosin, its on my back)

"Uhh, i don't really want to come down" he says.

"Please? i could always just get my buddy to shoot you and get all your gear" i thought this sounded a bit obvious i was lying, but he bought it.

"Fine fine fine, please don't shoot me"

"I dont even have any ammo don't worry."

He came down the ladder and i asked him if he wanted some crunchin crisps.

"Thanks dude" he says, still nervous about losing his gear.

at this point i saw his gear: Orange mountain pack, Mosin with compensater and LRS, High capacity vest, and what looked like full Gorka (is that how you spell it?) clothes.

He started eating his food.

I pulled out my gun.

Said sorry.

And shot him the GODDAMNED FACE

"Btw mate, didn't have a friend on that hill"



I then got some very abusing messages on steam.

Do you think what i did was fair? im assuming he was sniping people (Why else would he be there?)

Dude that is the beautiful thing about this game, you get to fool unsuspecting idiots into thinking you've got all angles covered. nicely don't hopefully it will happen to you some day!

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Oh se he magically got your steam ID as well?

Sorry, but this story sounds a bit too fabricated.

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Oh se he magically got your steam ID as well?

Sorry, but this story sounds a bit too fabricated.

You can look up a list of 'players recently played with' in steam. If you are lucky, the guys character shares the name with the steam account. No magic involvrd.

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Why do u need confirmation whether you are a bad person or not? Would you have killed him in real life situation? If you can answer that you will know whether you are bad or not.

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By 'bad' do you mean "BADASS"  Then, yes.

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Do you think what i did was fair? im assuming he was sniping people (Why else would he be there?)


Okay, so you said he was going to take a shot at you, but when you spoke him he said he didn't have any ammo, did he have ammo?

If he did then he lied from the get-go and could have possibly been trying to get a beat on you, which in a way would justify your lies to lead him into a false sense of security.

If he didn't have ammo then you basically just killed an unarmed man while pretending to be friendly.


Either way, what you did is just make it that little bit more harder for us genuine friendly guys who are actually out there trying to help so thanks for that.


On a side note, what's your steam name?

Edited by RagedDrew

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Hello Raged Drew

First off, the "I dont have any ammo" part was ME talking (sorry for the misconception). i was the one who said i didn't have any ammo.

My steam name is FinalStart just like my dayz forums name.

i dont understand why people say he was friendly. If you go somewhere to scout out an area you dont sit on a massive building in the middle of svet and stand up to take a shot when someone runs into view.

he backed down from his initial threats of death when he was scared of my sniper on a hill. i was a fresh spawn at the time of him seeing me and standing up so i think it was quite fair now that i think of it. 

he deserved every single bit of that bullet that went through his head.

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