Zombie Milkman 167 Posted August 31, 2014 Ive been playing this game for 6 weeks now. In that time I never just outright killed someone - just luck of the draw until Friday. I do the sneaky crouch shuffle that sounds like a 747 landing at Balota and do my Crazy Ivan (sudden back turn from movie Hunt for Red Oct.) For once I catch a guy trying to do me in with an axe. Here's the funny part - I am holding an fully loaded shotgun which at that distance would put him down. One shot - I hit him. He turns with blood gushing, still holding the axe above his head, and tries to run away. I shoot again but my hand twitches from 1 too many fps on the gravis and I miss. So, I stop for a second and think (this is not a good idea). Do I reload? Do I take out my axe? Hah, my fair play button gets pushed so I take out my axe. By now the guy realizes I am not going to shoot him, he turns, and rushes me - axe still high in the air. We do the circle of death which as I go out of my way to kill zombies in the least amount of time with one blow I have some practice with now, and eventually chop him down. My first kill. And he was a bandit scumdog, so I can feel good about it. I even was fair in the end, though I resolved not to do THAT again. Why did he try to do what he did with the odds against him? I dunno, but I had helmet, full military clothes... he had to know I was going to get the chance to blow his face off at close range with a shotgun... Crazy person #1 right there. But then, 24 hours later, after weeks of being abused by rubber banding scumdogs with fully automatic Gauss rifles, I encounter a guy on the stairs in the admin tower in Novo. I was loud, running down the stairs, but with my ak101 and 4 full clips of ammo I didn't give a fig. Go ahead, surprise me, I turn you into swiss cheese (or not). So here comes crazy #2, holding an axe above his head, in PAINFULLY slow motion as he tip toes up the stairs at me... wtf? I had time to be confused. Unfortunately my talk key was 100' across the keyboard but my hold breath button was under my thumb on the Gravis... so I hit him with 1/4 of the 30 round mag. He kept coming, like a slug on meth. I unload most of the mag on him. Nothing, he keeps coming. wtf? I unload the rest as he is almost at the top of the stairs thinking I have a cheater or someone lagging at 200+ on the server... he finally goes down. In his backpack is 1 beer, and I feel shame. Son of a $#@#! 2 Crazies in 2 days. None in 6 weeks. So I ask, is this some sort of holiday for nutters? You have to be to rush a guy with a fully loaded killing machine and lots of armor when all you have is an axe. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Neville 59 Posted August 31, 2014 During the weekend there is more people playing so the odds of finding weirdos is higher. And there's always someone willing to attack you just for the sake of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ld-airgrafix 403 Posted September 1, 2014 I have seen fresh spawn with only fists attack a fully armed player. It has nothing to do with crazy. Its just a kid who doesnt really want to look for a fire weapon so its a chance they can get armed right away plus brag to their friends, or simply respawn somewhere else Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted September 1, 2014 Death match mentality NOTHING TO LOOSE so why not try . To be honest id say freshspawns and poorly geared people are almost as dangerous as completely geared out players (1 is nervous with so much to lose so shoot and one has nothing to lose so why not.) Surprised its taken you that long to see something i would say sadly is typical Dayz behaviour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harteman 155 Posted September 1, 2014 Game would be a failure if everyone were friendly. Count your blessings that you get some action and come out on top. P.S. If I see you as a bambi and you don't see me, I will sneak attack you every time. Know what feels really good? Knocking a fully geared player out, taking his weapon, and running away with it like it was stolen, because it was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted September 1, 2014 Haha. I think *somebody* just got a taste for blood. ;) Good post dood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
umberfive 89 Posted September 1, 2014 Well, on the weekend there are all those people like me, who do not have other time due to work. And if work has been awful, we will be weird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoq2 221 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) On numerous occasions some random freshspawns tried to punch me to death while running circles around me - I have yet to see something more ridiculous in this game. It's partly due to broken mechanics at this stage of development: They can knock you out with a punch to a kevlar helmet and run in circles around you at high speed indefinitely, both of which outweigh the the risk, since they don't have anything to loose. If the game is to maintain any sense of reality during such impossibly stupid encounters the chances of "winning" by the unarmed derp should be equal to 0. You just cannot leave it to player's sense of immersion and expect him not to exploit faulty mechanics. My advice - remove the damn knockout-with-fists ability. It takes a lot of strength to render someone unconscious with a punch without proper boxing skill or huge raw strength; lower the turning angle/speed when sprinting. Try making a 90* turn IRL while in full sprint and see how that goes (don't do that at home; wear old/cheap clothes). Edited September 1, 2014 by retro19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) I know your ruse, Ramsay Snow. You've got a good man's bits to prove for your deceit!That