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Not bad for the first 3 hours...

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Not sure what town i'm in, but there's a huge church-like building with a graveyard in front of it. Snagged some good stuff in it.
There were 3 sks', 2 mosin's, along with 2 long range scopes on the floor as well.

How good was your first couple hours, loot-wise?



Edited by MedicHere
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Wasn't really wondering where i am. I thought it would be cool to know how other people's first couple hour's of playing have been.

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Welcome to the forums, MedicHere.  I've been playing for a couple of years (mod first of course) and I still remember my first few hours on a server.  I was shaking with nerves, excited and scared at the same time. :thumbsup:


I remember finding my first axe.  Never loved an axe as much as I did that first one.

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Welcome to the great DayZ forums, MedicHere!! Like Sula, I've been playing for a couple of years" Still remember my first time in a server in the mod, finding a Lee Enfield and sounding the dinner bell...  :lol:


My first time in the stand alone was when it came out in mid December, and it was amazing. I loved all those changes with clothing items and visuals. Finding my first gun, an FNX, and later a mag to load it was pretty epic. Then, the cherry on top of the cake: an M4 with a 30 round mag right next to it... I was in heaven! :rolleyes:


Have fun and good luck in Chernarus fellow survivor!!

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I remember finding my first axe.  Never loved an axe as much as I did that first one.


I felt exactly the same way. I also remember being eaten by zombies because I had forgotten to reload my fire axe!

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Back in the mod days, my first few hours were terrible loot wise. When I first got Standalone it was much better, spawned by Berezino and made the trek to NEAF and got geared pretty fast.

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My memorable first day was looting a magnum and a child's backpack. That guy should've used his splitting axe instead of trying to shoot me.

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I remember playing the mod for the first time. Didn't know what to expect. It was dark, i was near a pier in a seaside town. Couldn't see a damn thing to save my life (which unfortunately i lost cus zombies chomped on me). Several lives later (they were not successful) i found myself an AKM (my first real gun) with a full 30 round mag. I proceeded to waste it on a small group of zeds that wanted to know what i tasted like. I emptied the entire magazine into them and didn't survive very long after. 


Basically i was not successful at looting at all. But some of the most memorable moments iv had so far.


As for the standalone, well this was after over a year of experience on the mod. So naturally i found it much easier to find loot.

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I only started about 2-3 weeks ago. My first few hours were interesting. I had always known of DayZ from youtube and decided to play for myself.. from watching the videos I tried to avoid cities and go in land. Trouble was I didnt (and still dont somewhat now) know the map. I ended up dying of starvation lol


I respawned and managed to find some good loot then I ran into two guys who held me up. They cuffed me, looted my bag, then shot me lol Now Im on my third spawn and Ive been alive for about 2 weeks now on it. So far so good

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Great gear but you need to open up that can if spaghetti and eat all immediately! The first time someone or a zombie hits you you're going to die, get badly injured or won't heal and then die. Eat, drink everything always.

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Really bad. But the mod was a menace and there was very little infromation about it two years ago.

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Is that a longhorn? Damn, thats like finding a helicopter 5 minutes after spawning in the mod.

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Wasn't really wondering where i am. I thought it would be cool to know how other people's first couple hour's of playing have been.


I've been playing a little while now. My first day actually went really well. I had no idea what I was doing to still managed to not die.  :o Now I'm a pretty good sniper, solid in close quarters, pretty much have the map memorized and rarely die.  :thumbsup: The thing you need to always remember about Day Z is that right now combat is more about getting the drop on your enemy than having traditional FPS skills. If you shoot first you will probably win the fight, unless there is a hit detection issue or your aim is really bad.  :P

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