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Will someone please explain to me...

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Why my 'W' key is better than my 'V' key?


First off some technical info just to establish that the problem lies not with me or my ISP - I have a premium 100 Mbps Broadband package, I never have trouble finding servers with ping in the region of 10 -14 and I play many online games and very very rarely experience issues like those that seem to plague DayZ.


Today I was running from a zombie when I approached a fence I hit the 'V' key and nothing happened, I hit it about 7 times and at no point did my character respond, he responded fine to the 'W' key and to the 'ALT' freelook key and to all of my mouse inputs, but as for 'V' the message just weren't getting through.


I eventually ran around the fence and found refuge in a barn where I attempted to switch to my axe using the allotted hot key - '2'. Nothing happened, I hit it around 8 or 9 times and nothing happened, my character responded as ever to my 'WASD' key inputs, it responded to my 'ALT' freelooking and all mouse inputs but for some reason the '2' key input just never reached the server.


Eventually I realised the game was going to kill me again so I manually dragged the axe to my characters hands and proceeded to kill the zombie, after I'd finished I switched back to my rifle, applied a bandage before opening and eating a can of tuna all this was accompanied by the soundtrack of long finished 'axe swipe' sound effects, I mean come on guys it's 2014 here.


So please will someone explain to me how certain keyboard/mouse inputs have a near instant response while others have zero response or, if you are very lucky a delayed response, how can that be?


Is this something we just have to accept? will this game and its 1990's level of laaaaaag ever be fixed? or is it just part of the RV engines outdated legacy? Why on earth have you added character control inputs that the server can choose to ignore? where is the sense in that?

Edited by Macdeth
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You see DayZ apart from normal lag has also desynch.

 Desynch is bound to effect things like picking up items, hot bar and jumping over fences with "V".

And desynch is not bound with ping in any way.




Also desynch effects when damage done to you will be registered..

Edited by Frosti

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Desync is what everyone gets. Also, always make sure to press V or whatever button for your vault BEFORE you reach the fence, not when you touching the fence.

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I have noticed it takes several tries sometimes before it responds, however ive never had to hit any button more then 2 or 3 times before it registers, and it rarely does it at all. How old is your keyboard? theres the chance that it could be going out and certain keys are breaking. Also, once we hit beta and better optimization comes it will make things much better.

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I have noticed it takes several tries sometimes before it responds, however ive never had to hit any button more then 2 or 3 times before it registers, and it rarely does it at all. How old is your keyboard? theres the chance that it could be going out and certain keys are breaking. Also, once we hit beta and better optimization comes it will make things much better.


You should became politician.

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I have noticed it takes several tries sometimes before it responds, however ive never had to hit any button more then 2 or 3 times before it registers, and it rarely does it at all. How old is your keyboard? theres the chance that it could be going out and certain keys are breaking. Also, once we hit beta and better optimization comes it will make things much better.


I hope a ladder kills you

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I hope a ladder kills you

Woah there son, im scared now. He wants a ladder to kill me! Watch out, we got a badass over here!

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Woah there son, im scared now. He wants a ladder to kill me! Watch out, we got a badass over here!


It's probably your CPU. How many cores does it have?

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It's probably your CPU. How many cores does it have?

earlier post indicated he had a 37 core cpu, so it is likely not the case. :P

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I hope you're eating a can of tuna on a second floor and you hurt your leg and ruin your pants.

Also, did you try running the game as administrator? Or running a defrag?

Edited by MuchHigher
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i hope you ALL log out in a second floor building and relog IN THE FLOOR glitched and forced to starve

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Desync happens to me on a servers with ping over 100. It's really annoying as hell. Like 'N Sync but worse.

For example, I wish to assasinate a zombie who has not yet spotted me, with my trusty axe. I also have compass equiped previously. So I run to the zombie, hit my shortcut key to select the axe and space bar to raise the axe. But nothing happens, except I raise my compass.

Now, if you were watching me do this from a side, you would probably be thinking: "Why did that guy just ran up to that zombie and showed him his compass by raising it in the zombie's face? Is he asking it for directions? Probably a new player..."

It is just dayz desync.

Edited by Calvin Candie

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Why my 'W' key is better than my 'V' key?

First off some technical info just to establish that the problem lies not with me or my ISP - I have a premium 100 Mbps Broadband package, I never have trouble finding servers with ping in the region of 10 -14 and I play many online games and very very rarely experience issues like those that seem to plague DayZ.

Today I was running from a zombie when I approached a fence I hit the 'V' key and nothing happened, I hit it about 7 times and at no point did my character respond, he responded fine to the 'W' key and to the 'ALT' freelook key and to all of my mouse inputs, but as for 'V' the message just weren't getting through.

