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Toperek1990 (DayZ)

Mr Pathetic, Mr Cheating and Mr Weird :) Who is your winner?

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depends from the situation :) DayZ engine is soo shit that sometimes it takes too much time to switch camera and aim. sometime even lags while doing it :P thats why I don't change camera too often. BUT MOST OF THE TIME i play with mosin so I shot with 1st person

Edited by Toperek1990

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I found Mr Weird cute he just wanted a buddy

ye :) maybe.. but deep in my heart I felt he just wanted to fu*k around with player :P but I might be wrong

Edited by Toperek1990

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Look at her inventory. An unbelievably massive amount of high value gear and a hackers magazine for the M4. So either she was a cheater or a lagger who killed and looted a cheater.


My favorite is Mr.Pathetic who probably had thoughts similar to: "Oh crap, the guy I just shot at for no reason has me at gunpoint and wants me to lay down my stuff." Bonus points for doing this while there was clearly a fight in the background (a lagger killing and looting a cheater maybe).

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Are you sure it is Mr Cheating, or Mr Lagging... hehe

It's Mr. Cheating, he had an infinite ammo M4...

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doesn't matter if he hacked the magazine or he picked it up, if he keep it he's a cheater anyway. I'm not sure about the high quality military gear but it was probably hacked aswell :), I once killed a cheater with infinite ammo with same vests inside of his backpack.

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