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Why use DayZ as an Ego-Shooter?

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It's just nothing to do after you get weapon and ammo. By then i've probably been running forever and bored so i need the thrill of a firefight. If i happen to conversate with someone then i don't have the heart to kill them. But it's so awkward when they are boring and I just wish i shot them instead :p

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Whilst I agree with almost every point in this thread I seem to be either doing it right or I'm very lucky as 90% of my interactions are friendly. If I interact with some it always ends well, it's only the rare time i get spiped or spook someone where it's ends bad.

Edited by MadTommy

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So basically whenever I try to do anything even remotely Role-Play-ish I get shot immediately. What's the point in that? I try to actively avoid PvP servers, and not even once have I been actually stopped or robbed or even had a conversation of more than 10 sec. All that happens is, you go around, looking for stuff, you're happy with a Mosin or a

Sporter 22, or a pistol, mainly for Zombie Defense and some guy either snipes you, or when you meet, before saying a single word just shoots you for no reason. I had people in big  trouble fighting zombies and before they were all dead (me doing most of the work) he'll just immediately beat you to death and loot your stuff.


I love the game and I would play it more often if people weren't confusing it for any other Ego-Shooter. What am I doing wrong in playing the game as what it is, a survival game with an emphasis on Teamwork and Communication. Why have the Voicecom anyways if nobody uses it except for trolling?

For me at least it's completely unplayable in the way I want to play it.

Find servers, and players, that match your style.  You seem to not have problems running into people, what servers do you play in usually?  Also, role playing by yourself is begging for you to be shot.  If you had a group it would be much better for you.  


Really, it is your expectation that you will successfully be a lone-wolf in a post-apocalyptic event that is doing you in.  Safety in numbers.

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All this PvP and KoS is mainly happening, because the game is so easy, we have hordes of "Call of Duty"-type kids that don't know anything else but shooting, dying, respawning...


Once the game becomes harder and surviving more of a challenge, all the stupid ego shooter kids whos main goal it is to upload videos with titles like "0ver PWN0r killz 4 bandids with rotten applez in DayZ" to Youtube will whine around for a couple weeks and then go back to Call of Duty and Battlefield. THEN we will eventually see some teamwork.... :D

I'm not going to say you're totally wrong here, but there are some incorrect assumptions.

There is no -type kids that are responsible for any type of mentality on the servers. This same type of behavior exists in every mmo game.

I posit that it's the time necessary to gear up which births the satisfaction of taking it all away from someone. This doesn't happen in the games you mention by any comparison. Those games are instant gear and thus, hollow. I go further into this perspective in the thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/208624-dayz-is-a-game-about-theft.

I don't think waiting for the problem to go away after a few weeks is a realistic option.

Edited by Parazight

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Mobile phones! thats what this game needs...who talks to anyone these days ? put phones ingame and you can txt the guy about to kos you then you may get a reply before he does  :P

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I don't think zombie hoardes are really going to fix it.


No matter what...you can just leave. Unless they spawn in a circle around you that's no reason to get friendly, you never really have to take zombies on with the combat system the way that it is it's better to not anyway.



"play how you want" is all well and good but why can't people "play how they would survive"? Nobody normal in a zombie apocalypse would just shoot everyone they see, it might turn in to a fight, sure, people would get greedy but there'd be plenty people looking to team up who probably haven't seen people in weeks.

What's wrong with a little roleplay instead of watering it down in to a deathmatch? "play how you want" makes it sound like there's a diverse list of play styles when there isn't.

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To me, a big part of thinking that I'm "surviving" is being able to build a camp.  Once a person gets geared up, what is there to do other than PVP type stuff?  Once you get geared up, what are your other objectives?  In 'real life', you'd want to build up supplies and work on your security.  Other than tents (which are the first important step of persistence and building a base), there isn't much to do in either respect.

You could just explore, but that's the exact same risk as making runs into towns for anything else and meeting up with people, leading to PVP.

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Blame triple A studios for not thinking up something more creative than "deathmatch" variations for the past god knows how many years. Something new and a bit different comes along and 99% seem to just slip into a default PvP play style.  


Private shards will save dayz imo. Communities will grow...yes there will be bandits, always...but that's a good thing and dayz would be crap without them. But there will be communities that are much more balanced, enough friendly groups to have some good trade and interaction. But enough bandit groups to keep you on your toes :)




in the mod, i would always stick to priv hives for that one reason, no matter what, you always played with the same people. you'd know who's who and it DID create a "world", not just community. it was some of the best gaming i've ever been apart of because you would be so indepth and included in this world that you wanted more and more.

private hives are what make a good idea into a good game.

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Blame triple A studios for not thinking up something more creative than "deathmatch" variations for the past god knows how many years. Something new and a bit different comes along and 99% seem to just slip into a default PvP play style.  


Private shards will save dayz imo. Communities will grow...yes there will be bandits, always...but that's a good thing and dayz would be crap without them. But there will be communities that are much more balanced, enough friendly groups to have some good trade and interaction. But enough bandit groups to keep you on your toes :)

Triple A studios make what will sell and nothing else, you can't just gamble 5 million dollars on a "maybe?"


It has nothing to do with death-match and everything to do with the fact that you are safer in this game as long as you kill everyone you see, you will leverage the dead guy's looting ability on top of yours and you don't have to share anything.


