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The Riddler (DayZ)

Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

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Well folks, sorry to jump the gun here, but our server unfortunately wouldn't start today and our provider Fragnet is having to re-install the instance of Day Z for us. 


Therefore, we've decided to disable persistence instead of waiting until tomorrow. 


Please forgive us if you login and don't find your gear! We won't be turning persistence back on until another release (0.51 etc). 

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Well the server has now been up for a few hours since we turned off persistence and low and behold our traffic is way up again. We also received word from fragnet regarding persistence: 




I can't confirm with certainty whether persistence mode and the files generated by it were the cause of this, however I would indeed suggest that you keep it disabled until BI have brought this feature at a more stable state.


Thanks for all of you who have given me feedback in this forum or on our TeamSpeak. Enjoy playing! 

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Just like to take a second to thank the community for playing on our server. I really enjoy getting online and seeing it full of players. It brings a smile to my face each time I see it populated. 


Thank you for putting up with the issues we had with persistence and as always add us to your favorites!!! We restart the server every 4 hours and BEC has been doing a good job at this plus displaying messages when they should. 


If you ever have a question and I'm not on our TS (dal-voice1.fragnet.net), you can PM me on here or email: welcometothejungledayz@gmail.com


Thank you!!!! 

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Wow there was a crowd at the NWAF on Saturday evening. I counted 12 players in and around the runways. Had a lot of fun but lost my M4 that I had for nearly 7 straight weeks! I don't get attached to gear but it sure was a hell of a run with that gun. 


Thanks to all of you who made your home on our server this weekend. We were full non-stop!!! 

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Just a reminder that we have persistence turned off. I even changed our DayZ channel on TS to reflect this change ( DayZ - Persistence was turned off) as we had a few folks come on last night asking if its on or off. Its also in our server name but as you can see in my signature, its cutoff when viewed this way via GameTracker. 


Thank you for the donations that have kept us afloat. As we grow the need for donations won't be as important but certainly anybody who donates will get recognition within the game via a BEC scheduled message. We will also thank you personally on Teamspeak and let all know that you helped keep the server running. 

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Some ruthless people last night near Balota. Sheesh! I caught 2 guys killing new spawns for no other reason than they were enjoying PVP. They sure didn't like it when I shot both of them and were able to cuff em. I thought I was recording through fraps the entire time only to find out I wasn't (my bad!!!) b/c I decided to interrogate them only to get cussed out and told i'm going to pay for this.


As I was trying to talk to them another guy decided to try and take my head off with his AK101. Silly player didn't have a clip so he only got two shots off before I struck him down with my mosin. I shot him in the head from about 20 yards. When I asked the two cuffed guys if this was their buddy all I got was " F YOU MAN, just kill us you prick".


I kept my calm the entire time and told them we're just gonna hang here a while and see what happens. One tried to log so he took a bullet in the back of the head. The other one I decided to uncuff and let go but his mouth kept running swearing and saying really terrible things so I changed my mind and put him out of his misery too.


The good news is one of the new spawns that was killed by them returned and I allowed her to loot all their gear.


Wish I was recording!!! It was a good one!!!  

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A good amount of players will on the TeamSpeak tonight if anybody would like to join us around 7 PM Central Standard Time. 


We will be looking for some PVP action up at the NWAF and any and all are welcome. If we get so many folks we could even arrange to possibly divide up within the Teamspeak channels and have a massive PVP fire fight! 


If the group would rather not PVP and just have a good ole meet up, we can do that too! 


TeamSpeak Server is: dal-voice1.fragnet.net 

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We're hunting for VS3's tonight! Persistence will remain OFF and we'll maintain 4 hour restarts for everybody to enjoy a vehicle if they're lucky to find one. 


Also as a reminder, please come on our TeamSpeak if you witness a player cheating. We actively communicate with the mod's on here to report any and all cheater's that we catch. Please provide video evidence and more importantly the player's name. We know this not easy but rest assured while playing on our server that we take cheating very seriously and will report any and all that we can. 


Thank you for making your home on our server and thank you for the donations!!! 

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Spent some time playing on your server the other day and it was nice.  Ran into some none KOS players, had some good PvP and even got to play during some night cycle.  Added to my favorites list and I will be spending more time here, very good server.

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Hey thanks man! The night cycle is actually something we're trying to fix. I have the server set to start at 10:00 AM but it starts at 3 I believe? Waiting for Fragnet to give me word on what's up. We run 4 hour restarts but if everybody likes a little bit of darkness then we'll leave it :) 


I only KOS when I see others shooting new spawns or worse shooting at me. I try and give everyone a chance so long as their not pointing their weapon or just acting nervous/strange. 


Thanks again for playing! 

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I'm back from Vegas, so I will def be playing tonight, gotta find that VS3! Be sure to hop on TS and join up, I need my fix!

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Found another VS3 last night in Gorka. Man it must be the lucky spawn point for the VS3 b/c its almost always there!!!! 


Had a blast driving it last night through the coastal cities. Everybody was shooting at us!!!!  :D  :D

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Riddler -> Any news on persistence on your end? I know you run persistence tests so I was wondering how that went if you did any for 0.51.


And my messages are messed up again on my server :( I thought the restart ones were fixed, guess not :(.


Take care!

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We have not tried any tests in 0.51 only b/c there was no new news about persistence for this build. I do know from talking with another server owner that they were having issues with their persistence file becoming corrupt when the server hung up. With all that said i'm gonna leave it alone until some more progress is made.


The good news is from reading the weekly status report for December, they are planning to work on loot distribution (see below) but it also mentions "redesign/improvements" so I fear it will be a few updates (maybe 0.53?) before we'll see some significant improvements. 


For now the community on our server enjoys playing without persistence. People get a chance to loot up every 4 hours :) 


• Critical inventory fixes
• Walkie/Talkie support/fixes
• Sound System support
• Loot distribution redesign/improvements
• Audio/Global Messaging bugfixing
• Vehicle simulation diagnostics / bugfix

• Character connection issues (protecting players from attack while logging in/before being able to move) 

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Hey, is there a ping limit of your server???

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We don't have one setup to auto-kick but if we find a player at 400+ ping, they gotta go man. Its a just cause for kicking them according to the rules. We always try and let people know their ping is too high via a Global Message and then let them know we'll kick if they don't leave. 


I personally hate kicking anybody for said reason, but it does effect server performance when you have multiple players on with that high of ping. I am trying to setup something so people can't connect over 300 - 400 ping. 

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Lots of players on TS last night. Thanks for the support guys and thanks for playing with us. 


We'll be on this afternoon / evening US time if anybody wants to join!! 

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Thank you to those of you who reported cheaters this weekend! We successfully captured video of 4 players cheating and were able to get their names and report them b/c of players like YOU!


This not only helps the DayZ community but makes our server a better place to play b/c cheaters know to stay away or risk getting caught! 

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Its a Jungle out there!!!! Holy Shit especially in Elektro!!! Crazy fire fights, crazy cannibals, crazy new spawns. Seriously got nuts for several hours there. 


Thanks for playing everyone!!! 

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