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Love the New Sway

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yes very good down side to running all the time, especially when you have no magazine and you only get one shot.....

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I made a video for our beloved fanboys asserting that holding breath "werks" when it doesn't. See for yourself. Seriously people, try actually PLAYING the game and getting good a little. I am sure nobody of you have ever killed anyone passed 200 meters, saying that sway now isn't bugged, right?





My limbs aren't broken. Holding breath is bugged. When you press the key (for me it is R key), the sway stops for literally one nano-second and then returns instantly. And one nano-second isn't even enough time to press a damn mouse key to shoot a person, let alone correct your aim. I wouldn't complain if it was 2 seconds. God, even 1 second would be enough, but it is not that. It is a split, a 1/16th of a second at best. This isn't realistic, this is retarded.


Have some beans.

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I think the zombie clipping through walls, hitting through 100 meters and all the desync problem is awesome. The harder the better! Why developers even try to fix zombies? Leave them be! no clipping is awesome, makes people more affraid of zombies, right? Such realism.


Are you mocking me? Not once did I reference any of those things.


Is this topic not about weapon sway?

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Not sure what the issue is with the above video but here is one I just recorded and this is after running.  Definitely nowhere near  the ridiculous sway in that video.  Looks like a case of someone not mending their broken arm and raging about it instead of fixing it. 



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Waaay too fast, it's 23-25 km/h plus you can sprint forever. You would finish a marathon in 110 minutes, the world record is over 13 minutes slower. 4 minute miles every mile.

I heard it was closer to 30, but you are probably more correct. Thankfully when vehicles and the rest of the loot economy are gone you wont necessarily have to run 10k to get anything! It will also make foot pursuits more interesting when they pass out from exhaustion either because they dont have the energy or because they have 100lbs of junk in their pack!

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Not sure what the issue is with the above video but here is one I just recorded and this is after running.  Definitely nowhere near  the ridiculous sway in that video.  Looks like a case of someone not mending their broken arm and raging about it instead of fixing it. 




Did you seriously just try to compare iron sighted SKS sway to LRS Mosin sway?

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Did you seriously just try to compare iron sighted SKS sway to LRS Mosin sway?


How are they any different.


The sway would be exactly the same the mosins sway would only appear to be higher due to magnification.




I heard it was closer to 30, but you are probably more correct. Thankfully when vehicles and the rest of the loot economy are gone you wont necessarily have to run 10k to get anything! It will also make foot pursuits more interesting when they pass out from exhaustion either because they dont have the energy or because they have 100lbs of junk in their pack!



Think the devs confirmed a stamina and weight system in the last dev stream.


I really hope its indepth and more importantly that it is directly connected to a calorie and energy expenditure system where every action consumes calories and you need to resupply those calories to continue.

Edited by gibonez
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The currently ridiculous weaponsway makes the shotgun OP. Let me showcase 2 encounters I had: (it was 3 but i forgot the 3rd)


1. I ran through a forest after interaction with a player, with my shotgun armed. 10min before I have been shot at by a sniper who missed, I was unprepared for battle then suddenly I see a guy in the forest, obviously looking for me, he sees me instantly and we are only apart about 20 meters, I try shooting him but my weapon is not loaded, I run around while reloading the weapon. I quickly point on him and shoot, he dies before releasing a single SKS shot. I find a mosin on his back: he is the sniper who was looking for me, he had the edge, he still lost, not due to my mad skills..but I'll make my point later.


2. I run over a field near NEA, directed to krastostav, wielding a shotgun. I get shot at massively by an AKM. He misses all shots until I can locate him, I release a single shot in his general direction. He is almost impossible for me to see since the sun is direcly over his head. I check his body to find that he has a pristine HC vest, only the pants are destroyed. He died by a single Shotgun shot to the legs, and the ridiculous weaponsway of his gun failed him while I just broadly pointed at him once, without taking time to properly aim and without the need to deal with the sway.


I really feel discouraged by the sway to engage any enemy that's further away than 200 meters. I consider the weapons so impotent at this point that I always walk up to them, unless they are perfectly stationary.


The characters of dayz are swinging their weapons around. Proper weaponsway is just shivering (I know because I was a conscript). Look at your character from 3rd person, see how its even visible from there how badly the weapon is swinging around. If you don't see that this is problematic...seriously, grab a metal rod and hold it like a rifle. Witness for yourself how well an untrained human can hold it, even after sprinting.


For fairness btw: I shot a stationary sniper today from 750 meters away with my 2nd shot, while holding breath and going prone. Holdbreath does something I believe, but the effect is barely noticeable and short lived. That said, I feel like the current sway is favouring camping way too much.

