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Dear hackers, please stop

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Dear cheaters/haxxers,


Please stop using cheats in the game, it doesn't make it fun for anyone and only gives you a false sense of self-esteem. 




             ~ Players



I think maybe if we kindly ask them to stop in a kind, civil and formal way, they would listen to us. After all, our attempts at getting them to stop by spewing hateful messages and taunts at them doesn't seem to work.

Edited by TheWizard14
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Obviously it makes it fun for someone if they're doing it.

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According to my calculations, there is a 100% chance that this will not work.

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According to my calculations, there is a 100% chance that this will not work.


Even if one, just one hacker listened...


Would it not be worth it?

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According to my calculations, there is a 100% chance that this will not work.

It was a great effort tho  :thumbsup:

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Even if one, just one hacker listened...


Would it not be worth it?


47 000 hackers will take his/her place.

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I imagine hackers get the same satisfaction as fully geared snipers kosing freshspawns. Is that feeling of "Kek m8 u got rekt u mad?" The difference is that hackers are either too lazy or too bad at the game, thats why they use external aid

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Fine, except:

  • Hackers are not dear to any of us.
  • Most of them aren't even real hackers.
  • They won't stop until the last loophole is closed by BI.
  • Hackers don't respond to kindness, civility or formality.

Just so you know what you're really up against.

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47 000 hackers will take his/her place.

 That was a most specific number, good sir! Where's the math behind this?

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I imagine hackers get the same satisfaction as fully geared snipers kosing freshspawns. Is that feeling of "Kek m8 u got rekt u mad?" The difference is that hackers are either too lazy or too bad at the game, thats why they use external aid


 If I was in the mood for it and decided to set up and pick off spawns, there'd not be any specific feeling behind it, that much I know.  I'd simply do it because I could, and I assume this is the cause behind most of these incidents. 


 On topic :  The ones you all label as hackers are indeed not even worthy of that title, they simply use tools that a third party created for them. 




erk..doublepost, sorry.

Edited by Nainakai
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 If I was in the mood for it and decided to set up and pick off spawns, there'd not be any specific feeling behind it, that much I know.  I'd simply do it because I could, and I assume this is the cause behind most of these incidents. 


 On topic :  The ones you all label as hackers are indeed not even worthy of that title, they simply use tools that a third party created for them. 

I know, cheaters or even scumbags would be a better term but sadly hackers is the standard. Some of these fags might even feel proud of being called that way. So delusional

Edited by Inception.
Don't use that word.

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Couldn't we just make or add some sort of legal riff raff that states if you hack, you agree that legal actions may be taken against you?


No one would hack if real life money was involved.


Haxor 1 once = 1000 dollar fine


no more hax

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We all know that cheating and/or hacking is wrong from a moral standpoint, but lets face it - if someone told you to stop doing something you enjoy (whether it be right or wrong) are you really going to sit back and think reconsider what you're doing?

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Dear people complaining about hackers, please stop.

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For one, as others have said it's not really a hacker so much as Program Purchaser #... --- 


That said, some have a conscience and in the game may be convinced to 'not' kill you same as anyone else but most aren't going to care. Some have no lives/lazy/lacking skill other's just enjoy it because of the fact it's obviously taboo : like breaking the law, the whole risk of getting caught and something coming of it is the real thrill; causing rage and such with ease feeds into a power-complex though in real life they may be good people it's just a excitement in the moment thing. 


The only way of dealing with it and getting rid of them goes beyond just good detection software (though having a couple people dedicated to searching for hack software for DayZ, and finding out what loopholes they created so they can be shut down quickly is a good start, despite giving the hackers money for the software they'll lose out in the long run as the program will cease to work continually and catch those using it 99.9% of the time due to that one purchase.) and reporting but has to have more to it than that to really be even remotely near fully rid of them. As was mentioned, if *only* it could be made a real felony akin to destruction of property / loss of revenue and be something people could be fined for that'd solved a huge chunk but that's not happening... so the only actual alternatives are putting up additional barriers to accessing DayZ.


While I am fully aware nobody in a seat of power will ever hear it, meh, I feel like typing.. so why not.


1.) Get an agreement with steam, if hacking is proven the entire account is shut down from online access across all games, fewer will ever try if a warning-agreement pops up outright stating if you are caught using TPS to gain an advantage in the game you'll lose your entire library of games, but it has to be proven without a doubt (so not getting banned for using Fraps for instance). Also, DayZ is unable to be purchased until the account has at least 5 games on it that are not free. (Daring, next to impossible, but a serious deterrent that won't happen regardless so I don't why I wrote it :P.)


2.) Sort of a obvious one, but allow server owners to restrict being able to be played on them to certain steam traits: eg. If your under a certain listed age, if you have under 5-10-15 games, if your account is less than 30-60-90-ect days old, if you purchased DayZ in the last x days, weeks, months (up to 6 months), if BE or Vac has ever detected you cheating in any other game besides DayZ (if possible).


3.) Secretly form anti-cheater personal through trusted players who will garner access to specially made tools to respond to possible hackers with built in prevention to ensure these players couldn't use them without cause. Only when a report is filed - these players can instantly join a server in secret from a spectator view and watch for odd behavior to the point of being able to follow the individual across ANY server on a whim for a certain period of time, the entire situation being recorded for review and a ban capable of being issued from DayZ by the spectator until actual Staff can review the BE logs and video evidence to make a decision. (.. actually fairly reasonable if it is done properly, but the trusted players would have to be in turn randomly monitored and logged by actual employee's to ensure they aren't abusing it down the line in some form; but it would be a sustainable means of administration that doesn't drain funds out of the game - would certainly bring in more customers in the long run if the 'program' deters obvious hackers entirely with the quick responses and bans; meanwhile the more subtle would have to be handled through great detection software/monitoring.)


Yeah that's about all I've got, past 3 in the morning :P Anyway, meh. Was fun trying to consider what all might work even if a fairly pointless thing to be doing.

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the problem is not the Hackers, is the Script kiddies. Most hackers are not even interested in the game, just the cash they making from making cheats.

Edited by Cpanther

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Accessing a few variables and using them to your advantage isn't hacking lol that's just changing and setting variables



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Accessing a few variables and using them to your advantage isn't hacking lol that's just changing and setting variables



Yeah, for instance I met this guy in the mod who changed the variables for whether or not he had a ghillie suit and sniper rifle from false to true using a script! Just setting a variable or two there! At another time, a bunch of hackers teleported to our position and killed us. Merely setting the variable for their local positions! After re-spawning, we all agreed that they had shown great sportsmanship.

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We all know that cheating and/or hacking is wrong from a moral standpoint, but lets face it - if someone told you to stop doing something you enjoy (whether it be right or wrong) are you really going to sit back and think reconsider what you're doing?


Yes, at least me 

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I think maybe if we kindly ask them to stop in a kind, civil and formal way, they would listen to us. After all, our attempts at getting them to stop by spewing hateful messages and taunts at them doesn't seem to work.

Works just as well: not. The whole purpose of cheating online is to spoil other peoples fun. The only way to deal with cheaters is to remove them swiftly and permanentely as well as repairing the weak point they used for their cheats.

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Dear cheaters/haxxers,



I think maybe if we kindly ask them to stop in a kind, civil and formal way, they would listen to us.


I'll have what you're smoking.

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