demongornot 23 Posted August 16, 2014 Simple :As PureSlayerz state, we CANNOT stop farmer in any way, it is an impossible task.Whatever we can do, it will only result to the same things : Farmer will still be able to farm and regular player will have stupid limitation...And anyway, their is proof that someone with NO GEAR can with only his fist kill one or even two bandit with guns, and anyone good enough to aim will kill easily with any gun a guy, regardless what equipment he have.A guy with full pockets, big backpack, AKM and others things are NOT stronger or more deadly than a guy that have just spawn, find a Mosin or a shotgun + ammo and mastering correctly the aiming in DayZ/Arma, lets them farm, it WON'T make them stronger.But farming cause two big issues :People that spawn next to us while we are supposed to be in a safe area where we have loose precious time to check if their is no one, the guy spawn and kill us...In real life, if their is no one while we check, no one will magically appear and kill us by surprise...And the biggest issue : They scavenge server and they make server totally empty from object, mainly in the most important point, and mainly now that object respawn are not yet 100% implemented and working ! The only thing we can do against server hooper is to protect objects AND others player from them, and here is my solution : #1 and #3 and YES singleplayer, cause i don't see any reason to not play this game in SP mode, in fact that why their is so much "clan/private join=kick" servers, cause people also want SP mode, limit DayZ to MP is stupid, and some people including myself hooping but not for gear, i want to play in empty server, its enough to fight against bugged zombies and a stupidly fast starvation value, i don't want to also have to deal with 12Yo stupid boy that shoot on sight for nothing or stupid guy that are friendly and suddenly kill us for nothing... And i look for empty servers, 2/3 people 4 max, and its damn rare, cause server jumper bring more peoples, when their is too much people, i change server, and i have to fight against drunk server list that show wrong number of player (always less) which indicate for example 2 players while their is 10 inside or more... A lot of people including bench of jumper will play SP rather than MP and it will help to reduce jumping, it will also stop those private servers and help us to find GOOD servers without being kicked everytimes.And to be honest, if i see, even in small villages that everything was already scavenged from everywhere and that even most basic object are missing, i will jump into another server, i will stop only if we start having a DECENT starvation/decease speed system, not a 2h from stuffed to death by starvation or 5 minutes to become sick and really ridiculously short time to find RARE cure. Anyway my spawn protection idea do both : protecting you from anyone that can spawn near, "also protect them", protect objects from server hoppers and id don't create too much limitations, some filters can be enabled to improve it, such as people that always come to a single server, are in safe logout are or anything like this ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted August 16, 2014 I don't want to stop people from switching servers or limit them to only a few of them. I also don't want to prevent people from "looting sprees". I want them to use the ingame paths to do so. Right now its quite a journey from NWAF server A to Balota server A but a pretty quick path from NWAF server A to NWAF server B. In addition its pretty save as you can't get shot during travel. So looters will just take the quickest and easiest path - switching servers. By attaching a cost to server switching you will make this path more costly and more people will decide to use the ingame paths instead. This way their gameplay is more risky but also more interesting, they won't suddenly spawn nearly as often, they would actually play the game in order to get rewards, travel paths on maps would be more populated, you would see more players who are not freshspawns or highly geared etc. If someone still decides to go the less risky path from NWAF server A to NWAF server B he should play the price in the form of longer waiting times. Only then the path is not better. People may still server hop but they need to invest time to do so. Or they could use this time to just play - causing more risk but also more exciting and fun gameplay for everyone involved. The argument that longer switch times only hurt the other players is bullshit - everyone who can play DayZ is able to wait for 5 or 10 minutes. If you don't switch excessively you won't have to wait much longer and you can still switch to another server after you took a break from playing the game (or when kicked). The only ones really hurt are the ones who switch servers excessively and 95% of them are server hopping looters who just chose this path because its faster, easier and less risky. You can't take away that last aspect but you could hurt the first one - in fact you should. Maybe also add a penalty in form of calories and water to avoid cutting your needs of supplies by server hopping, hurting the second aspect as well. Off topic but I need to clarify something for the one who posted above:"stuffed" does not mean you consumed enough. You want to be bright green "energized" (after reaching this you can store about 5 times the calories you have in yourbody making for plenty of time before you starve to death) bright green "hydrated" (in contrast this is close to maximum and ) and "healthy" (meaning you are at full health and blood - while "healing" means you are at full blood but not health). Then you won't starve quickly or die from sickness in a few minutes. The system is reasonably decent but your gameplay is just not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