Having friends and mates you can rely upon is a big boost but it only takes one wrong encounter to send you back to the beach, and losing everything.


Most try-hard video-game players out there will furiously defend their loot and sense of achievement. This is one of the reason AAA studios never make this kind of game, it's hard to get it right, and even if you get it right, you have to rely on players.


As for private hives? these will be the final nail in the coffin, once every server is managed by a happy 13 years old admin who will consider for ban anyone who bothers him, his friends, or any of his precious cattle(player) herd, the very concept of pvp will be constrained to servers that truly advertise themselves as mindless death-match. In short, everyone lose.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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no amount of zombies or difficulty will make people work together.

People need to realize that a large chunk of the community does not care about meeting people or roleplaying they just want to kill other players.

You obviously didn't play the famous Dayz Mod patch of doom, where for 3 whole days zombies killed you in 6-7 hits and if they didn't you got an infection, with hardly any antibiotics and food

For those 3 days only 1 of about 30 player encounters was hostile, and he died as I laughed at zombies swarming him in seconds

Geared players and groups died in minutes if they got hit just once as infection was a deatrap and you needed someone else to keep your blood level up

For a few days, the mod was more brutal then you could imagine, then the tears flooded the forums and it was nerfed

So no, you are wrong, a lot of people would change their gameplay style, those that didn't eiether cried on te forums or were stuck on the coast respawning

Maybe you won't, but a lot of people did and would if the game was that hard

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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You obviously didn't play the famous Dayz Mod patch of doom, where for 3 whole days zombies killed you in 6-7 hits and if they didn't you got an infection, with hardly any antibiotics and food

For those 3 days only 1 of about 30 player encounters was hostile, and he died as I laughed at zombies swarming him in seconds

Geared players and groups died in minutes if they got hit just once as infection was a deatrap and you needed someone else to keep your blood level up

For a few days, the mod was more brutal then you could imagine, then the tears flooded the forums and it was nerfed

So no, you are wrong, a lot of people would change their gameplay style, those that didn't eiether cried on te forums or were stuck on the coast respawning

Maybe you won't, but a lot of people did and would if the game was that hard


I did and I remember that patch fondly.


People briefly played nice just for the heck of it. Then once the patch reverted they went back to pvp.


Had that patch stayed they would have reverted to pvp given enough time.

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That's a nice opinion.   You state it so matter-of-factly.


Did I say something wrong?  Yes it is an opinion.  Yes we all have different things we like.  No I do not want to force my enjoyment on anyone.


I want to see a plethora of servers catering to all the different play styles out there so we all win sooner or later.


Can't do that until BI gives admins the right to do so, including the right to police their servers.


Server 1: Survivor Mode.  Low loot, harsh environment, too many zombies, white list to screen out the cheaters.

Server 2: Casual Mode.  Low military loot.  Normal all other loot. Zombie count varied. etc.

Server 3: Hardcore FPS server.  Big military loot.  Defensible positions.  Low or no zed count.  Etc.

Server 4: Hackers and cheaters playground.  No rules, no ban lists, no battle eye, anything goes.  Be the best hackin cheatin KOSer in the universe.


And so on. 

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I know this may make me a bad person, but I get an incredibly hearty and copious


when I introduce a bullet to the bridge of somebody's nose in DayZ who had it coming.


What exactly determines if they have it coming? Their mere existence is enough?

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I was a lot more optimistic about hordes when I first started playing but it seems to have gone very quiet on that score. It used to be the current zombies are just place holders but apart from them respawning immediately the numbers haven't really increased. I'd like thousands more and shufflers rather than these current ones.

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What exactly determines if they have it coming? Their mere existence is enough?


Their existence is not determinant, but it is a prerequisite. 

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"Stupid CoD kiddies who do not play MY accepted play style. Every time I see someone wearing (face obscuring clothing here) I immediately snipe them from 1000m away. The game is PvE not PvP, moronic 12 year olds who should stick with Battle Field. :)"


I understand the need to have Bandits and KOSers around, Chernarus is supposed to be a dangerous place after all. But what really gets my nerve is the above argument. "Non-KOSers try to enforce their way, why don't they just adapt."


Let's face it - however this game should be played in your opinion, it's the KOSers who got their way. KOSing renders it really hard/borderline impossible for other players to play the way they want. Even players with good intentions and would-be Heroes get dismayed sooner or later and just start to KOS themselves. I don't complain this much, I met great people in Dayz, but I see somebody grumbling about it here every week. The KOSers already won, guys - way more than half encounters end in a non-roleplayed, unreasonable, untimely death (and stop pretending this is realistic; no, you wouldn't actually be a KOSer in a post-apocalypse Earth; you need a society/community to survive, you just blissfully don't realize it now, my dear Mad-Max-wannabe). And choosing 'friendly' servers hardly helps, I was KOSed several times there. So basically by KOSing you force initially nice players to behave like paranoid maniacs, and then you blame people like the OP for not complying with your way. Whenever I see this, I think about rich, powerful, white, straight men whining how they're actually the oppressed minority.


But don't worry, mate. KOSing is here to stay and if the OP wanted a different game experience, well tough luck I guess.

Edited by Kirov

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