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First kill, first interaction...

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I'm a self-confessed dayz noob.

Was getting a little bored at running around to get loot, only to get a face full of brass from seen / unseen players.

The pattern was getting dull...


I tried engaging in chat, same result, kos.


I was starting to get a little despondent, thinking everyone just wanted to kill me, then it happened, I got my first kill.

It was pure self-defence, which made it all the better.

I was at the top of some stairs, I thought I heard footsteps but dismissed them as just more random dayz noises, then a figure appeared at the top of the stairs, weapon raised towards me.

Once again I thought 'damn, not again' but instinct took over, i hit the space bar as he rushed towards me for some reason.

He fired.

I fired.

I got hit.

Immediate blood loss and broken leg messages.

Not sure how but I managed to hit my left mouse button to unleash both barrels of my blazer at point blank range.

Then my screen blacked out.

'You are unconscious'

I waited for what felt like an eternity for the message to change to 'you are dead', convinced he'd got me first.

I then woke up.

Broken leg, grey screen, but alive.

With a bleeding body lying in front of me.

I introduced my sawn-off to his face just to make sure he wasn't getting up again, and looted the un-ruined stuff from him.

I even took his trousers, mine were ruined when he shot my legs and his were pristine, plus it seemed to demonstrate the correct amount of respect to a kos bandit.

I then crawled off to mend myself.


It was exhilarating to successfully defend myself and survive.


I felt empowered, I wanted more kills.   I thought I was ready to go out and pay back some of the kos i'd experienced trying to get to grips with the game.


I found myself in a similar situation, top of stairs, footsteps (recognise them now) and a loaded magnum in my hands pointed at head height...

A player appeared.

For some reason I didn't fire, I pressed mic and said 'hi, i'm friendly'.  

He was so freaked out he started to run back down, but I said I wouldn't fire and he could come back up and loot the spot if he wanted, nothing there for me, but lots of fresh stuff for others.  

He came back up and I saw he had no weapon on his back, just an axe, I felt relieved I didn't shoot.  I kept my eyes on him in case he pulled a handgun and I legged it at speed, (there was an sks and ammo in the rooms and I didn't want to hang around to find out if he would be so friendly with a gun in his hands...)


It just felt wrong to kos.  Maybe if he was carrying a weapon I would have shot first and asked questions later.  Maybe I won't feel the same way next time.  But for my first kill and my first meet that didn't end in death, they was pretty satisfying.  


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That very much describes my first kill. Upstairs at the NEAF and I heard a player come in and raise his gun without saying a word. I gunned him down in cold blood, he never had a chance. I don't know how many SKS shots I put in him, my heart was racing so fast. When I saw that his inventory consisted of three handcuffs, no keys, only ammo and rotten fruit, I knew what kind of player his was and I smiled big as I bolted out of there.

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My first kill and first player interaction actually;

Running around in the hills next to the coast, 10 hours into the game. I've got a couple of nice things, I'm just essentially a new spawn with a raincoat and SKS. I have my volume down, since I need to hear other things. I make it to the top of a huge hill, and I overlook. I hear a "hey." I turn around, axe raised from instinct. I'm knocked out. I wake up. This man is wearing all my gear. "Yo, I don't want your loot, your weapons, whatev, I just want to know you wouldn't run."

"What do you want?"

"Where we at?"

I pointed him to Cherno and Berezino, the only two cities I knew at the time. He dropped all of my stuff, and begged me to kill him so he could get a better spawn to meet up with his friends. I equipped my axe, and couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to test out my new rifle. I aim it at him, but can't fire as I couldn't figure out how to load it for the life of me. I equipped my axe again, and finally smashed it into his brain.


After he was dead, I realized; The only reason I'm on a full server is to hopefully find someone to inject this saline bag into me. I killed probably the only person to do that willingly.

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Hi 100ftjesus, you did well.

Welcome and congratulations on your first kill.

Keep on being a friendly player, it's a tough land and we need not fight each other to survive.  Unless you're in danger, of course.

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Seems to me that no matter what we think there is always someone else out there with an entire different view, and who just wants to kill you.  


You can be the nicest most friendly player but you will end up with a bullet in your skull because you're not playing with your best mates or even people who know what a great guy you are.  You're playing with strangers, some of who don't have a mic and intend on using their axe as much as they can and who very possibly don't speak English.  It's all part of the spice of life.  Enjoy!  :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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Mine was on the rocks above Novo. After like 12+ hours or so of us dying, me and two of my friends finally found each other on an empty server and we looted every military area on the map. We had no idea that we actually had all the ammo we needed to use a Mosin, so we ended up fully geared, one of my friends using an SKS, the other with a Blaze, and I had claimed the only AK101 we had come across. Our inventory consisted of tons of food and water, hundreds upon hundreds of rounds of ammo, and only one first aid kit with all of our meds between the three of us.