Edited by Khanarac
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I made a video for our beloved fanboys asserting that holding breath "werks" when it doesn't. See for yourself. Seriously people, try actually PLAYING the game and getting good a little. I am sure nobody of you have ever killed anyone passed 200 meters, saying that sway now isn't bugged, right?





My limbs aren't broken. Holding breath is bugged. When you press the key (for me it is R key), the sway stops for literally one nano-second and then returns instantly. And one nano-second isn't even enough time to press a damn mouse key to shoot a person, let alone correct your aim. I wouldn't complain if it was 2 seconds. God, even 1 second would be enough, but it is not that. It is a split, a 1/16th of a second at best. This isn't realistic, this is retarded.



I think you are holding your breath too long.  Almost the whole time you are not letting your char breathe, except for very short breaths.  Or else you bound hold breath to another key, and it is just not working.


Most of the movement also seemed to be you moving around alot, then the sway kicks in again because you are holding your breath the whole time.

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I really feel discouraged by the sway to engage any enemy that's further away than 200 meters. I consider the weapons so impotent at this point that I always walk up to them, unless they are perfectly stationary.


Looks to me the sway is doing its job then.


Not taking a 200m shot because you are unsure of it landing and missing your chance is a normal real life occurrence it happens to hunters all the time, they then close the distance , regain their breath and take down their prey.

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I killed a player two days ago through the window to the left of the side entrance on the police station at 250 yards headshot with the broken arm effect. It made the shot about 66% harder. Currently in 49 I feel pretty comfortable hitting out to 700 consistently. The breathing has changed, no more double breath hold and the time has reduced considerably on the one breath hold. Overall I've had to adjust my shooting technique a little to cope with it. Anyone using the Mosin consistently should know if they are bugged sway or not. Traversing 90 degree sprinting target shooting hasn't changed in difficulty, it was hard before and still is. Can be done though.

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Just look at how the effective range of standard issue rifles has changed from WW1 until now. Also, notice how magazine sizes have jumped skyward. Why? Because expecting a soldier to land several hundred meter shots even near their target while under fire is fanciful. To adapt to this realization, military organizations worldwide have adopted a new fire superiority strategy. Fire enough rounds down range and eventually you'll hit something if not just suppressing them and reducing incoming fire.

Not one nation in the world issues a bolt action rifle as their standard issue weapon. Think how much cheaper it would be to equip soldiers with accurate, simple, bolt action rifles instead of less accurate automatics.

Lading a 400+ meter shot is not possible for most casual, recreational shooters. However, if you gave those same shooters an M4 with, say, an RDS, and a 30 round magazine, they could probably suppress or hit that same 400 meter target.

Yes, the weapon sway mechanic, as it is currently implemented, is less than desirable as an endgame feature. However, I think that it affects gameplay in an authentic way that makes landing one of those long range, one hit kill shots that much more difficult and ultimately, more rewarding.

It's not perfect, but neither is the rest of dayz. Adapt to its imperfections, as you have learned to adapt to the bugginess and broken features that we lovingly call dayz.

I am by no means saying don't give constructive criticism, but try and see the other camp's perspective before you chastise them. It can often lead to more productive, pleasant discourse! :)

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Yes, the weapon sway mechanic, as it is currently implemented, is less than desirable as an endgame feature. However, I think that it affects gameplay in an authentic way that makes landing one of those long range, one hit kill shots that much more difficult and ultimately, more rewarding.



Yes exactly.


Part of the problem is people are viewing sway with such a narrow focus.


Sway is ultimately only one tiny part of what hopefully will be a suite of gameplay features that increase the complexity of shooting and thus make the gameplay better.


- Wind

- Weapon resting

- Mil/moa turrets

- More realistic ballistic model

- Stamina / Weight system


Any number of these features would enhance and compliment the very early sway mechanic.


Wind and stamina are both confirmed and I anticipate some of the others will eventually down the line all together forming a good shooting experience that mimics realistic real life shooting scenarios even if it does it by exaggerating certain aspects in order to get past the input method of mouse and keyboard.


Now if some people are only being negative towards sway because it means they can't shoot people easily anymore in stable then tough shit , stable is not the finished game give it time.

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Just wanted to confirm the magic of the splint. I had thought the bug these guys were talking about was when you will get the red msg for a limb that is broken but you can still walk(in the case of a leg) and/or the bug where you player is always grunting like he's hurt, but you health is displayed as bright green. Well, there is a state that your player can be in where all will seem the norm and your health is displayed as healthy and bright green, but under the hood you are in pretty bad shape. The magical splint fixes all this, allowing you to effectively snipe/scan an area with a very reasonable amount of sway. So when in doubt and on the way to a kill or two, use a splint.

