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Status Report - Week of 08 Sept 14

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i have an issue with the creation of new towns. most of the map is already farmland, and you can see for miles in all directions, and you can run in almost any direction and hit another town within 5 minutes. i did not play the mod, so i can not claim to "miss the forests" but the massive increase in the number of towns and villages across the map is simply annoying, and i miss the early days of the standalone when on had to run for a decent while to find another town.


i know it has been on the forums a while, but i think it is time that the town design team moved onto another task, anything, but chewing up the ever decreasing wilds of chernarus.

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i have an issue with the creation of new towns. most of the map is already farmland, and you can see for miles in all directions, and you can run in almost any direction and hit another town within 5 minutes. i did not play the mod, so i can not claim to "miss the forests" but the massive increase in the number of towns and villages across the map is simply annoying, and i miss the early days of the standalone when on had to run for a decent while to find another town.


i know it has been on the forums a while, but i think it is time that the town design team moved onto another task, anything, but chewing up the ever decreasing wilds of chernarus.


That was also my point on the first page of this thread ... i totally understand what you mean, a big giant nature-woodland-farmland thing is missing... some places not so close to any town, just like the north used to be, mybe just with some lonely farmhouses or hunting huts ... would be great to see in the future

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Looks good to me, especially pleased that there are going to be interchangeable vehicle parts, this lends to the notion that vehicles wont be just "Oh I found a truck, a pristine, working truck in the middle of the apocalyptic wasteland, guess I'll hop in and go on a rampage!" Cause that would be silly and unrealistic.

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I'm a bit late, but great job devs.


Y'all are awesome!  :lol:

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Honestly the only thing holding an increase in player count back is server side performance. (Think tick rate for the simulation) I'd personally like to see us focus on 0.50 hitting server side optimization, but this will need to be discussed with the leads, and more specifically Mirek and Fido from the programming team.


So with that being said, after the North is developed a bit and after the updates roll out and stabilize servers...what's the ideal player count that you want to hit for Beta or release?

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I'd like to see at least 60 players, but if 80 could be accommodated that would be fantastic.

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So, any ETA on when this badboy goes stable ? )


Should have another status report today so it should ( I hope ) have a estimate on stable.

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Should have another status report today so it should ( I hope ) have a estimate on stable.

you are 2 days to early

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i have an issue with the creation of new towns. most of the map is already farmland, and you can see for miles in all directions, and you can run in almost any direction and hit another town within 5 minutes. i did not play the mod, so i can not claim to "miss the forests" but the massive increase in the number of towns and villages across the map is simply annoying, and i miss the early days of the standalone when on had to run for a decent while to find another town.


i know it has been on the forums a while, but i think it is time that the town design team moved onto another task, anything, but chewing up the ever decreasing wilds of chernarus.







more towns = better. There will still be plenty of woodlands. I played the mod for over a year.. Trust me, you will eventually be glad there are a lot of towns... especially if server populations go up.

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Here's to hoping that this beast goes stable tonight after maintenance ! Luckily maintenance for me happens at 12 am tonight , hopefully if it is pushed to stable they will update and do maintenance before I go to bed at like 3 am :) !

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I've made a habit of just getting myself murdered every tuesday night for the last couple weeks in the hopes stable gets updated after I go to sleep... so heres hoping tonight IS a good night to die!

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Honestly the only thing holding an increase in player count back is server side performance. (Think tick rate for the simulation) I'd personally like to see us focus on 0.50 hitting server side optimization, but this will need to be discussed with the leads, and more specifically Mirek and Fido from the programming team.

Two words. More Zombies.

Or Dayz is just a running simulation

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Two words. More Zombies.

Or Dayz is just a running simulation


I'm with you man, but I'd rather have them solidly built before they implement hordes or a lot more zombies in general. 

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