We were in Novo to save the day. We were going to kill all the bandits and liberate the city, putting it back into the hands of all the noobs. Except when we came up the tracks after logging into a full server, we were like scared rabbits screaming at every little sound we heard. We ran into a player on the way there with only a bike helmet and a briefcase and an axe; we were yelling at each other over Skype in a cold sweat about what we were going to do when he just said "friendly" and passed us.


After scoping out the town with two sets of binoculars, we freaked out for about half an hour before we decided to get "a better location" which was just the rock face right about the town. We watched two players take the municipal office, but they were two far away to take shots on so we just stared at them for about 15 minutes. Then we heard a loud crack, my teammate yelled that he was dead, and me and my remaining friend shit our pants.

We ran through the forest away from SKS fire; my friend and I got separated and I just sprinted in a zigzag in a fit of panic. My friend got brave and manage to shoot one, decided to bury an axe into him just to make sure and ended up getting shot in the process.

I realized I was significantly outnumbered and so I turned around to get my friend who was unconscious back alive but he was being looted. I had never pulled the trigger on the 101 until then, due to the scarcity of ammo, so I had no idea how much kick it had. When I was done firing my entire magazine, I got shot and died.


The only way I can verify that I killed somebody was that my friend regained consciousness and saw the body right before he got killed.

Edited by iFailed

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My first kill was when I was at North East Airfield and I was a fresh spawn. I had a loaded magnum and saw a player out on the airfield. First time seeing a player. I've played enough mod, and with that, *pop, pop, pop*

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I downloaded DayZ recently for me and my kid (high school age.) This morning, he was running around gathering together some loot. He has next-to-nothing at that point--no gun, and I believe just a crowbar. I happened to be watching over his shoulder when it happened:


He was running through the middle of a town when his screen with blank. Pure white. At first I thought he disconnected, as did he. "Crap," he said. "I d/c'ed." But then we saw the message: ___ has handcuffed you. It was then we realized it had been a flash bang.


His vision slowly returned to show to men hovering around him. They had black tactical outfits. Black bandanas wrapped around their faces... and guns drawn.


"Um... I'd get on the ground," I said. "They're going to unload on you for sure."


He kneeled his character down and said to me "I don't get it. Have nothing. They have everything. This seems so unfair. It took me hours to find this little bit I have." I had him turn up his speaker to see if they were saying anything. It was dead quiet.


They stripped off his gear and threw it aside. We waited for the inevitable "You are dead" message.


That's when it happened... Slowly, gear started appearing on him. A tactical vest. A weapon. Ammo.... they were gearing him.


Then, just like that, a flash of bright white again. A moment thereafter, a message that he was no longer cuffed. When his vision cleared and he could see again, they were gone. He was alone. Geared up and ready for action. Dressed like his unknown benefactors.


"Holy shit," he said. We both were staring at the screen stunned. He was beaming with pride at his new gear and said "I'm totally going to try to do the same to others someday. Those Batmen angel guys were cool as hell."

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==My First Kill(s)==

I just killed two people at the airfield, in the building with the stairs and prison bit at the bottom as you enter. Ive never actually killed a single other person before, but like buses, you wait for one, then two come at once...

I felt kinda bad afterwards, they were obviously a team, and they were mega kitted up. Afterwards I was kinda surprised I managed to get the better of them because I am so noob. When I saw the second guy, I didn't know why he didn't react (to his pal being shot) and shoot at me. They both had M4A1's and a ton of ammo, which I relieved them of.

I panicked so much when I saw these guys, literally my heart began pumping and I was actually shaking a little. In my defence, ive been shot and killed so many times, usually at the airfield. In fact yesterday I was looting the tents at the other end of the runway and I took refuge in one of the checkpoint huts to simply save and exit, but a split second before I pressed ESC, I heard; pop pop pop and my screen going grey and bonkers. I just began to run and I was bleeding massively, then I heard more gunfire, I began to zig zag, then I hid in some bushes for about a min, bandaged myself, waited another 2 min, then just ran off into the trees. Oh then my character got deleted... hah. Oh well, I guess "anything goes" at the airfield eh?