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I think you are holding your breath too long.  Almost the whole time you are not letting your char breathe, except for very short breaths.  Or else you bound hold breath to another key, and it is just not working.


Most of the movement also seemed to be you moving around alot, then the sway kicks in again because you are holding your breath the whole time.


No, I think you need to actually play the game to realize what I am talking about, I practically didn't hold breath at all in tht video. I press my binded button for literally 2 seconds and sway returns after 1/16th of a second, so it seems to you that I am holding it all the time, when it isn't the case. Same with broken limbs fanboys. Why would I not fix my limbs first before complaining of weapon sway after thousands of hours in game? Why would I do that?


And then we get this smart guy here




who compares a fucking IRON SIGHT to an LRS. Absolutely clueless kids in this thread. It is like some people are so invested in the developers that they defend them on every bug they make and call it a feature. Is it american thing? Are you all apple users? Why would you call a completely broken thing a feature? Try holding breath IRL. I am sure you will be able to do it for more than just one nano-second. But in game - wow, "muh mechanics much realism!!!! "

Edited by MaxRain
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who compares a fucking IRON SIGHT to an LRS. Absolutely clueless kids in this thread. It is like some people are so invested in the developers that they defend them on every bug they make and call it a feature. Is it american thing? Are you all apple users? Why would you call a completely broken thing a feature? Try holding breath IRL. I am sure you will be able to do it for more than just one nano-second. But in game - wow, "muh mechanics much realism!!!! "


The reason he is comparing the Iron sights and the LRS sway is because it is identical.


The mosin does not sway any more with  a LRS compared to a naked mosin the sway is the same the only difference is the magnification makes the sway appear more than it is.

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The reason he is comparing the Iron sights and the LRS sway is because it is identical.


The mosin does not sway any more with  a LRS compared to a naked mosin the sway is the same the only difference is the magnification makes the sway appear more than it is.


I am well aware of that. And my point isn't the sway, it is HOLDING BREATH function which doesn't work neither with LRS neither with iron sight or PU scope. The effects of that bug (holding breath not working) using iron sight are tiny compared to effects using LRS. You aren't gonna shoot passed 200-300 meters with iron sight so you really could care less about this bug than people who prefer sniping than close encounters with people. And that, kiddies, my whole point of my posts in this thread.


Do you get it now or are you gonna suggest that my limbs are broken like others?


It seems that people didn't play DayZ before the 49 patch and now they try to justify the bug that developers made and call it a feature. Just like the apple fanboys now call iphone 6 bending problem a feature too. Oh, you should buy a plastic case for you phone! Hurr problem solved durr. NO. It is putting a bandage on decapitated head, neither of these things change the fact that people responsible for both of these things fucked up and now try to cover it up by ignoring it.

Edited by MaxRain
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Just look at how the effective range of standard issue rifles has changed from WW1 until now. Also, notice how magazine sizes have jumped skyward. Why? Because expecting a soldier to land several hundred meter shots even near their target while under fire is fanciful. To adapt to this realization, military organizations worldwide have adopted a new fire superiority strategy. Fire enough rounds down range and eventually you'll hit something if not just suppressing them and reducing incoming fire.

Not one nation in the world issues a bolt action rifle as their standard issue weapon. Think how much cheaper it would be to equip soldiers with accurate, simple, bolt action rifles instead of less accurate automatics.

Lading a 400+ meter shot is not possible for most casual, recreational shooters. However, if you gave those same shooters an M4 with, say, an RDS, and a 30 round magazine, they could probably suppress or hit that same 400 meter target.

Yes, the weapon sway mechanic, as it is currently implemented, is less than desirable as an endgame feature. However, I think that it affects gameplay in an authentic way that makes landing one of those long range, one hit kill shots that much more difficult and ultimately, more rewarding.

It's not perfect, but neither is the rest of dayz. Adapt to its imperfections, as you have learned to adapt to the bugginess and broken features that we lovingly call dayz.

I am by no means saying don't give constructive criticism, but try and see the other camp's perspective before you chastise them. It can often lead to more productive, pleasant discourse! :)

And  now most military's don't even equip the basic soldier with a fully automatic assault rifle anymore, due it being deemed "ineffective" ( Look it up) Most armies have semi-automatic/3 rnd burst rifles as the service rifle, with full-auto suppression being covered by squad level SAWs and Platoon/Compant level GMPG/HMGs. Long-range (read: 300 + meters) is covered by Designated Marksmen, who are often armed with little more than an accurized (longer barrel, optics) version of the standard-issue  service rifle.


What I do not like, however, is how fast the sway comes on, as it were. IRL, I am not a "super-LEET SNIPAH", by any means, but I can steady a rifle on my knee and make an accurate shot, even after climbing a mountain and doing a light jog. I also feel like we should have the ability to rest the firearm on something (a bag, a braced arm, a wall, etc).


