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The Riddler (DayZ)

Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

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Apologies for their being night time on our server this weekend. We had to mess with our settings a little and somehow it set the server start time to be much later than we thought it was. We were trying to go for the very last hour before restart to be dusk/dark but ended up with a few hours of darkness. 


Problem solved and back to 24/7 Daytime! 



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Oh yes. Crazy times again in Elektro, the city of Death. :D 


Berezino had some action tonight as well. Multiple fire fights on both ends of town. It was fun times !!!! 

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Happy Holidays to all the survivors out there that make their home on this server. 


This server is for the players, by the players. Your contributions are what allows us to keep this server running. 


Thank you for playing with us! 

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Elektro has become the new murder capital of all of Chernarus on our server. Please enter the city with KOS expectations. Nobody seems to be safe these days there and nobody seems to care to meet and greet. 


Players beware!

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Finally have our scheduler all fixed up once and for all!!!! Restart messages are now working!!! We are still seeing an occasional unexpected restart so please bare with us. The only good thing about those is new unexpected loot when the server comes back up!!! Re-loot the same area when it restarted!!! 


Thank you for playing with us!!! Met a lot of new people over the holidays on our TS. 

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Lots of new players this week! Hope everybody enjoys their New Years. We are thinking of setting up a few meet and greets for the New Year, expanding the friendly DayZ community is on the list of "resolutions" and we hope you can be a part of it! As The Riddler stated, Elektro is becoming the new KOS area on our server, keep your eyes peeled and try to be proactiv with scripters/hackers, if you encounter another player who is acting suspicious and seems to be doing things that aren't "normal" for the game try and grab their name and some video evidence. See you guys on TS!

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New Years Eve! If you're stuck at home don't celebrate alone, come hunt some bandits and ring in the new year!

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I wish I could report a username, but my friend and myself were just playing on your server and while we were looting a town outside of Berenzino a hacker just killed us both through walls.


Really love your server but I wish something could be done to stop it.

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hii all im new and i just play in this server i need some good frinds here so where y will be in game so i can come and play together

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Thanks for joining us! We're usually on in the evenings U.S. time and mostly on all day during the weekends. 


You're welcome anytime! Thanks for playing! 

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I wish I could report a username, but my friend and myself were just playing on your server and while we were looting a town outside of Berenzino a hacker just killed us both through walls.


Really love your server but I wish something could be done to stop it.


Really sorry about that man. All that can be done is to report it to us and try your best to get the hacker's name. We are lucky sometimes and will get their name, plus video evidence which we then report here. 


Thanks for playing and always feel free to join our TS! 

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We appreciate everyone who plays on our server. We stay full all day long thanks to players like you. Thanks for making our server your home!


Elektro continues to be the place of death. Please enter Elektro on the basis that you will probably be shot at before you're able to even say hello. Admins treat Elektro at this time as KOS. If you join our TS, we will know NOT to KOS. 




We are currently working to overhaul our schedule again with the changes brought forth by BEC. We're hoping this will keep the server running throughout the night with 2 hour restarts as it tends to freeze in the middle of the night. Fragnet has been helpful in reporting our crashlogs to BI, but until a new build comes out we'll continue to have this issue.  


Below is a message we received from Fragnet regarding the changes to BEC: 




Dear Client,

A new update has now been released for Battleye Extended Controls (BEC), as we don't want to disrupt your service with a non-emergency update we have chosen to make this available for yourself to install, when your server has just restarted or is empty at a given time. We will however patch any non-updated instance during next weeks maintenance to enforce this patch among all our instances.

To perform this update on your service, please follow the below steps:
1. Log into our Game Panel located at cp.fragnet.net
2. Stop both your DayZ and BEC services
3. Head over to your BEC service page and click on Game Updates 
4. In the presented scroll list choose the update "BEC_1.606" followed by clicking on install
5. Start your DayZ Server followed by the BEC 

Also as a precaution please backup your configuration prior to this update, while it won't overwrite your config files it is always better to be on the safe side. 
If you experience any issues when doing so, open a new support ticket and our team will be more than happy to assist you.

The major changes include:
*** V.1.606 ***
- Added/Changed: Config setting to [Misc] - AutoLoadBans , will run loadbans ban-file(s) if they get changed. In previouse versions this was on by default all the time.
- Changed/Removed: Say command in the commands.xml can now have predefined text in the <text> tag. check the example commands.xml file.
The command [!say SomeText | !say Playername !SomeText] are no longer supported. it did not really make sense anyway.
- Improved: Some more exception handling on misc stuff.
- Added: Version check on file: Bec.lib. if the exe & lib file has a version mismatch Bec will not startup. its added because people tend to only update the exe file.
- Added: command "exit" to the scheduler. when used it will terminate Bec
- Added: Display a warning if a scheduler job used loadbans with no files defined and BeCustomBanFiles is in use.
- Fixed: seconds in the scheduler using the hh:mm:ss format had a bug after last update!.
- Fixed: A bug when the time in the scheduler was set to 24:00:00 instead of 00:00:00
- FIxed: A Bug in Commands.xml file. if _name_ or _time_ was not set for the ban commands, no reason was given.

