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mamut (DayZ)

Tattoos and druging other players

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I was thinking the other day about how to distinguish members of your clan or your friends from your enemies. And I thought what if there was a possibility of tattoo making. You would have to find a tattoo machine, clean it with alcohol (or you would risk possibility of a disease) and then you could make a tattoo on yourself or your friend (or on enemy instead of killing. Like a mark on the face that you were captured and humiliated). What kind of tattoo could be dependant if the person tattoing is an artist or not (classes maybe?) or ´recipes.´



The other thing I was thinking about (only after watching BREAKING BAD, haha!) were drugs in DayZ. Again, your character would have to learn it first (or he has chemist backround? Classes maybe? :D ), then find all ingredients and maybe build a laboratory. After,  you would have an option. Consume and gain some kind of extra stat depending on the drug (aggresivity, better hearing, better toleration for pain, halucination etc.) and gain ADDICTION (extra stats are less and less powerful and you have to consume the drug again after some time) or force a captured enemy to consume it. So another way of torturing survivors (if you are a bandit). :D



Tell me what you think! :)

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While the tatoos have been mentioned in older posts,truth is they are not visible under clothing.

So one would have to take his shirt/pants etc to show it to the others which is not a very effective way for distinction.

For a charachter decal,sure i can see them working.Now as for the other part,i'm sure in the world of DayZ junkies were the

first to be eaten by zombies.Using hard drugs in an apocalyptic enviroment like Chernarus is purely suicidal.

As a chemist,working to produce medicine though,is something that could prove to be very usefull and i would love to have

a way to craft my own medicine.

Welcome to the forums,use the search function on the top right,to see older posts concerning your suggestions.

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Pretty sure one of the devs said that they wanted to impliment patches. Not 100% sure though

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AHahahhahah drugs in this game would be epic, the possibilities are incommensurable

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The natural de-evolution of tattoos in dayz...


tats are a swell idea, but marking other people is where it's at!

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