My 2 cents.

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Looks to me the sway is doing its job then.


Not taking a 200m shot because you are unsure of it landing and missing your chance is a normal real life occurrence it happens to hunters all the time, they then close the distance , regain their breath and take down their prey.

I don't know man. I hit stationary targets at 300meters with a machine gun without magnification in RL after two tries of the same procedure with only two misses in 15 shots. And also with a G36 we practised at about 400 meters too, granted the G36 has a standard issued acog (designed to be used to up to 800 meters but the instructors said the max. effective combat range was 500m). But we often have magnified weapons in dayz and i still don't feel confident most of the time to actually shoot the target, the tiny fraction of a second when i can get my crosshair aligned to the target before the extragerated sway kicks in is just too risky. The guy will get away. I think we need a middleground between the current sway and the super-accurate dayzmod behaviour.

Or I just will have to deal with it and take the shots regardless.


I feel like a bipod does nothing to change that while prone. It just reduces dispersion, not sway. I guess they will fix that sometime because that seems rather illogical.

Edited by Khanarac
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The new weapon swaying is fantastic.


The weapon is realistically uncontrollable when you are out of breath but it is still realistic when you are calm and collected.


This is yet another one of those tiny subtle changes that makes the game better and puts it further away from being a twitch shooter.



Tired Sway




Rested Sway




Hope they continue to make the game feel more realistic and less arcade stuff, hoping the sprint speed is next along with a stamina and weight system.


What a totally boring post - I mean what is your fucking point!

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What a totally boring post - I mean what is your fucking point!


Posts of this nature are unacceptable. Stop it.

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What a totally boring post - I mean what is your point!


He wants DayZ to be a game where you play a short-sighted, brittle-bone-diseased epileptic with lung cancer who can't hit anything at all with the few bits of ammo that you find, where zombies are omniscient and omnipotent, where you spawn naked in a -180°C environment with massive, infected gashes all over your body in the middle of a minefield, reducing your average lifespan to three minutes.


Now THAT would make the game hard!


And why would we want DayZ to be any different?

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He wants DayZ to be a game where you play a short-sighted, brittle-bone-diseased epileptic with lung cancer who can't hit anything at all with the few bits of ammo that you find, where zombies are omniscient and omnipotent, where you spawn naked in a -180°C environment with massive, infected gashes all over your body in the middle of a minefield, reducing your average lifespan to three minutes.


Now THAT would make the game hard!


And why would we want DayZ to be any different?


And reading all you comments.... You want intense battles, a guns shop every 10 yards, ammo growing in trees, a teleporting device, a superhuman character that is immune to cold, have a self regulating cooling system.. and never needs to eat or drink.

Edited by Cpanther

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He wants DayZ to be a game where you play a short-sighted, brittle-bone-diseased epileptic with lung cancer who can't hit anything at all with the few bits of ammo that you find, where zombies are omniscient and omnipotent, where you spawn naked in a -180°C environment with massive, infected gashes all over your body in the middle of a minefield, reducing your average lifespan to three minutes.


Now THAT would make the game hard!


And why would we want DayZ to be any different?


And he have only 150h in this game.



Just ignore Caboose he is known troll on this forum. He contradict himself, the sway on the sks is the same as with mosin.


I see no reason for sway to be same while proned.

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No, I think you need to actually play the game to realize what I am talking about, I practically didn't hold breath at all in tht video. I press my binded button for literally 2 seconds and sway returns after 1/16th of a second, so it seems to you that I am holding it all the time, when it isn't the case. Same with broken limbs fanboys. Why would I not fix my limbs first before complaining of weapon sway after thousands of hours in game? Why would I do that?


And then we get this smart guy here




who compares a fucking IRON SIGHT to an LRS. Absolutely clueless kids in this thread. It is like some people are so invested in the developers that they defend them on every bug they make and call it a feature. Is it american thing? Are you all apple users? Why would you call a completely broken thing a feature? Try holding breath IRL. I am sure you will be able to do it for more than just one nano-second. But in game - wow, "muh mechanics much realism!!!! "

Lol exaclty, i made a thread about how bad the sway was and boneboys the apparent forum moderator who is supposed to unbiased and i am meant to complain to if i have issues with other moderatore puts my topic inside one that starts with 'i love the new weapon sway', what does this show you about this forum people?


This topic shows you a mosin with iron sights and field of view at about half with which not many people play with (the field of view). Gibonez instead of trying to lie to people and feed them shit why dont you show the sway with a long range scope past 800 meters since that is the main issue here that people are complaining about, the sway is negligible with iron sights at best, no one has complained about the iron sights sway and yet that is the video you put up as evidence.

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