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Never mind all that, what's the new boomsticks like

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See in the changelog that they've fixed, my rig has been gubbed for a while so I've not had chance to check it out. I dearly hope that they are as awesome as they should be, anyone care to expound on what they are like now? 

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I haven't got the game installed waiting for it to get a bit more exciting as development seems to still be moving at a snail pace. 4 new guns is exciting tho...  


also what does "gubbed" mean ??

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Anyone used the shotguns then, I can't be the only fan that's been looking forward to them getting buffed?

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The shotgun is back to its good old ways, so don't fret.


I've managed to find two shotguns thus far, but never a hacksaw at the same time, so I'm unfortunately not carrying one yet. Hopefully next time I play I'll be able to find a shotgun now that I have a hacksaw.


It's hardly the most useful weapon in the game, but it's damn cool.

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I don't think the shotties have been buffed, per se. I think the issue was that before they only shot a pellet out of, like, sixteen. That made for the comically low damage. Now they're right deadly.

Edited by TheEvanCat

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Use English or Russian please and/or the Search Function (which somehow or by magic gave seven (7) positive results).

Or, why don't you just browse the Forums, there is a lot of information to be had, wonderful !

Here let me rub your nose in it help you :D



To be fair, when I was asking about the boomsticks I was specifically meaning the shotguns 




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You know, they speak English in Scotland. While they have an odd dialect, it is technically English - regular old dictionaries routinely list words originating in Scotland. =3

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Please vote on the new shotgun bug so we can get it fixed faster than the last issue took: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=14812


The shotgun is back to doing good damage, possibly even better damage than before the previous 1 pellet bug (getting a lot of 1 shot kills lately), but you can't eject shells currently.  Meaning you end up with a single shell and not being able to reload the full amount without firing it off.


I've been using it near exclusively since the patch hit and having great success otherwise.  But we really do need to get the reload issue noticed or it'll go ignored for multiple patches just like before.

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Please vote on the new shotgun bug so we can get it fixed faster than the last issue took: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=14812


The shotgun is back to doing good damage, possibly even better damage than before the previous 1 pellet bug (getting a lot of 1 shot kills lately), but you can't eject shells currently.  Meaning you end up with a single shell and not being able to reload the full amount without firing it off.


I've been using it near exclusively since the patch hit and having great success otherwise.  But we really do need to get the reload issue noticed or it'll go ignored for multiple patches just like before.


You have my beans and upvote dear man.

I also hope, that pump action shotty will arrive soon.

How cool that would be?! Maybe even make it so you can saw off the buttstock.

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also what does "gubbed" mean ??


Haha, good old Scottish slang, it means it's fucked.

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You have my beans and upvote dear man.

I also hope, that pump action shotty will arrive soon.

How cool that would be?! Maybe even make it so you can saw off the buttstock.

Then I'll go full "Eli-style" ;)


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You know, they speak English in Scotland. While they have an odd dialect, it is technically English - regular old dictionaries routinely list words originating in Scotland. =3


There are hundreds of great Scottish words that aren't well known outside of Scotland. Glaikit is probably one of my favourites. Funnily enough I had a complaint about one of the error messages in the backup software I'd written from an English customer, the error message was: "The time period you have selected is outwith the backup window". This guy was giving me all sorts of sticks for my terrible use of grammar for the word "outwith", had a moment of self doubt and checked the Oxford English dictionary and it was in there but had it marked as Scottish dialect so I wrote back to him and said "Just because a word happens to be outwith your vocabulary doesn't make it bad grammar"  :D

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Haha, good old Scottish slang, it means it's fucked.

Ahh..I figured it was something like that ^_^

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Got that bug where you fire off all the rounds in a gun, but the ammo still stays in the gun showing a stack of 0.  Unfortunately, with the shotgun being unable to eject shells, it means the shotgun becomes useless.  Relogging didn't work, neither did dropping it or picking it up, and it showed a stack of 0 shells loaded to my friend as well.


What a drag.

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Based on that video it looks pretty effective again

Yeah, but what about the sawn off version?


TBH, I care more about the sawn off, than the long barreled shotgun ;)

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So I've definitely shot a proper spread with the shotgun this patch a few times, but today I got what seemed to be a bug where it was either firing a single pellet again, or seemingly more likely, firing all the pellets in a super tight cluster.


It was leaving a single very large impact hole on walls, and when shooting people/zombies only leaving one hit marker.  I'll have to actually do proper testing later (this was in the middle of a firefight and I only really noticed in retrospect) but the shotgun is definitely still behaving pretty odd.  The only good part about that particular bug is it seemed to be doing full damage at least, and I won my fight against 2 dudes with SKSes.


Anyone else experiencing this?

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I slew a few people with my full length shotgun in experimental last week. Went through maybe 10 shells, no problems. Can't comment on stable (assuming it's the same) or sawed off (no hacksaw)

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