battlerhd 116 Posted August 16, 2014 I'm sorry but this a bad idea, It will only frustrate players even more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted August 16, 2014 Decent but not the most elegant solution imo. These kind of ideas always get shot down though. The fact that the majority of the players in this game are server hoppers probably has something to do with that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 16, 2014 Decent but not the most elegant solution imo. These kind of ideas always get shot down though. The fact that the majority of the players in this game are server hoppers probably has something to do with that. I really hope that is not true. I really hope the server hoppers are only a small fragment of the community that are actively ruining the game for everyone else. As for this solution it is just a rough idea. It of course would get worked on by the devs to the point of perfection. The idea of moving the player away in a random direction serves to stop the problem as well as slow those that are insistent on server hopping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
degude 133 Posted August 16, 2014 More popular "solutions" against server hopping were "minimum ammount of players" for servers (which makes hopping less attractive) or that players can't chose their server anymore and get auto assigned (still with a "join together" or "join game" option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demongornot 23 Posted August 17, 2014 (edited) More popular "solutions" against server hopping were "minimum ammount of players" for servers (which makes hopping less attractive) or that players can't chose their server anymore and get auto assigned (still with a "join together" or "join game" option.Minimum amount of players is the stupidest and the worst idea ever, if DayZ implement this s..t i'll instantly ask for refund and stop to play it.If only SOME server have unique player system, where character are attach to the server, yes why not, their will be no hopping in this server, and YES i have say SOME server, cause it can be a great idea of some server do it but if all server do it it will be a shame !What have you against server hopping ? (and NO i don't do it)In fact a maximum number of player on some server will be better, no damn bandit every 3 meters and if its already full, no one to come just for taking objects cause no one will connect to those servers.Here is why its a bad idea : Anyway the ONLY negative aspect of server hooper is that they empty servers and risk to spawn next to us while we quickly try to see if we can find some ammo at the airfield or replace our ruined (cause of stupid bug) tactical vest.But they DON'T take any REAL advantage to be overstuffed cause anyway everyone die quickly in DayZ, sometime cause of stupid bugs.If you want a REAL solution against server hooping :source: Better switcher protections, actually, while changing server, we have to wait 99 seconds, i understand that this is probably for avoid those who always change servers but say in the same area such as airbase, the issue is that even 5 minutes waiting won't change anything, but it is really boring to wait when we change server for another reason, not for find more loot as possible, but cause server show endless "please wait" or show day time and we end up in night time or anything that can be comprehensible in our choice to switch, mainly when its caused by a bug...And the most boring thing, for me it is not to be killed, i have no issue with it, but be killed after having check if the area is safe for 20 minutes, start exploring, and get killed cause someone just spawn in the area...Or don't find any object, not cause someone have take them before, but cause someone have take them and change server, this is bad and boring...Thats why some special things should be done, such as when someone just connect, if their is a player whiting a 2/3 km radius, or if he don't interact with others player and have spend less than...basically the time it need to check object on airfield, this player should only be a ghost, no interaction, and every items he have taking should be only manipulate for him, not for others, but if someone else enter in the same are,, except another "ghost" all this action should really be reflected to others player, but not before.Or make them respawn after the guy is leaving but in this case he will not be able to see the object he have interacted with and which is consumed/taken.Anyway a single player mode will probably reduce the number of people that do it ! Edited August 17, 2014 by Demongornot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capo 323 Posted August 17, 2014 This is not a solution. Gibz, this is retarded, and has the potential to spawn people in really shitty situations that they have no way of preparing for. If you want to keep people on the one server wait for private hives, which are coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demongornot 23 Posted August 17, 2014 This is not a solution. Gibz, this is retarded, and has the potential to spawn people in really shitty situations that they have no way of preparing for. If you want to keep people on the one server wait for private hives, which are coming. That's why i have described a solution that is a nice alternative, probably a working one...Just over your post...Why people focus on first message and don't even read solutions in comments which give most of the time better idea ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 More popular "solutions" against server hopping were "minimum ammount of players" for servers (which makes hopping less attractive) or that players can't chose their server anymore and get auto assigned (still with a "join together" or "join game" option. A matchmaking sort of solution towards regular non private hive servers is actually pretty smart. No control over what server you pick so you only get put on high volume servers would actually work. This is not a solution. Gibz, this is retarded, and has the potential to spawn people in really shitty situations that they have no way of preparing for. If you want to keep people on the one server wait for private hives, which are coming. That is exactly the point. You also gotta ask yourself who would be put in potential situations like this ? 