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Lovely People out there...

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is this really any different than any other online game you've played? i've gotten random death threats playing an online bus transit system simulator before.

Well, it seems to be taking down peoples common sense. What with 'prank calls' to the police departments about hostage situations and murders, if you didnt hear about the kid that just got 25 years in jail for that shit.

People are thinking they are more anonymous then they are. They are also crossing some very well established lines with no grasp of the consequences.



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From a skinny ass, 17 years old kid who probably still lives and will live till the next 20 years with his parents, in a basement? It is.

See my post above this.

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Please Bohemia, do something against these people.


Come on man, as much as I understand your frustration with those a**holes, don't call for any kind of censure!

It could end with direct chat being turned off, which would hurt the gameplay a lot!


Or are you aware of any kind of "filter" that could be used for voice chat? Personaly I don't, so I'd advise to just continue playing as it is.

There are always jerks in any community, it is plain fact.

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Q.Q I crai when people insult me in game. Normally it calls for several weeks of intensive therapy to help me get over the trauma.

I... I do not want to talk about it anymore.

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I feel for you when it comes to being forced to kill the people you were trying to help. However, I guess nothing can be done about the a-hole behaviour in question directly. The only thing we can hope for is for the game to develop in directions which will drive certain types of players away. I think the body temperature is one small step closer - try camping the NWAF in a heavy rainstorm now, smartass. When people will need stuff like antibiotics and water purification tablets, when zeds will become a serious issue, then hopefully we'll get some more interesting forms of interaction. Until then, keep your distance when helping freshies and don't hesitate to draw out your gun if you feel something is off about them.

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is this really any different than any other online game you've played? i've gotten random death threats playing an online bus transit system simulator before.

really I got a chuckle out of that was it because the bus was late. in real life I hear people threaten the bus driver when its late so I guess the simulator is pretty realistic.

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Ok, so today I contradict my self.  I am in Balota, in the jail closest to the tower.  I ran in solo in search of an 101 mag which is near impossible to find since .49, but anyway I run in closing all the doors behind me as I search all the way to the top corner room.  I close that door, loot the room of nothing, and kneel facing the door ready to blow someone away as I mess with my backpack.  One minute goes by, then I hear the front door to the place open.  Footsteps... Jail door opens... Footsteps...


I decide a warning is in order.

"You will want to choose a different building my friend or this will end poorly."

He replies, in thick accent: "I am Russian.  Friendly."



I repeat my warning adding I died because of friendly before so please leave or we both get hurt.

He replies: "I am Russian.  I am friendly."



Truth or consequences time.  Dude opens the door, no weapon in hand but kitted out like me with camos, backpack, axe, sks...  I am aimed on his legs.  I say hands up and he raises one hand.    Funny guy...  I am slowly tightening down on the left mouse button. 


He says: Open these please.  Throws down a few cans of beans, peaches...  Turns his back and starts looking for loot under the beds.  Yes, he went prone!  Now this is where it is funny for me because he just said it so nicely, then just gives me his back... I could have killed him with a loaf of bread at this point.  So of course I open the cans.  Then I offer him my can opener.  Did I just offer him my can opener?  XD  Who is more funny at this point?  So he gets back up, and starts eating.  At this point I need to live to tell this tale with a happy ending, so I run out while he is stuck in the eating cinematics.  I hear him stop and run after me, but he heads in a different direction. 


Strange encounter, and I guess I don't KOS even in military bases yet.  But those that do simply pile another body on their kill count.  Me, I get a funny story, a weird story.  I like that.

Wow, sounds like you got very lucky... he had an axe and asks you to open cans = shooting him several times.  I am russian, friendly = shooting him several times(on principle alone there, ivan= dead). Instead of putting his hands up you got? middle finger or 1 hand wave/salute ? = shooting him several times.  Non compliance in general = shooting him several times.


So hard to trust anyone in this game after being raped several times.


To the op, death threats are a compliment(he might have been roleplaying haha), taking out spaz attack teens that forget to take thier meds for weeks on end is very satisfying.

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really I got a chuckle out of that was it because the bus was late. in real life I hear people threaten the bus driver when its late so I guess the simulator is pretty realistic.


i built a bus exchange in front of a big mall, and I guess the guy i was playing with was halfway done a route that was supposed to carry those passengers. that is for real why he said he'd kill me  :lol:


nice avatar btw, cowboy

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Wow, sounds like you got very lucky... he had an axe and asks you to open cans = shooting him several times.  I am russian, friendly = shooting him several times(on principle alone there, ivan= dead). Instead of putting his hands up you got? middle finger or 1 hand wave/salute ? = shooting him several times.  Non compliance in general = shooting him several times.


So hard to trust anyone in this game after being raped several times.


To the op, death threats are a compliment(he might have been roleplaying haha), taking out spaz attack teens that forget to take thier meds for weeks on end is very satisfying.

Damn dude, you sound like a dick.


Some guy spawned in a barracks I was in earlier this morning. He said "Don't shoot" and I didn't (he had an AK101 in his hands and I had an SKS in mine with an AK101 on my back). We became friends, exchanged Steam Id and ran around killing cows.


Russians are cool in my book, the fucking cold war is over Captain Miller.


Peace out bitches!

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Damn dude, you sound like a dick.