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I downloaded DayZ recently for me and my kid (high school age.) This morning, he was running around gathering together some loot. He has next-to-nothing at that point--no gun, and I believe just a crowbar. I happened to be watching over his shoulder when it happened:


He was running through the middle of a town when his screen with blank. Pure white. At first I thought he disconnected, as did he. "Crap," he said. "I d/c'ed." But then we saw the message: ___ has handcuffed you. It was then we realized it had been a flash bang.


His vision slowly returned to show to men hovering around him. They had black tactical outfits. Black bandanas wrapped around their faces... and guns drawn.


"Um... I'd get on the ground," I said. "They're going to unload on you for sure."


He kneeled his character down and said to me "I don't get it. Have nothing. They have everything. This seems so unfair. It took me hours to find this little bit I have." I had him turn up his speaker to see if they were saying anything. It was dead quiet.


They stripped off his gear and threw it aside. We waited for the inevitable "You are dead" message.


That's when it happened... Slowly, gear started appearing on him. A tactical vest. A weapon. Ammo.... they were gearing him.


Then, just like that, a flash of bright white again. A moment thereafter, a message that he was no longer cuffed. When his vision cleared and he could see again, they were gone. He was alone. Geared up and ready for action. Dressed like his unknown benefactors.


"Holy shit," he said. We both were staring at the screen stunned. He was beaming with pride at his new gear and said "I'm totally going to try to do the same to others someday. Those Batmen angel guys were cool as hell."

What a sunshine-story! Good for you!

Just outside of Electro, I saw a group of heavily-armed men; at the moment they were fighting off a zombie. I immediately dropped down and slid behind some bushes. They kept hovering about, I stayed prone. Suddenly a semi-naked man appeared running towards town. The guys stopped him.

They were close enough so that I could hear their voices:

"Hey, what's the rush... hold IT! StoP!!"

They barked orders as if they were some kind of police. The man stopped. He uttered some wordsd in Spanish, I think.

"Do you speak English?" Can you understand me?"

At this point, I was highly skeptical... I had just gotten some decent gear (see other post "Still lots of work"..) and didn't want to die..again. There were three of them, all dressed in tactical gear. Long rifles and helmets with goggles. The man became quiet and they continued to talk to him.They pretty much blocked his way. At this point, I decided to stand up and make my position known. I've played DayZ all my time as a friendly character. In the mod, I used to be known as the "medic". I travelled cross-country with medical supplies to aid people.

I waved to the men. They didn't notice me at first. I walked towards them, no weapons drawed, slowly I walked.

"Hey, there's a dude behind you!"

"Yo, is this your friend? Were you planning an ambush?"

I refused and tried to talk to them. My fate was already sealed...

They told me they were the guardians of the town and that there was a toll for passing.

"Gimme your pants!" , "Take off your pants"

The other guy quickly dropped his drawers and continued doing wiggle-wiggle motions.

They laughed. They stated that we had to fight to the death. I refused and tried to take a few steps back. A shot was fired and I started bleeding. The other guy rushed at me and started pummling me. What an obidient guy....I kept dodging his blows and I heard the boys laughing and placing wagers. I was just about to dart away...flee and go down in a hail of bullets. That's when they chucked a grenade at us. We died... our outcome was decided from the start.

I don't like these guys...taking control of cities with their superior firepower, picking on smaller "prey" that barely have any gear. I have never killed another survivor in DayZ.

Edited by d-angelo

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Sorry to seem noob'ish, but what do you mean by 'kos' ?



"kill[ed] on sight" That is, when people automatically try kill someone the moment they see them, regardless of the other person's intentions.

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You can be the nicest most friendly player but you will end up with a bullet in your skull because you're not playing with your best mates or even people who know what a great guy you are.  



Doesn't matter what a great guy you are. Wouldn't even matter if you'd be the second coming of Jesus.


You're prey.

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Ah...my first kill (and at the time of this posting my only one)


My friend and I were looting out the shipwreck. He found the fast way down from the top of a cargo hold. "I'm dead," he begrudgingly announces.


I decide to move on, south or west, I still don't know my directions yet.


As I make my way back towards the road, I nearly run past a guy prone under a tree. He was decked out in all camo with a sniper rifle, his only mistake: he was wearing a big red pinata on his back.


I quickly get down and back up behind some logs. I watch him for a time, his head moving around. For all I know he was AFK, but it doesn't matter, he was obviously up to no good.


I had no ammo, only my fireaxe. I recalled a Youtube video of Mr. Moon, I think, in which he used the prone roll to get to a player because it makes no noise. I rolled up to him, got into standing position right behind him.


Direct Comm: "Hey, can I axe you a question?"


Down comes my blade, connecting twice in quick succession.


This is how I acquired my first Mosin.


