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Sniping is a cowards technique?

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I don't think sniping its the initial problem, it's only a combat technique after all.

Usually, the questionable thing is the motivation of any player, not only snipers, to engage in combat.


Many combat situations can be avoided by either communicating or by not revealing yourself in the first place.


That being said, what reason does an undiscovered sniper have to open fire on an unsuspecting target, that is obviously no treat to him?


Maybe, we all should question and revise our rules of engagement, decide if we want to be a dick or a decent human being.


Being a dick of a human being is reward enough for most!

I shot a guy in the neck yesterday. I was going to communicate with him but we suspected having been under fire by him before and I noticed he had a long-range scope on his gun so I decided to off him. (If you're reading this: Stay out of Novodmitrovsk and away from the boys in blue!)


It wasn't really sniping as I ended up less than 50m away from him but hey, I used a long-range scope to plant the kill shot!

Have to say the hunt for him was kinda exciting. It's kind of like hunting for more intelligent deer.

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Cant remember where I heard this but good for this thread...


"Only two type of people kill from distance.....cowards and pros" ;)

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Troll thread is successful.


How someone plays their game is none of your business, if you're butthurt because someone has no interest in magdump dancing from 20 paces then that's noone's problem but your own. 

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Of course not.. killing someone from a mile away for not reason what so ever is a very brave thing to do..pointless, insignificant, irrelevant, unnecessary, and a huge waste of time... but very brave...


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2 types of people kill at range, coward's & pro's & it's whiney bitches that cry when they die..

Edited by Calibre

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2 types of people kill at range, coward's & pro's & it's whiney bitches that cry when they die..


Pro's ? Professionals of what ?... this comment make my day, thanks for the laugh  :lol:

Edited by Cpanther

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the wolf does not concern himself with the bleatings of the sheep.

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the wolf does not concern himself with the bleatings of the sheep.

To be a "Professional" you have to make a living out of it..getting pay for playing tournaments, getting sponsor and crap like that..Last time i check isn't anything like that in DayZ.

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it's more esoteric than that.

No...A "Pro" in gaming is someone that is making a living playing games, is not "competitive" gaming in DayZ.. as such, this game will "NEVER" have Pro's.


I just love all this delusional kids...where you find them ?

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aye sez you, you're just not getting at all what i'm talking about as evidenced by your condescending replies, that's the trouble with things that are esoteric in nature.

Edited by Calibre

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It seems someone can't handle the paranoia in game xD

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Killing someone at 600m for no reason other than the lulz is a dick move. Has nothing to do with being a coward or not. If that guy at 600m is a legitimate and active threat to you or your friends though, not killing them would be stupid and stupid is far worse than cowardice has ever been.

Edited by Ebrim

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I'd say it's cowardly to lie on a roof on third person while watching somebody, then crouch, aim, take the shot and then prone again. If you miss, keep watching them, if you hit then just listen to the sound of your blood pumping through your pathetic weenis. 


Hunting and stalking somebody and actually taking risks is something commendable, I suppose, and taking a genuinely good position that doesn't require that you peek in 3pp is smart. I tend to avoid players in general. The only kills I've ever made have been at near point-blank, so I suppose that makes me 'a man' if measuring by a metric based solely on the distance between a player and their victim.

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Is it just me or do some of you guys find that sniping is a cowards way of taking someone out, I mean to be a man you wanna look your enemy in the eye before ending his life, not from a rooftop 600 yards away..


This is a difficult statement to accept from a 14 year old who thinks his gaming rig is worth 2 and a half grand when realistically it barely breaks 1.

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Killing someone at 600m for no reason other than the lulz is a dick move.



But don't it just wreck their day !

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I'd say it's cowardly to lie on a roof on third person while watching somebody, then crouch, aim, take the shot and then prone again. If you miss, keep watching them, if you hit then just listen to the sound of your blood pumping through your pathetic weenis. 


Stop whining then and go play Hardcore.


Sniping is a sniper's strategy. It is something to always worry about just like people camping around a corner. You shouldn't whine just because you didn't check your corner or scout the surrounding area. If you die by a sniper or a camper, you deserve it. This is how it occurs in real life as well you don't check, you don't listen, you don't look, you are going to die. Stop whining about it and take your time when entering a city or building and avoid staying on a main road.

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Being a dick of a human being is reward enough for most!

I shot a guy in the neck yesterday. I was going to communicate with him but we suspected having been under fire by him before and I noticed he had a long-range scope on his gun so I decided to off him. (If you're reading this: Stay out of Novodmitrovsk and away from the boys in blue!)


