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Geting to a specific location.

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Hi Guys,

I'm a new player to Standalone, and basically, I'm in the middle of nowhere, i tried to get to North-East Airfield using a compass and it got me i think to the end of the map, where there's just mountains (Hills) everywhere, it's the place where the texture changes in one place, so one side it's realistic and on the other it's like green-ish colour. I have no idea on how to use the map, because i don't even know the place i'm in. I'm travelling so South-East now hoping that i will eventually find the airfield, anyone can give me like landmarks that i should see on the way? Any suggestions on how i can find the place i'm looking for? 

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railroad track going roughly but not quite w/e - cant miss Novo if you hit that af is southish

Edited by tiadashi

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use dayzdb.com and look for roads and forest and stuff.

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Railroad tracks and power lines can help you triangulate and street signs can help you pinpoint.

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My advice would be head back towards trees and hope to find food/water before you die. In future always keep the water on your right and you'll reach the North.  :thumbsup:


Also, try to keep an eye out for water. If you see it on your left then you're heading south.

Edited by Sula

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Hi Guys,

I'm a new player to Standalone, and basically, I'm in the middle of nowhere, i tried to get to North-East Airfield using a compass and it got me i think to the end of the map, where there's just mountains (Hills) everywhere, it's the place where the texture changes in one place, so one side it's realistic and on the other it's like green-ish colour. I have no idea on how to use the map, because i don't even know the place i'm in. I'm travelling so South-East now hoping that i will eventually find the airfield, anyone can give me like landmarks that i should see on the way? Any suggestions on how i can find the place i'm looking for? 


Go ahead and hop over to fbfda.teamspeak3.com and poke "Lincoln 'Doc' Holliday" And I'll do my best to get you exactly where you need to go, I've got an exstensive knowledge of the map.

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Hey Sula,


That can't be true in every case, correct? (using the water as a directional guide). The coast curves northward on the east side of the map. In the west the coast is directly south. So shouldn't the directional bearing change depending on whether your on the east end or the west end of the map?

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Keeping the ocean on the right will either send you north, or east then north.

With most spawns being on the east side of the map now, ocean on left usually means you are going south.

Run either direction until you hit a town, look it up on the dayz map website, then navigate.

Remember just a 1 degree error in your heading can end up as a lot of difference after running cross country

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Use the sun, mate.  Best way.  I've found that railroads are a nightmare, and powerlines are quite confusing.  Stay along the ocean and if the sun is on your right side, you're going south.  If the sun is on your left side, behind you on your left, with the ocean on your right side - you are going north.  



My method above has worked wonders for me.  I don't use the map unless I need to find a city name.  Otherwise, I use the sun and that's about it.


Best of luck.

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Navigation is very difficult at first. You will definitely need a pristine compass and a complete ingame map for it's topographical info. Keep a good idea what time it is on the server when you log in. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, of course, but even at noon the sun will lie significantly south and not directly overhead. When it rains clouds move from west to east, but this can be difficult to see. I still have no idea if your visible breath or smoke from fires also moves from west to east. But by far the biggest mistake I still make while navigating across the map is over or underestimating how far I have traveled. You need to take very frequent bearings with the compass, always take a bearing with some geographical point that you can see in your path (like a hill/mountain) double checked against your map, If you just say "I'm at Electro", dead reckon that NW Air Field lies to the northwest, and figure you'll head in that direction and keep going till you get there you probably miss it.

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Find a road and stick by it (never run directly ON roads) until you come to a town. All towns have signs. This way, with a map, you can identify where you are. Though the town signs are in cyrilics and in game maps in English, you may want to use the online map until you get used to the town names, but its a bit of a cheat.

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What you need is some actual land navigation practice.


Terrain association is something every DayZ player will use to some extent. Eventually you will commit the higher traffic areas of the map to memory, but it is large enough that you can easily find yourself in an unfamilar place.


Using a compass, you should never be lost. Set a backstop, gain an approximate azimuth, and you will decrease the amount of WTF moments.


You have to learn to look at the map, and be able to visualize what the terrain will look like. 


DayZ DB isn't the best for this, as it has no contour lines, but we make do.


Other navaids include the sun, based on server time, and the clouds, which always move east or west.

Edited by IronCross

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