I eventually ran around the fence and found refuge in a barn where I attempted to switch to my axe using the allotted hot key - '2'. Nothing happened, I hit it around 8 or 9 times and nothing happened, my character responded as ever to my 'WASD' key inputs, it responded to my 'ALT' freelooking and all mouse inputs but for some reason the '2' key input just never reached the server.

Eventually I realised the game was going to kill me again so I manually dragged the axe to my characters hands and proceeded to kill the zombie, after I'd finished I switched back to my rifle, applied a bandage before opening and eating a can of tuna all this was accompanied by the soundtrack of long finished 'axe swipe' sound effects, I mean come on guys it's 2014 here.

So please will someone explain to me how certain keyboard/mouse inputs have a near instant response while others have zero response or, if you are very lucky a delayed response, how can that be?

Is this something we just have to accept? will this game and its 1990's level of laaaaaag ever be fixed? or is it just part of the RV engines outdated legacy? Why on earth have you added character control inputs that the server can choose to ignore? where is the sense in that?

You can throw a fast ball at a kid with down syndrome. Dosen't mean they'll catch it. Just saying your bandwidth is irrelevant if the other end can't keep up or is bugged. Seems pretty obvious. Edited by Slap_Fight

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I have the same issue. I also have a spare keyboard and it's exactly the same

It can take 8-9 button presses sometimes to draw

An item from the hot keys

I always keep my computer up to date and bought a brand new computer when the standalone came out

I had the EXACT same problem on both systems with both my keyboards

It's NOT lag, otherwise how do you explain I can drag the item to my hands and it INSTANTLY equips it and sll other things are instant yet the hotkey can take 8-9 tries sometimes

Desych doesn't just decide to affect one series of buttons

Personally I think it's something in the game code that's been overlooked and assumed to be lag

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Did you try rebooting your pc?
Did you unplug your pc from the mains and waited minute or so before applying power again?
Did you unplug the keyboard and attached it again after waiting minute or so?
Are you certain that your keyboard drivers are up to date?
Are you sure you are pressing the right button? This is higly important.

Are these questions help full?

In all seriousness, its desync and occurs when client and server are not in sync (rly?) or lag. Regular player command are not directly controlled by server, server just decides if the momevements are allowed.. this is why even when in serious lag/desync you can still move your character without delay. IE rubberbanding happens when server thinks you are in different place while on client side you seem to be elsewhere when it(server) has not received location data correctly (due lag etc) and resets your location. Some commands/tasks are server side, meaning that you send cue to server which replys with the ok task, like gestures, picking up stuff, vaulting. If its in desync due lag etc these messages are not allowed because its waiting something else or your task location doesnt go together with previously updates one etc etc.

I dont know the exact detail of the system but hopefully get the point.

Edited by Zeppa
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Everyone has that problem. General movement seems to ignore dsync but all other actions seem to take forever to respond. My best guess as to how this happens is your computer is rendering your character moving around but the server is still registering you somewhere in the past. When dsync ends the server catches up to your rendered location and some of the actions you tried to perform on in game objects while under dsync catch up to. Some do not. It's pretty f'ing terrible. 

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i hope you ALL log out in a second floor building and relog IN THE FLOOR glitched and forced to starve

If you can't find your way out of glitch-basement (aka: rape dungeon) then you deserve to starve...









Also, i usually press it in hard and let my finger linger on it for ~1sec and don't have too much issue.  Occasionally while running i do a hurdle-step and not a vault, but not sure if this has something to do with crouch-running or being out of breath (or just bug).  Press when about 1-2m before the fence and you'll usually clip through it even if you don't quite clear it on your return to earth.  Used to be able to glitch it like this well (pressing V much earlier than necessary then walking through the obstacle) but they seem to have reduced the range of grace back in .45 or so..

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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 Also, once we hit beta and better optimization comes it will make things much better.

Optimization of game mechanics is part of alpha though. Especially of basic ones like vaulting or taking damage (or using a quickslot key).

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Answer: V won't trigger if you are already right infront of an object, ever. Its a feature to prevent people crawling into building walls by this. I hope they restore its functionality when wallglitching is fixed.


Anyway, Face elsewhere, where no wall/fence is. Use V then and quickly turn in the direction of the obstacle: enjoy getting through.

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Moving around is client side. Before you can vault, your client must receive a response from the server to do so. The same goes for moving things in your bag, picking up/dropping things, equipping/unequipping weapons, etc.

It's caused by a synchronization error between your computer and the server.

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Moving around is client side. Before you can vault, your client must receive a response from the server to do so. The same goes for moving things in your bag, picking up/dropping things, equipping/unequipping weapons, etc.

It's caused by a synchronization error between your computer and the server.

Perfect explanation. But the question remains, why was this design ever implemented in the first place? It is so severe that I cant imagine anyone not knowing it was a bad idea. I have never seen a game where hitting a button was a total crap shoot. I assume because the game was just a mod? But why not desing controls based on how the arma egine already handled controls?

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