Some guy spawned in a barracks I was in earlier this morning. He said "Don't shoot" and I didn't (he had an AK101 in his hands and I had an SKS in mine with an AK101 on my back). We became friends, exchanged Steam Id and ran around killing cows.


Russians are cool in my book, the fucking cold war is over Captain Miller.


Peace out bitches!


Agreed... but THESE people the op is talking about made me this way... i would like nothing more than to be able to run up to every person i see and have a conversation or help them but that is pure fantasy in this game as is... so i adapated...  You never know what that person is thinking/gonna do - iv died 12+ times - all by crazy people like op encountered: most recently - i respawn, get some stuff inc axe / backpack / food, still in noobville where i spawned and see another person, all he seems to have is an axe, so we talk - i give him some food /bandages, say cheers and go on our merry ways... so i thought, as im running out of town, what i thought was opposite direction from him, i get attacked by zombie - bleeding, go in house - shut door and start to bandage, door opens - its the guy i just helped - as my bandage just about completes he walks up and axes me in the head....


Wait ?! What !? the cold war is  over ? I'v been down in my bunker since 1974, havent seen the sun in 40yrs...

Edited by Cptn_Miller

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Agreed... but THESE people the op is talking about made me this way... i would like nothing more than to be able to run up to every person i see and have a conversation or help them but that is pure fantasy in this game as is... so i adapated...  You never know what that person is thinking/gonna do - iv died 12+ times - all by crazy people like op encountered: most recently - i respawn, get some stuff inc axe / backpack / food, still in noobville where i spawned and see another person, all he seems to have is an axe, so we talk - i give him some food /bandages, say cheers and go on our merry ways... so i thought, as im running out of town, what i thought was opposite direction from him, i get attacked by zombie - bleeding, go in house - shut door and start to bandage, door opens - its the guy i just helped - as my bandage just about completes he walks up and axes me in the head....


Wait ?! What !? the cold war is  over ? I'v been down in my bunker since 1974, havent seen the sun in 40yrs...


I know how you feel. You just have to feel out each situation and respond appropriately. Let's face it, the guy that spawned in the barracks might have shot me if he had had more then just one cartridge in the pipe (no mag!). I decided not to shoot him because I like to see how people react. But overall, yeah, I shoot the fuckers too!


I don't get the assholes who you help then come and try to kill you. That's just some seriously bad manners. You and I are probably closer in age (I went through the cold war too) and expect a certain degree of mutual respect from people. These kids today (yeah, I'm getting old) are just fucked up.

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I know how you feel. You just have to feel out each situation and respond appropriately. Let's face it, the guy that spawned in the barracks might have shot me if he had had more then just one cartridge in the pipe (no mag!). I decided not to shoot him because I like to see how people react. But overall, yeah, I shoot the fuckers too!


I don't get the assholes who you help then come and try to kill you. That's just some seriously bad manners. You and I are probably closer in age (I went through the cold war too) and expect a certain degree of mutual respect from people. These kids today (yeah, I'm getting old) are just fucked up.

My thoughts exactly ... especially your last sentance haha... maybe one day there will be a co-op type server where we can weed these undesirables out, have some fun with others - gear up, and then take that same character to a pvp server to engage them. 


I never played the mod and know this is alpha, but the one difference i see in this game and some of the other zombie survival games is the amount / type of zombies.  Some of those other games have tons of walking dead type zombies, unlike dayz where we have just a few 28days later type zombies - maybe the tons/walking dead scenario would require more help from other real people... dunno..

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Reminds me of the time my 3 buddies and I got ambushed at the Balota airfield. We wound up killing on of our own on accident before getting the bad guys. After that the two of us that survived held up in a hanger. Next thing I know a bambie walks in, no weapons, absolutely nothing. I just stare at her for like 3 seconds and she stares back, and then I shot her in the face, not sure why, but it just happened. I felt kinda bad. Its that post battle adrenaline.

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Reminds me of the time my 3 buddies and I got ambushed at the Balota airfield. We wound up killing on of our own on accident before getting the bad guys. After that the two of us that survived held up in a hanger. Next thing I know a bambie walks in, no weapons, absolutely nothing. I just stare at her for like 3 seconds and she stares back, and then I shot her in the face, not sure why, but it just happened. I felt kinda bad. Its that post battle adrenaline.

Potentially one of the people you just killed coming back to see if any of his stuff was still there, safe bet = shoot in face.

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Potentially one of the people you just killed coming back to see if any of his stuff was still there, safe bet = shoot in face.

I would have thought so too if it hadn't happened right after the fight. There is no way they could have respawned and ran all the way back in that short amount of time.

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Almost anyone I've met and teamed up with was either an older mature player or someone who wasn't very well geared, which I ditched as soon as I helped them find a weapon.  Almost everyone who pretends to be friendly was generally younger in my experience and would attack the second you turned away from them.

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I just saw a guy a few minutes ago, running away from me of course. I sad to him "Hey man! We can work it out! Stop! I won't kill you!"


Any-who, when he stopped I shot him in the face a few times for laughs. :)


He apparently didn't have a mic. If he would have said something to me he would have most likely lived through the experience. I just felt like killing at the moment. Shit happens right?


Most of the time I talk and then roll out to find my buddies on the server.

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