It wasn't really sniping as I ended up less than 50m away from him but hey, I used a long-range scope to plant the kill shot!

Have to say the hunt for him was kinda exciting. It's kind of like hunting for more intelligent deer.

I have no problem with that, it's just when people wait god knows how long for a bambi to run in Berezino on top of the apartments and snipe him is what annoys me, or keeping a LRS on a spawn poin if you should have the time for that.

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I have no problem with that, it's just when people wait god knows how long for a bambi to run in Berezino on top of the apartments and snipe him is what annoys me, or keeping a LRS on a spawn point if you should have the time for that.

Thats what a true sniper has. Patience. In a dog eat dog world such as an apocalypse, you should always expect someone to be trying to off you. Even if you have nothing on you, you are just a potential future threat and it is better to eliminate you now then to regret it later. I sniper in real life will wait up to 16 hours in the same spot without moving to get his target. And a smart person would keep an eagle eye on a hot zone to pick off anyone and scavenge their remains. This is survival game and you can't trust anybody to be friendly same as the real world. A person who would live through stuff like this would avoid big cities and people hot zones to survive.

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This is a difficult statement to accept from a 14 year old who thinks his gaming rig is worth 2 and a half grand when realistically it barely breaks 1.


This is a difficult statement to accept from a 14 year old who thinks his gaming rig is worth 2 and a half grand when realistically it barely breaks 1. 

Why is it that every single British person other than myself particularly the English I come across on the wonderful world of the internet are snobby, idiotic people who have no idea what the Hell they are talking about. That rig is worth two and a half grand and more and I'll explain to you why, subtract the GTX 780 and the 850W psu okay? you're left with a starting price around about of £1500 (well realistically I quickly estimated that, if you want to go further on I paid £1730 starting out), add them back, you got what I already stated. So I either got ripped off by a greedy company, or my statistics are correct. So please if you do not wish to discuss what this thread is, or just want to whine at other people specs being most probably better than yours, please leave. And also I am a wee bit older than 14 pal. So please again, leave :).

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This is how it occurs in real life


Ah shit. Somehow, in real life, I'm playing hardcore while everyone else plays regular. I didn't realise everyone else saw themselves in the third person.


If somebody is prone on a roof there is no way for you to see them. No amount of scouting will reveal them because they are in a position where you cannot possibly detect them. That is my problem with 3pp. Frankly, that's my only problem with it. If somebody is able to find a good position to snipe from in first person mode then that is an indication of a good player. Lying prone on a roof in 3pp is tantamount to exploiting. That other players can also see in 3pp is irrelevant. No risk is being taken by these players. No skill is involved. To suggest otherwise is amusing.


Regardless, I play both hardcore and regular and I enjoy both. 

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My rig is better than yours and isn't worth nearly 2 and a half grand, that's how I know you are talking pish.

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My rig is better than yours and isn't worth nearly 2 and a half grand, that's how I know you are talking pish.

Right. Okay buddy, but still go away, thanks :).

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Lying prone on a roof in 3pp is tantamount to exploiting.



Someone says in a youtube commentary, that "DayZ enormously favors the player who is stationary over the player moving into contact".

- meaning in 3pp obviously.. "standard game" ( now called 3pp at last )


This comment is true - it's not exploiting if you consider that it is a base condition of the game - if you move into an area you are much more vulnerable than the player who is already there - this is always true. I think if you know this you can live with it because it's the same every time.

You might even argue that it has similarities with real contact/assault/penetration situations (but I'm not making that argument) I'm just saying it's a condition of the game, same for all players. As long as you know it, you're ok, you're still in-game.

move carefully, I guess.. the other player has the advantage.


- and even in 3pp he has to have line of sight to shoot.


After 20 years of front-line experience Robert Capa said famously : "If you don't move they can't see you"

Edited by pilgrim

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Right. Okay buddy, but still go away, thanks :).



My rig is better than yours and isn't worth nearly 2 and a half grand, that's how I know you are talking pish.

ON TOPIC and stop feeding the ducks. This is a discussion about sniping not PC specs please focus on that.


Now as per the topic, the current problem I see with sniping is that it is to easy. Anyone can pick up a rifle and get a 600m shot. I think if they added factors such as wind or having to zero your sights (because putting a scope on a rifle does not make it shoot where the crosshair is) would help balance it out a bit.

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