1. Server hoppers 2. People who for some reason joined 3 different servers in the spawn of 1 hour ? Group 1 is severely annoyed by this. Group 2 is rarely affected. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doctajones 123 Posted August 17, 2014 (edited) I didn't like this idea at all when I first read it. But after the shower I just took, and we know, all the best ideas come from the shower, I thought of a tweak to this to make it less harsh but still potentially useful and annoying to continuous hoppers. Note that I could care less about stopping server hopping, but I just wanted to help improve your idea which seems a little harsh, but it is not a bad concept. Basically, you may log out anywhere you want like you already can, making sure you find a safe spot so nobody will kill you in your logout animation. However, certain areas of the map, particularly military bases, airfields, and large cities, shall be spawn restricted. Say you log out in one of these 'High Value Areas.' Upon logging in, you will be spawn in somewhere in the light wilderness in the general vicinity of the area, outside the restricted spawn zone. A measure would have to be in place so that your random spawn would have to be more than X meters of the nearest player, whenever possible. Continuous log outs in the same HVA could be counted, and your next spawn in could be farther and farther away. For players who are changing servers without the intent of continuous looting, this hardly be a hindrance. When I log out, I find a secluded place outside of high traffic areas anyways, and thus I would not be affected by it. I am sure I am not the only one who practices this log in/log out tactic. If you did happen to get your spawn in changed, you could simply run a few minutes to where you were, loot and be on your way. It is just with consistent logins found with server hoppers, they will be running just as much as they are looting, much like how it is for us non-hoppers players anyway :D Edited August 17, 2014 by doctajones Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 17, 2014 A matchmaking sort of solution towards regular non private hive servers is actually pretty smart. No control over what server you pick so you only get put on high volume servers would actually work...//.. Problem if you left your tent and your car on some other server ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demongornot 23 Posted August 17, 2014 Problem if you left your tent and your car on some other server ?Exactly !Same if you try to join a server with your friend, or simply if like me you live in France (low number of server here) which mean you don't want a high ping AND you don't like server with people inside cause you want almost empty server to be alone and quietly play like you want to, auto matchmaking will be a pain._______________ @All: The funny part is that i have write several time a completely viable solution that will be okay for everyone and who fix server hopping and even add a sort of spawn protection in the same time without prevent you to play/spawn where you have disconnect, rejoin your friend or do anything else such as loose our tent/vehicle and no one care about and still complain about the fact that others solutions are bad...Yeah bravo people, you will make thing moving like this...Anyway i think every good aspect we can wait from this game is dead, first cause of the commercial way that devs have choose and also cause of this total ignorance of working idea and focus on criticism of non working one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 Problem if you left your tent and your car on some other server ? very true yet another reason why the public servers are such a mess. Private hives really seem like the only solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evil Minion 943 Posted August 17, 2014 (edited) You could add some kind of restriced matchmaking where people are only allowed to joinservers with players on themthe server they played on lastthe last 5 servers where they interacted with persistent items (storage, vehicles, etc.)an "overflow server" that only gets available ifall servers in its "area" are empty or every non-empty server its "area" has more than 80% of its maximum number of players This way there is only a limited number of servers available to play on making hopping harder to accomplish. Still there should be a penalty for excessive hopping - I still think the best way to do this is to have a significant switch time (it should be somewhat annoying but not completely crushing for "normal" players who want to join after their friends etc.) that skyrockets if you switch too much. Example:The first one or two switches are "free" - no additional penalty but thereafter switch time doubles for each switch within two hours and halves until back to normal if you did not switch