Cheers, good luck, and happy hunting.



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Thanks for all the replies, I enjoyed reading others experiences.

Although 1 week on, and i've not killed since...

Been killed quite a few times though, which sucks a little bit sometimes.


I had the drop on one player who was stalking me.

6 magnum rounds point blank didn't put him down.

I got shot.

(Was happy to learn more about noises and hearing other players though.  Should have used my longhorn on him, magnum obviously isn't so good.)

My fault really for not using the right weapon.  

Never again will I use a magnum.

(Most powerful handgun in the world my rosy ass!  A sawn off mosin will be my sidearm from now on.)


Got dropped by someone who walked into the same room I was in.

Didn't hear a thing, he just appeared and shot me in the face.

Fairly average kos.  Again I think my fault for performing some item tetris in a hot area.  Learned that lesson the hardest way...


Got the drop on someone who was shooting zombies with a mosin (yeah, subtle!), we spoke, little did I know he was just distracting me for his pal to sneak up and axe me in the back.

That was pretty sneaky.  Wasn't impressed.

Actually tempers my view slightly of 'friendly' players now.

Although learned that long silences when trying to chat seems to mean the player is talking elsewhere to someone...  


I'm now a bit stuck on how to proceed.  I don't want to kos, I don't want the game to become like that for me.  Would get very dull very fast.


If you hear / see someone and open comms to try and communicate you give away your position and any advantage.

They might reply, you have a chat and move on, (this has happened exactly twice so far.)

Or they, more likely than not, will just kill you without saying a word.  (Situation boringly normal.)


I'm trying to formulate my own ROE.

If I come across another player and they're not clocked me, i'll hide / get lost quick.

If I see someone not carrying a gun in hand and I can't get away, I'll try and chat first.  Will take a risk to see if they're friendly.

(Both of my interactions were like this.  The players were geared, but not carrying.)

If someone is carrying a gun and I can;t get away, then they have to be shot immediately.  

No chat, no warning.

I'm not good enough yet to try and deal with an armed player as, almost 99% of the time in my experience they will shoot first.

It's not perfect, but someone carrying is just a space bar and left click away from ending you, so why take the chance?


Living by my own rules, I try and limit carrying a weapon in hand, hoping that other players may apply the same logic.

Yes it makes you slightly more venerable, but if you creep around all the time (like I do,) you should see others before they spot you.  Certainly works for me.  Not been surprised for a while, (apart from my example above, but it was weird that I heard nothing till he entered the room.)


I also stash now my gear somewhere nearby before looting, and get it after i'm done.  If someone's going to go for my stuff, they'll get a little, but not all of it.  (I was using rotten fruit in my pockets so I could laugh from beyond the grave at them, but no rotten fruit anymore, so it's ruined stuff now.)  I'd rather my stuff got randomly found or reset. 


I'm determined to not turn all kos, it's just too easy to play like that, but it's tempting to do it to try and get some payback, even though the likelihood of killing the person that killed you is, (I imagine,) very remote.  More likely some random player gets shot, therefore enabling the circle of kos...  


Anyone else have their own personal ROE they follow when encountering other players?  

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Personal ROE?! Hmmm... I often try to communicate with people. I've not been a fan of mic earlier, but now I have opened up to using my mic frequently. It saves typing time and you can put emphasize in what you say.

Most chats doesn't end well. I often run away when I spot somebody. I know I won't shoot/attack, but I never know what their mindset is.

I raided some apartment blocks, deserately looking for some way to open my dozen cans of food. Suddenly, I hear a loud chewing noise. I look straight ahead into a neighboroughing apartment block and spot a dude eating some chips. I call out to him:

"hey. Over here. Do you have any food?"

He looks at me and immediately drops down to a crawling position. It doesn't help much... If I had a gun and were evil, I could've easily shot him.
I try to communicate with him, and he eventually speaks.


-"Do you have any food?"

"You can drink"...? [alot of the things he said didn't make much sense]

-"thanks anyway"

I leave the house. I see him sprinting past me. I follow him to ask him again. I know this might seem like a stupid idea, but at the time; it made perfectly sense. I caught up to him. He's eating another bag of crisps.

"Hey, i'm that guy from before. Do you have a screwdriver?"

This is what I end up asking him. The guy turns and looks at me. Appearantly I've insulted this fine huntsman as he quickly unsheats his pickaxe and makes my face it's home.

-You are dead!

The last thing I hear is the sound of crisps being eaten.

Edited by d-angelo

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The objective of DayZ is to live long enough to actually be worth the bullet that it takes to kill you. 

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