SNPxASSASSIN 6 Posted September 5, 2014 (edited) I realize many of you came here to claim im making excuses, and I get that hackers do this often, but False-Positives do exist in any detection system (Antivirus, Antihack, etc.) so please keep this in mind when you read. So, I had been playing for a while now but I had just died from a sniper, I said eh and moved on gathered some gear and things and was making my way toward churno, this hacker kept teleporting to me and pretend crying, you know, just trying to be creepy, I laughed and I moved on. 15 minutes later he's back at the end of the hallway sitting down and crying and I walk up to him, sure enough he kills me. I decided to take a break from DayZ for a while and when I got back on I spawned in a server, Hacker free and with very few people as I was trying to get some stuff, so as I was headed to balota airfield my screen goes black and it says I had been banned (ban number is #c0b5eb) and I was very calm about it and decided to look up some information and I had indeed found some, I have told the exact same story via e-mail to the BattleEye support email. Heres what I know so far:- Your account cannot be hacked- A hacker cannot ban you- False-Positives are semi-common- BattleEye has indeed blacklisted some programs- My computer has not and cannot be accessed by anyone else (And BattleEye deems you responsible for your security info)- I emailed [email protected] (Is this the correct E-Mail or even the correct way to contact them about my Un-Ban request?) Heres what I don't know but I need to:- How long is the NON automated response of BattleEye (So I know when to expect an E-Mail from actual support)- Are bans appealable in SA Version or just Mod version?- Where I can find the list of programs BlackListed by BattleEye (So I can explain that it was a program that caused this mess if that's even the case)- What could have BattleEye possibly detected to deem me as a hacker Even if I don't get unbanned I would like all these questions to be answered so anyone who encounters the same problem in the future has something to reference, anyways thanks to anyone who helps i'll check this often and remember, if your here to spam saying i am a hacker and that i'm making excuses than don't post, simple as that. Edited September 5, 2014 by SNPxASSASSIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NuckFuts 265 Posted September 5, 2014 This is the Internet, chances are if you say to people dont do it.. they probably will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elle 562 Posted September 5, 2014 I just gotta be honest.... it's highly unlikely that anyone here will believe that you are not a cheater and having said that you should probably get your answers from BattleEye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNPxASSASSIN 6 Posted September 5, 2014 I have attempted to do that and I understand that some people may not believe I was trying to legitimately play the game, however, I have tried to contact BattleEye via E-Mail as I said in the post, that was one of my main questions was if this was the way to go about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quantum2k6 348 Posted September 5, 2014 funny how often google find your name with hacking sites... :facepalm: looks like this time it didnt work... :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chepaco3290 59 Posted September 5, 2014 - Where I can find the list of programs BlackListed by BattleEye (So I can explain that it was a program that caused this mess if that's even the case) There it is, my friend. I've played PC games all my life and have never worried about being banned for using a "program" that is detected by anti-cheat detection. I don't even know what kind of a program would even do this. The fact that this worries you as the possible culprit probably means you're dabbling in hacking anyways, or "straddling the fence" so to speak. Sounds like you probably were banned for a legitimate reason that you just didn't know was legitimate. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rott (DayZ) 218 Posted September 5, 2014 Not one F**k given... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNPxASSASSIN 6 Posted September 5, 2014 (edited) funny how often google find your name with hacking sites... :facepalm: looks like this time it didnt work... :lol: Googled my name, got my Youtube where I made 1 modding video for a game I hate and NetLeaks account link for a Garry's Mod server i'm coding. Lots of "Hacking" sites? Yes I admit I can code ooohhh big deal, I like tinkering with things and learning new skills I don't like breaking games and ruining the experiences of others, here's the link to an admin app I posted on a very popular gmod server if you don't beleive me. Don't I just seem like a terrible person? And no, by programs I mean there are things like gameboosters that are known to cause problems like this,and I have seen mention of a Blacklist of programs such as .dll injectors (I swear if someone comments "He knows what a .dll injector is he's obviously a game breaking troll of a hacker he deserves to be banned" i'll lose all faith in humanity. But yea extra Game overlays (such as TeamSpeaks overlay) and game boosters (close down unecessary windows processes to get more performance out of your PC. OHOHOH I just thought of something a couple days ago I went into the Config.dll and edited some settings to get a better framerate (It went from low settings with 30fps to med settings with 45 so it was a really good boost) But could that have set something off? My friends have done it and they havent been banned and it's all over youtube just google "DayZ SA FPS Boost tutorial" Edited September 5, 2014 by SNPxASSASSIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted September 5, 2014 Whether or not you were banned falsely or legitimately, there is nothing anyone here can help you with. The only people that can/will help you are located Here. If they want to answer your questions they will, but I highly doubt they will give the whens, whys and hows people are banned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNPxASSASSIN 6 Posted September 5, 2014 I've read the site before... that's how I found their E-Mail and that's how I contacted them. I realize they are the only ones who can unban me but i'm just doing some extra reseach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HIHBGaming 14 Posted September 5, 2014 I've read the site before... that's how I found their E-Mail and that's how I contacted them. I realize they are the only ones who can unban me but i'm just doing some extra reseach. They are the only ones who can help you with any questions you have, not just unban you. The questions you ask can only be answered by BE but I can almost guarantee they will not give you the whens, whys and hows of banning. If you would have done a search in these forums on BE banning you would see that anyone who has come here has been told the same thing. You cannot and most likely won't be helped here, those are just the facts. Good luck on your endeavour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kakysas666 191 Posted September 5, 2014 OP, can you write me a few hax? PM pls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted September 6, 2014 Only BE are in a position to answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites