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What's up with the axes/melee weps?

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Couldn't find an existing thread discussing this. But before 0.48 came along i could happily chop down zombies or even players.
The axe would hit directly in front of you where the crosshair is but now, since 0.48 almost all melee weapons are complely fucked and hit nowhere near the crosshair and i often find myself swingling crazily at a zombie 2cm in front of me, only to end up getting all my cloths and gear ruined and end up bleeding before i can even finish him off.

What's going on? Are devs making the game worse or trying to make it better?

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Yeah i Have the same "problem", I have a fireaxe, and I kinda needmove to the left to hit a zombie or player... And often it's 10 times easier and safer just to shoot them... Dev please fix this. >:( :beans:  :beans:  :)

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You must not have looked very hard...


...also, yes. Melee is broken right now. Very, very broken.

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played tonite for first time in a while melee seems totally broke , gave up trying to kill zombies couldnt hit them hardly .. game breaker for me !

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This patch was supposed to make it better, but it made it worse imo.

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Use first person, or learn where the axe swings. Have no issues here with killing 1-3 in melee while taking no damage.

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I think it's getting better.


It's harder to use at the moment, because the system is only partially finished, and we have place-holder aiming to mitigate the problem, but I think it is progress.


The main thing I've noticed is the ranges of the various melee weapons is much more noticeably different now. I got the hang of using the axe fairly effectively to take down zombies, but when I tried the pitchfork I had to relearn the whole timing/aiming technique again - the same with shorter-range stuff like the machete.


I think it will be good once the devs have got it working properly. In the mean time, if you aren't confident to use the melee weapons in their current wonky state, use a gun to take them down at range, or just run away or lure them into a building and trap them.

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I generally find it better to not even kill zombies any more, and instead just try to lose them, because they respawn and reaggro when you kill them any ways.

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Your melee has been replaced by Sockem Boppers thats why!



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Melee got some kind of temporary solution as the tracer system ran into some issues. For me it works just fine (can't drag anymore though) so the problem might be people not using first person.

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First person melee is gross, so that's probably the problem indeed, I'll try it next time.

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I don't know what's so hard about zombies. As long as you have an axe or a farming hoe, you can just hold A or D and circle around them endlessly until you land your shot.

I can normally one hit zombies using that method. They're so slow up close that constantly running a circle around them makes them nearly unable to hit you. Just my personal experience though.

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I always melee first person and I don't seem to be having the problems others are.

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I don't know what's so hard about zombies. As long as you have an axe or a farming hoe, you can just hold A or D and circle around them endlessly until you land your shot.

I can normally one hit zombies using that method. They're so slow up close that constantly running a circle around them makes them nearly unable to hit you. Just my personal experience though.


This is how I used to feel about them, till they started doing their laggy hits that seem to hit in an AE around them, and hit me when I'm standing behind them and shit.

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You must not have looked very hard...


...also, yes. Melee is broken right now. Very, very broken.


No no no apple...you're just not pro enough.


Learn to kill zombies GEEZ! freaking noob.








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No no no apple...you're just not pro enough.


Learn to kill zombies GEEZ! freaking noob.






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Me and my bud play hardcore servers only and i can tell you first person dosent really help. we normaly dont shoot Zeds  due to the reason that do that and you've pretty much aggroed every Zed near you and with the hole instant respawn thing it can get hairy fairly quick if your in a bigger town with a number of Zeds (and letting people thats in the vicinity know someone else is there). so melee it is, and as it right now its kinda silly. usaly only one of us got the their trusted axe out and the other their rifle and i must admit when im watching my friend trying to axe the Zeds down it looks kinda hilarious. ive seen him sneak right up to them from behind and swing twice dead on and miss, Zed turns around and insta hits, fucks up his gear and he starts bleeding. and then you got the He kills the Zed and when the Zed is on the ground he gets hit, Now all of this has happened to me as well. While it might provide some comical relief watching your friend trying to kill a Zed thats standing infront of him smacking him over and over while he's swing like a madman but hitting nothing but air "even tho the hits are actually dead center on the Z) its more or less just frustrating.


Or the moving floating dead Zed's are also kinda interesting. ( kill a running Zed and about 50% of the times we see their corpse fall down and float away in to the distance)


killing Zed right now is a joke. its better to just avoid them. their hits seems to be omni directional and the rate they mess up your gear now is yet another reason to keep your distance. 

Edited by Happy-

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The Melee didn't work great before, but for me its even worse now. Its made worse by the generally "clunky" player movement, and the fact that when I press a shortcut key it doesn't always register, or it registers twice and then im getting my ass handed to me whilst I get out then immediately put away my axe, because there is a massive delay on the keypresses.

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I just run in a circle around the zombies. They don't hit me except when the game decides to randomly lag... But otherwise I beat em up without getting a scratch. But whats up with everything get broken if I take single a hit? If someone punch me or scratch me it's not like my pants, boots and stuff get destroyed. Maybe the buttons on my shirt fly off of someone try to drag me.

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Wut.....? X'D

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Damn Applejaxc, you must be shitting us?


As for the Zeds, I generally have no problems killing them but there are times when it seems like you can'y hit them for shit. When this happens I go into first person and easily get a quick kill by axing them in the chest or the back of the head.


I'm kinda surprised so many people are having serious problems killing the Zeds, saying they aggro respwan (maybe it has happened to me and I just someone missed it?). If you're having problems just run away about 20 meters and get yourself back under control, then reengage the Zed. 

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I think if you get more than 2 on you, you should just run away. It's too risky at the moment to deal with multiple zeds, particularly if you are in a town when fps goes right down and the whole game lags more than if you are in an open area. I managed to dispatch 4 at once, but I had to go into a building and up some stairs and I dispatched each one as they paused at the top of the steps.

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I've heard people talking about melee being broken but I've never found an issue with it over any of the updates. I'm running about one-shot'ing zombies out the air mid-jump, I'm just not seeing the difficulty in it, run at them, jink at the last minute and whack em when they stop to turn.

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I find that hitting the zombie isn't an issue.  The problem is getting magically pounded 2-4 times after its dead on the ground, particularly by hoppers.  But alpha, so, meh.


And I VASTLY preferred how it was last patch.  vastly.

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