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Can I somehow shoot myself?!?

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Hi All,


So I am confuzzled a little. I was bumming around Stary Sobor and a crawly zombie came through a door towards me. I had my Mosin loaded, out and ready so although the zombie got right up in my face I aimed up and pressed fire - and was instantly greeted with a "You Are Dead." black screen and text. Any ideas what might have happened, did I somehow shoot myself?!?! I dont think the zombie had swung at me, in any case I was energized, healthy and hydrated all light (good) green.


Anyone? Was quite disappointed. Thanks!

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That I'm aware of, Zeds cannot kill in a single hit. So, one of the following is likely:

  1. A glitch death. Either the game's perception of gravity was off (happens around steep stairs) or something went awry. There are several known bugs that can cause this. Were you on the 1st floor or?
  2. A known Zed bug where there are invisible Zeds and other things going on.
  3. Possible but maybe unlikely - you thought you were alone but you really weren't, the second you stopped to confront the Zed someone outside who had been stalking you saw you steady and aim through a window and head shot you.

Your best bet is to log it in the Bug Tracker, because it seems rather impossible (but obviously happened). You likely did nothing wrong and the Devs may have something helpful additional to look into. Give all the information you have, and if possible, try to put yourself in the same exact situation in the same building and see what happens (this is early access alpha, if you can reproduce it you'll know it's a bug and can provide better more helpful data). 

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I don't know how accurately the ballistics are modelled, but is it likely to be a richochet?

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  On 8/21/2014 at 10:24 AM, kander said:

I don't know how accurately the ballistics are modelled, but is it likely to be a richochet?

I don't think this is in the game atm, but i'm not sure

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  On 8/21/2014 at 11:11 AM, iBattleVet said:

I don't think this is in the game atm, but i'm not sure

In Dayz Epoch a guy was firing at me. He was standing inside a shed, but could see me through an opening in the wall. He fired but hit the wall instead of me. For some reason he died, and I wasn't hit. Free stuff for me...

Edited by Heradon2k

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I wouldn't be that surprised if it was the zombie that killed you.


Those crawling bastards are so glitchy, I've had one double-hit me before. I've had them break an arm or a leg in one hit as well. It doesn't sound far-fetched to me that either it did in fact 1-hit kill you, or some glitch caused it to score multiple hits all at once.

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I've heard rumours about critical hit/insta kill too. Not sure if its the purpose or a bug.

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  On 8/21/2014 at 11:25 AM, Heradon2k said:

In Dayz Epoch a guy was firing at me. He was standing inside a shed, but could see me through an opening in the wall. He fired but hit the wall instead of me. For some reason he died, and I wasn't hit. Free stuff for me...

Okay, lol. A bit ramdom but good for you

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  On 8/21/2014 at 11:11 AM, iBattleVet said:

I don't think this is in the game atm, but i'm not sure

There are youtube videos about ricochets. Most noticable in Aggathors lastest weapon guide (Shortbow).

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Zeds can sometimes 1 shot if they hit your head with a jump attack, which the hoppers always do. Ricochet is also a thing but I'm betting on the head shot.

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  On 8/21/2014 at 11:44 AM, Heradon2k said:

I've heard rumours about critical hit/insta kill too. Not sure if its the purpose or a bug.


In earlier builds, maxed all green, I've been one-hit killed by a zombie.

I know, I was there.

Edited by pilgrim
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One of my friends seems to like getting one shot by zombies. What was your status like? Was your screen blurry (indicating low health) or was your screen desaturated (indicating low blood)? What sort of clothing were you wearing?


A couple times I've noticed that desync can cause zombie hits to build up, so a zombie swings and misses on my screen, then swings and hits and its almost like I was hit twice. Could just be me though.

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One time a guy killed me with a shotgun point blank, I heard no gunshot sound at all and the "You are dead" screen came up.


Perhaps someone you didn't know was there shot you in the head, but the game glitched and didn't make a gunshot sound effect?

Edited by bonesnap

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yes u can, ive done it. ive had a bug where my arm is all mangled and aimng at my head. i thought wow thats messed up. wonder if it still shoots straight.,.. nope! =(

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