Kind Regards,
Fragnet Networks




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Thanks for playing on our Server. We are looking forward to a new version on Stable. 


Also thanks to those on these forums who have joined our TS to report cheaters/hackers. We were successful in capturing video and gathering the names of two players using an ESP hack this past week. 


Below is a guide we have come up with to help combat a cheater/hacker when they are encountered on our server. For the most part they hang around high populated areas around the coast, but we have certainly witnessed them inland in and around the Vybor and NWAF:


There is a way to tell who is hacking; these days in .52 its more obvious than ever. The player will teleport around so quickly that they can be spotted from very far away especially when on open flat ground. This is even more visually apparent when you're driving a VS3 and a player will not only keep up with the truck, but out pace it and start doing circles around the moving vehicle but their character will look like they're just standing still. I have plenty of video evidence to support all of this.


Killing hackers is not easy, but its absolutely possible to kill them. I have proof positive video evidence of it and had the hack confirmed by the admins on here as well as the BI developers; We killed the said hacker(s) and got the name(s) before they could log out or respawn leaving the dead character as "unknown entity". Furthermore, we've started noticing hackers like to use the name "unknown entity" to try and conceal their player identity if they do indeed getting killed. Below is a strategy that we have used numerous times to kill said hacker(s).


The number one thing you don't want to do is just "run away" or worse attempt to log out. That is what 90% of the hackers expect you to do and so they'll teleport ahead of you, take aim and you become "unconscious" or "you are dead" almost instantly. If you attempt to log out it makes things even easier for them as your players stops moving making you easy prey. Over the past few months, myself and a few other admins got so sick of our server getting overrun by cheaters that we have developed tactics to combat the hackers and they have proven to be successful. Please note I've died more times trying to kill a hacker than I have killed hackers, but getting just one of their names is worth 100 character lives to me. Below is a list of tactics we follow: 

  • Immediately begin recording (all of us admins have Fraps ready to go at the push of a button AT ALLTIMES)
  • Don't run away
  • Don't stop moving
  • Start to run randomly around the area, and if possible, get out into the open (like a field etc) so the hacker is easily spotted as they teleport around. zig zag, giggle, do whatever it takes but don't stop.
  • Stay away from walls especially if they are using a melee weapon. This is the number one way I've watched hackers AXE somebody in the back of the head as they'll clip through the wall with the axe raised.
  • Try to melee the hacker; we've found this to better than attempting to shoot them unless you have a scout in the distance who can zero in a shot while the other players are in a melee battle. If you are alone and have a shotgun, they seem to be the best gun for taking them down as they don't change direction well. 
  • Shoot/Melee into the lane they are teleporting into. You'll start to see the pattern in which they move around and you'll start to get accustom with their moving patterns so you can anticipate shooting them. 
  • Hackers can't teleport into a building upstairs. If they are using a non-assult rifle we'll move into the upstairs of a small building.
  • Don't get frustrated if you die; the hackers will almost always hang around a high populated area like the coastal cities so you can get after them again once you respawn. 
  • If they have an assault rifle; there is no denying this, you're screwed 99.9% of the time. <<< I am being as honest as I can with this. 

Another way to have absolute proof of a hacker is when you A.) break their legs, or B.) knock them unconscious. They have the ability to still move across the floor as if their legs are not broke/passed out and they will always at that point try to get away. The problem they'll have is, they have to bandage or find a way to fix their legs, both of which requires them to crouch and perform an action in place. That is the time we have killed them the most if not outright from a blow to the head. It is at that point where we will screenshot their name, bring up the player list while recording, and make a verbal point in the recorded video of the said player, then kick and add their name to the ban list. 


The video evidence is then turned in for proof positive ID on the said hacker. If we receive word back they do not believe this person was hacking, the player name is removed from the banlist. To date we've never had to remove a single name. 

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Crazy weekend in the Coastal cities. Lots of PVP in Elektro and massive gun fights in Cherno. 


Thanks to all of those who came on our TS to report cheaters/hackers. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and if at all possible, please remember to record said player(s). We can retrieve that video from you via our FTP as we'll give you access to upload your video to us. We then evaluate the video and send it on to the Admins here on these forums if it indeed looks like its a player who is cheating/hacking. 

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We are now ranked 22nd!!! That's up from 49th at the start of last week. 


Thank you to all who make your home on our server!! YOU are why we exist!!!!  

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Elektro continues to be a killing ground. If you read this and play on our server, treat Elektro as KOS. Trying to be friendly has gotten me killed every time so no more mr. nice guy while in Elektro this guy.


If you are in Elektro, hop on our TS via dal-voice1.fragnet.net:9991 and let us know. We can team up or simply avoid one another so not to accidentally kill someone who isn't hostile. 

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Silly cheaters!!!!! No tolerance for that!!!! Thank you for reporting and getting us video evidence!!! From all the admins, we thank you very much!!!


Add us to your favorites!!! 

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