said, most people don't let me get close enough to trick them, but i did like the snail on crack metaphor. Also lul @ extremely difficult to knock people out with hits from fist. Man i'm no Mike Tyson but I know how easy it is to kill or knock people out cold from a solid punch to the jaw or a king hit (no i don't slam people, just saying lul). Lasting more than 30seconds in a heated confrontation is harder than knocking someone cold. All you gotta do is get them to the floor then stomp ala UFC. I avoid freshies like the plague, because they're either going to get after your kit, or they're a decoy/spotter for the guy with his shotgun up your ass. IF they get close i off them. Edited September 1, 2014 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoq2 221 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) I know your ruse, Ramsay Snow. You've got a good man's bits to prove for your deceit!That said, most people don't let me get close enough to trick them, but i did like the snail on crack metaphor. Also lul @ extremely difficult to knock people out with hits from fist. Man i'm no Mike Tyson but I know how easy it is to kill or knock people out cold from a solid punch to the jaw or a king hit (no i don't slam people, just saying lul). Lasting more than 30seconds in a heated confrontation is harder than knocking someone cold. All you gotta do is get them to the floor then stomp ala UFC. I avoid freshies like the plague, because they're either going to get after your kit, or they're a decoy/spotter for the guy with his shotgun up your ass. IF they get close i off them. I'm not saying it's impossible. All I was trying to say that game mechanics make it a possibility to knock out someone with 3 punches every, single, time. Even if the punches are to the back of the head when said person is wearing a kevlar helmet. Now I'm sure you can see the absurdity of the situation I mentioned in my previous post, should it occur in reality. Please don't "lul @" what I've described just because it differs from your RL experience - I'm sure that in your case whomever you were punching didn't have a gun, nor military equipment. Surely the world wouldn't be what it is today if everyone could Flash-sprint circles around armed people and knock them out cold with 3 punches every time they felt like doing so. I mean, it should take literally no effort at all to take down such a dumb ass player by someone who had spent just 1h in the game. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to convey here. Edited September 1, 2014 by retro19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
q.S Sachiel 470 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) yeah ok but plenty of times ive clubbed someone to death ingame while in tight spaces and such, but ive never really been killed by punches while with an ak. bolt actions maybe even semis thats a very possible situation imo, but yea ive still had some what the moments while in melee, like a girl that wouldnt take hits with a bat while she cut me up with a scythe.in my experience knockout with 3 punches is pretty rare. They knock down, but not out. I've taken plenty of shotguns from poor players (well probably a handful of times) who failed to connect in the first 1-2 and then i took it from them to use it on them. They got up in my experience and then i put them down, but knocking out, maybe you're really low on water/food?You didn't specify what gear you had on you, now i read over it, so if you had anything less than an automatic i'd be inclined to say that hand-to-hand is a legitimate tactic and not particularly difficult to see beating you or me, without being there and watching it or experiencing it. And to re-emphasize i don't knock people out, nor brawl, but i've seen enough concussions or otherwise, though sometimes people just don't get up because they expect the other person to let off.I'll definitely admit though that it feels somewhat annoying or imbalanced at times, but this shouldn't really be a problem unless they catch you offguard or in a tight space. If you see freshies making tracks for you in the fields/streets just show them the door. keep moving if you can, because in previous versions it was quite difficult to hit players at all, less so were they moving about, or running away from you. Edited September 1, 2014 by q.S Sachiel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rags! 1966 Posted September 1, 2014 Crazy Person? I prefer the term Adventurous Risk Taker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khanarac 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Where was the crazy part? No one yelled something insane or did something unusual. Also please note that NO ONE cares if you are a virgin at killing. NO ONE. You don't need a damn justification to kill someone. It's common place and the only thing you can actually do in this game right now that is entertaining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irishroy 1347 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) I have nothing serious to say, but I'll say it anyway :DA quote from Skulduggery Pleasant: "Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed." Edited September 1, 2014 by irishroy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Milkman 167 Posted September 1, 2014 Haha. I think *somebody* just got a taste for blood. ;) Good post dood.That's a bingo!But to be fair a bambi with a backpack and no weapons ran past me with a zombie on his tail and I almost took him out... But I did the zombie instead. And I took damage. Yes, slowly but surely my nice level is being replaced by cold steely resolve to shoot first and let the spawn point sort them out.Dark side, I hear your voice calling me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites