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Mental Health

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Ok so I heard about this in a video, and thought I could expand on it;


So I personally have had a lot of trouble with KOS even unarmed no one tries to hold me up and take all the amazing gear I have.

 So my idea to fix this Is institute a mental health system where the more players you kill, you began to have hallucinations of gunshots and people with guns following you to kill you and eventually, if you continue killing, you eat your own gun, and respawn. Maybe this could help cut down on KOS on newer players. Don't Know how devs would implement it, just an idea.

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This sounds interesting, even when I would reduce it on sounds or something like shadows of people far away - but I really don´t like the suicide-part of your idea, because banditry and even KOS'ing are parts of the game and shouldn´t be forbidden!

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I think it should only have minor effects, and even then, after your character is alive for x amount of time or he kills x amount of people, they should start to go away, because you would start to get used to the fact that sometimes, people are going to have to die.

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already in game I hear all sorts of things which are not there....cans of food, ammo relaoadng crossbows firing, zombies who are not there....and I have not killed that many people.

Problem at this idea is u would go insane from self defense too....the game cant tell if u killed in cold blood or self defense nor should it....

For all u know these people who KOS could be starving to death or desperate or could believe you are a bandit on his way back to loot his own body.

You have to be careful when approaching players.....sometimes it makes more sense to not approach them. There will never be a playstyle with player interaction at its core where you dont die sooner rather than later

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I like this idea...That actually sounds pretty cool. However, it could only work if there was a viable way to gain humanity in an efficient way if you are a bandit., because we all know it would be tied to the humanity system. 

Edited by Borges

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You all make very good points with the ghost sounds maybe if they fired and hit you first, then it would not count.


and bunnies?!?!?! maybe you have visions of a giant ass rabbit stalking you. idk 

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id like a fair mental health sort of thing

kinda like don't starve

you do things like help people and eat cooked food and mental health goes up

but if you kill people and eat uncooked it goes down

that way people don't want to KoS

but everyone has the mental health to deal with

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(how in the seven hells could they do this, i dont know...)


But I LIKE IT!!!!

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I think your mental health should get worse not when you kill people, but if you are exposed long times to "scarry" situations, like getting gangbanged by zeds or tortured.. Starving and things like this.

We shudn't get punished for killing things, but for doing stupid things/allowing people/zeds to get us.

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In my opinion certain aspects of the world should effect Mental health in various ways. Mental health itself should also be more clearly defined.


Here's what I think of the idea of having a Mental Health system.


Lets say for example, all players have a mental health level of 0 upon spawning, a maximum level of 1200+ or 1200-. What are the perks of having a high mental health compared to a low mental health state.


Players who have a high mental health state of 500+ and above are able to handle situations easier, they panic less when low on blood or surrounded by Zombies, take longer to tire after lengthy runs and are able to calm themselves quicker (which offers benefits of reduced aim sway after running). At it's highest level, 1200+ mental health, survivors are able to shrug off severe pain from attacks and falls for a brief time (this only affects the "pain" status when shot or hit)


Players with a low mental health state of -500 to -750 panic more often when low on blood or surrounded by Zombies, tire quicker after long runs and they occasionally make random noises more often (talking to themselves, making random noises). At it's lowest level -1200, Players will devolve into a state of madness (constant murmuring, increased ironsight sway of which is an occasional "jitter" or "spasm", increased hunger and thirst rate).


When it comes to gain or losing the amount, it depends on the scenario for example.


Positive Gains in Mental Health:

  1. Reviving a comatose player with either an Epi-Pen or Defib warrants a high boost of mental health
  2. Rescuing a new spawn from attack warrants a high boost to mental health
  3. Applying a Blood Bag or Saline Solution to a player also warrants a moderate boost
  4. Applying a Bandage, giving medicine or fixing a broken limb warrants a moderate boost
  5. Giving a player Food and Drink give a small boost to Mental health
  6. Staying Warm in a house or by a fire
  7. Keeping Dry
  8. Eating Warm or Hot Food
  9. Eating Pristine Food
  10. Killing many Zombies warrants a very small boost
  11. Reading Books (when implemented) restores a small boost to Mental Health
  12. For as long as you don't kill any players for at least 12 hours real time, you will gradually gain a small amount of mental health over time


Negative Losses in Mental Health:

  1. Killing unarmed or newly spawned players who have only survived for an hour or less real time warrants a hefty loss in Mental Health
  2. Force Feeding a captured player Rotten or Poisonous items in an attempt of torture warrants just as much of a hefty loss in Mental Health as killing a recently spawned Survivor
  3. Killing a "crippled" survivor who has broken their legs of natural causes (Wildlife, Environment)
  4. Feeling the effects of severe Dehydration, Starvation and Hypothermia loose a small amount of Mental health over a period of time
  5. Eating Rotten or Badly damaged food warrants a small loss in mental health
  6. Eating Raw Food warrants a small loss in mental health which is unscaled even more should a person contract an illness from eating raw meat
  7. Eating Uncooked Cold Meals warrants a small loss
  8. Being Cold, wearing damp or soaked clothes warrants a gradual loss of mental health over time
  9. Wearing Damaged Clothes also warrants a gradual small loss of mental health over time
  10. Bleeding for an excessive period of time (past 3+ minutes) warrnats a moderate mental health loss over time
  11. Dying of a Sickness whether food, chemical or blood poisoning. Food poisoning offers the lowest drop in mental health, chemical and blood poisoning offers a moderate loss

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This is Day z, not Amnesia (the dark descent). If this will be inmplented in no time everybody be shooting around at nothing.

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the only thing i could think of is the Pilot at 1:20

Edited by irishroy
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No offence but this very shitty idea has been mentioned alot of times..


I notice you maybe new here :D Welcome aboard the dayz community - Try the search function, as this idea has been mentioned way too many times ^_^


Most people who have been playing DayZ for a while now understand that we don't want features in the game that control the way you play.. just because you choose to be a bandit arse hole doesn't mean you should have to "pay" for choosing that play style.. Just remember the game is an alpha and there is a long way to go. Players, unfortunately don't have a lot of things to do, thus the main reason for alot of KOS 


I would say lets wait until beta.. when there is a shit load more zombies to worry about and people may feel the desire to cooperate more often.. don't get me wrong KOS will always be there and a apart of the game but atm it is way to common because people are bored... with the likes of camping and fishing/hunting etc I think people are getting a few more ideas to pursue than force feeding handcuffed victims rotten fruit.


But like i said we shouldn't  have specific features forced upon us for choosing a specific play style though when I first started playing dayz in may 2012 many of the same ideas went through my head also.


This is what makes DayZ fresh and a breath of fresh air.. its unlike most other games force you into plays tyles to keep things balanced and fair.. DayZ is one of a kind and needs to have its core ideas that make it different preserved. There is too many other games that are alike so lets keep DayZ away from the likes of those other "same old shit different story titles" 

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It's a wonderful idea, but it wouldn't fit with this game. This has been mentioned several times in attempt to make the game significantly easier and less enjoyable. I do know that there are coming updates that will allow DayZRP servers, which will be the solution to those who don't like being KOS'd.

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