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Hello, if my friend got global ban and if he will buy new copy of this game can he will be unbanned? Old copy of game (banned copy) will be removed by Steam support. Can this be done? Thanks in advance for replies. Bye :)

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He is aware of this. I will be grateful if someone answer me to question that I asked.

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Ask battleye. Think of the game like mcdonalds. Mcdonalds makes hamburgers and if you want it made a different way you say "no pickles" er whatever. But if you want the beef they use to be read Christmas carols while they sleep you need to talk to the rancher. This place has sweet fuggal to do with battleye bans etc. We're it I, I would make a new steam account and rebuy the game.

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Thanks for reply. Battleye still ignores him and he doesn't want a new Steam account (and multiple accounts are not allowed). :/

Any team member who can answer me?

Edited by Zedgar

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"He" has to make a new steam account.


But I would suggest "him" to just forget there was ever a game called DayZ. 

Cowardly hackers like your "friend" are not welcome,

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I suppose if he were to create completely new Steam account, he could purchase new copy and play it?

Anyway I guess we all know that you are infact "your friend" and should feel ashamed for cheating and ruining other people's fun! 


edit: darn, dude above was faster

Edited by Hombre
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Pff, "he" is he, not me, BTW. 

He just doesn't speak English. He has 80 games on his steam account. So he doesn't want new account (and it's not allowed)

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Hello, if my friend got global ban and if he will buy new copy of this game can he will be unbanned? Old copy of game (banned copy) will be removed by Steam support. Can this be done? Thanks in advance for replies. Bye :)


Of course. First buy (I mean your friend) new copy, then ask the Steam support to remove the old - banned one and you can play again. Explain why, they are really very helpful - you're customer, you pay their wages. It's also good to have some copies of other BI games on your account like Arma II and III, because my personal experience says, the more BI games you have, the less probability they will ban you (I mean your friend), because who will they ban? A bloke with just one copy of Dayz SA or a good customer with all their products? Be more careful, when using hacks, everybody does that, but probably unlike you - they had more copies of other BI games, so you were the unlucky one. Go buy them and you're quite safe.

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Well, he could have a "special" dayz account I suppose... in any case I don't think anyone on these forums really wants to help a player who has gotten banned from DayZ, we presume for ""hacking""... 


EDIT: of course I could be wrong... ^ *cringe* :( .

Edited by Hoik

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 (and it's not allowed)

Well I'm damn sure "he" is not allowed to hack either but looks like he didn't give so many shits about that rule now did he

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@Tupoun: Ok, thanks for useful reply and again: my friend is my friend not me! :(


EDIT: He just asked me if I could write here.

Edited by Zedgar

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Be more careful, when using hacks, everybody does that, but probably unlike you - they had more copies of other BI games, so you were the unlucky one. Go buy them and you're quite safe.


WTF I never have nor ever will hack, so where do you get off saying everybody does that?


There is nothing worse than low, base, pathetic little punk bitches that use hacks. As far as I'm concerned they're pussies that need to learn how to play the game honestly and fairly, taking their knocks like everyone else or piss off.


If your friend got banned for hacking then good riddance they should ban him from steam too.

Edited by Legio23
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If your friend(or you just saying it was your friend) is a hacker and got banned he can go fuck himself. Don't want banned? Don't hack, i'm sick and tired of people coming on the forums ner ner nering about how they got banned "for no reason" when they were just hacking. Hackers ruin this game and they are the most pathetic kind of "players" if you even can call them that. I hope your friend or whatever gets banned on his other account.

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He has 80 games on his steam account. So he doesn't want new account (and it's not allowed)

Should have thought about this before. And since when do hackers care about things not being allowed? New account, new copy and if you keep cheating you will keep getting banned. You money is finite.


Alternatively let him play on your account. ;)

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I have multiple steam accounts. So what. It is not "illegal" any more than having multiple pseudonyms on the internet. If you got banned, create another steam account and buy the game again. You or your friend learned their lesson, I guess. Hacking is fun for a day or two, but constantly playing with hacks is like jerking off to the same picture of nude Jennifer Lawrence all the time. It gets boring. Furthermore you have to be dumb to pay monthly subscription for a hack. It is like paying for porn. Only idiots do that.

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Tell your friend we dont want him playing dayz anymore.

And how long before op makes a thread about a "friendly" hacker that helped him out but killed everyone else

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The support in this thread sends quivers of love down my spine. Why can't people just help, instead of being presumptuous. 



OP - Steam can possibly remove the game, but I'm not too sure on that. His best bet would be to make sure that any and all possible, and probably malicious files are removed from his computer before continuing at all. If he really doesn't want another account, he should contact steam support, and see if they can safely remove the game from his account. If not, then his only real option is to create a new steam account, and repurchase/install the game there.


Again, I stress that he removes all possible script related files, and to erase his game folder in steamapps. If he doesn't do this properly, then it's very possible that BE will pickup on the traces of scripts on his new copy of said game, and ban him there, then he's really SOL.

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The support in this thread sends quivers of love down my spine. Why can't people just help, instead of being presumptuous. 



OP - Steam can possibly remove the game, but I'm not too sure on that. His best bet would be to make sure that any and all possible, and probably malicious files are removed from his computer before continuing at all. If he really doesn't want another account, he should contact steam support, and see if they can safely remove the game from his account. If not, then his only real option is to create a new steam account, and repurchase/install the game there.


Again, I stress that he removes all possible script related files, and to erase his game folder in steamapps. If he doesn't do this properly, then it's very possible that BE will pickup on the traces of scripts on his new copy of said game, and ban him there, then he's really SOL.

Are you fricking kidding me Statik. This ain't some poor sclub that experienced a bug. He's a hacker that has ruined the gaming experience of many. He has the nerve of coming here looking for support? It's a small punishment but let him find the answers on his own. Why don't I help a burglar by giving him my house key. (Exaggeration for effect)

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Are you fricking kidding me Statik. This ain't some poor sclub that experienced a bug. He's a hacker that has ruined the gaming experience of many. He has the nerve of coming here looking for support? It's a small punishment but let him find the answers on his own. Why don't I help a burglar by giving him my house key. (Exaggeration for effect)

So why don't you just be a bigger person and help him? All this information is at his disposal anyway, we're not giving him some hidden secret. He wants to hack, he's going to get banned, he's experienced it, he knows it. If his friend was so adamant about hacking, he would just buy a cheap stolen key, or whip up a new steam account with A2 and/or SA. 


I know and have/still play with people who have hacked in the past, and I frankly don't give a shit anymore. They learned their lesson and stopped, so who am I to judge. If buddy wants to go through all this to get another copy of the game on his same steam account and he wants to hack again, all the power too him, he knows what's going to happen in the end.


Simply giving him the benefit of the doubt, and helping him through some miniscule issues (i.e. putting the game on his current account) isn't somehow magically enabling him to hack. If he wants to hack, he's going to, it's as simple as that.

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So why don't you just be a bigger person and help him? All this information is at his disposal anyway, we're not giving him some hidden secret. He wants to hack, he's going to get banned, he's experienced it, he knows it. If his friend was so adamant about hacking, he would just buy a cheap stolen key, or whip up a new steam account with A2 and/or SA. 


I know and have/still play with people who have hacked in the past, and I frankly don't give a shit anymore. They learned their lesson and stopped, so who am I to judge. If buddy wants to go through all this to get another copy of the game on his same steam account and he wants to hack again, all the power too him, he knows what's going to happen in the end.


Simply giving him the benefit of the doubt, and helping him through some miniscule issues (i.e. putting the game on his current account) isn't somehow magically enabling him to hack. If he wants to hack, he's going to, it's as simple as that.

You act like we're crucifying him for crying out loud. He's getting his stones crushed a little. OMG, the horror.


Let him go to the website he bought the hack from and ask them.

Edited by RAM-bo4250
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Pff, "he" is he, not me, BTW. 

He just doesn't speak English. He has 80 games on his steam account. So he doesn't want new account (and it's not allowed)

He is an idiot for cheating and now must suffer.  Hopefully he never plays this game again and you which I am sure cheat also will leave this community and never look back.  After all birds of a feather.......Hopefully you understand english enough to know the saying.

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