for three hours. So if the base switch time is 5 minutes (nobody can argue its too long - a "ready button" would help as well) a person who switches two times would wait a total of 10 minutes (come on thats not that crippling), a person who switches four times would wait a total of 40 minutes (starts to get impeding) and a person who switches ten times would have to wait 640 minutes (after the seventh switch the switch time will not increase any further as its longer than three hours) - nobody would like that. Now maybe one or two switches before penalty start might be a little harsh. Make it four, reduce the time frame for increase to one hour and reduce the time frame for reduction to two hours and we still get a quite powerful system. Now switching after being kicked or server restart should be excluded from this calculation altogether and count as simple joining not applying any of those penalties (not even the fixed one).So a player who switched twice then got kicked then had a server restart will get no waiting time but if he switches again within the time frame he has to wait according to his third switch. Edited August 17, 2014 by Evil Minion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted August 17, 2014 servers with players on themStupid, just like most other ideas, let people play on empty servers if they want to. Solution to this problem is simple.You get 1 or 2 server changes without any penalty, just because shit happens.But after that each time you change the server you wait longer, starting with standard 99 seconds for 3rd change, than 4th hop makes you wait 200 , than 300 for the 5th and so on. Also your character is already in game, so it can die to others or zeds.Now you wait 5 minutes for spawn with your character already in game. Only the most dedicated server hoppers will be willing to wait that long and risk all their gear to some random player or zed.It does not affect legit players while making server hopping slow and risky business. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 Another potential solution is to simply not spawn loot on empty servers. Have a system where servers with low numbers spawn low loot and high count servers spawn far more loot. Making it pointless to jump on empty servers since no military loot spawns. Meanwhile server hopping heavily populated servers = death sentence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted August 17, 2014 Another potential solution is to simply not spawn loot on empty servers. You do realize that each and every server is empty at some point ?Than one guy joins it, than 5 than 15 than 30 than 40. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 You do realize that each and every server is empty at some point ?Than one guy joins it, than 5 than 15 than 30 than 40. Yea and as servers get more populated they spawn more loot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted August 17, 2014 (edited) Yea and as servers get more populated they spawn more loot.Than this will result in two types of servers- Full severs which everyone joins for the loot because there is a lot of it.- Empty servers which nobody joins because there is not loot / too little loot and they don't wan't to wait for it to get populated. The goal of any implemented solution would be to punish notorious server hoppers without affecting normal players who sometimes need to change the server or want to play on low population one. Edited August 17, 2014 by General Zod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 Than this will result in two types of servers- Full severs which everyone joins for the loot because there is a lot of it.- Empty servers which nobody joins because there is not loot / too little loot and they don't wan't to wait for it to get populated. The goal of any implemented solution would be to punish notorious server hoppers without affecting normal players who sometimes need to change the server or want to play on low population one. How is that a problem ? Isn't it beneficial for people to join and play in populated servers ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted August 17, 2014 very true yet another reason why the public servers are such a mess. Private hives really seem like the only solution. I don't understand why having your tent and your car on one server is "yet another reason why the public servers are such a mess" ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted August 17, 2014 How is that a problem ? Isn't it beneficial for people to join and play in populated servers ?Not always, will a fresh spawn benefit from joining full server ? Will he benefit from getting shot from some asshole who enjoys shooting fresh spawns or will he benefit from not being able to find any food because everything is looted ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted August 17, 2014 Not always, will a fresh spawn benefit from joining full server ? Will he benefit from getting shot from some asshole who enjoys shooting fresh spawns or will he benefit from not being able to find any food because everything is looted ? Of course he will benefit. A fresh spawn would have a better chance of gearing up in an full server. Getting shot is a possibility in a empty server or a full one nothing stops this. However the benefits of having loot spawn on populated servers helps combat many of the problems with gearing up in empty servers free of risk and then going to full servers to pvp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Zod 1118 Posted August 17, 2014 Getting shot is a possibility in a empty serverBy what ? I mean what can shoot you on empty server ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites