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Love the New Sway

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Lol exaclty, i made a thread about how bad the sway was and boneboys the apparent forum moderator who is supposed to unbiased and i am meant to complain to if i have issues with other moderatore puts my topic inside one that starts with 'i love the new weapon sway', what does this show you about this forum people?


This topic shows you a mosin with iron sights and field of view at about half with which not many people play with (the field of view). Gibonez instead of trying to lie to people and feed them shit why dont you show the sway with a long range scope past 800 meters since that is the main issue here that people are complaining about, the sway is negligible with iron sights at best, no one has complained about the iron sights sway and yet that is the video you put up as evidence.


If you have an issue with the way in which your content then either take it up with that moderator or Boneboys instead of complaining about it on the public forums.


On a side note - we don't need separate topics for liking and disliking something. Just the one for debating both sides of the argument will do.

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Gibonez instead of trying to lie to people and feed them shit why dont you show the sway with a long range scope past 800 meters since that is the main issue here that people are complaining about, the sway is negligible with iron sights at best, no one has complained about the iron sights sway and yet that is the video you put up as evidence.


The problem is that sometimes, people misunderstand each other. No need to get nasty in such cases.


Sometimes, I've seen obvious trolls. If all of the people who are interested in actually making DayZ a great game just put the people on our ignore lists that are obviously either trolls or mentally not capable of discussing improvement, the overall quality of this forum will steadily improve and the dim bulbs will start going out completely.


In the end, the people who all in all only want DayZ to be nothing else than "a really hard game" are going to be in for a disappointment. Because DayZ, if it remains as unplayable as some things are, will not make it past Alpha phase whether these people like it or not. Hard should mean "challenging" and not "ridiculous"


BTT: I'd still like to point out for all people who don't know it, that this glitch still exists


Bug report:


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If you have an issue with the way in which your content then either take it up with that moderator or Boneboys instead of complaining about it on the public forums.


On a side note - we don't need separate topics for liking and disliking something. Just the one for debating both sides of the argument will do.

Well in that case the topic should start with an unbiased thread title mosey, you know this it is common sense, why are people who dislike the new weapon sway going to click on a thread that starts with 'I LOVE THE NEW WEAPON SWAY' Why are you trying to play stupid even though you are not and pretending you don't see how this is biased and starts the discussion on an unfair footing for one side.

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Well in that case the topic should start with an unbiased thread title mosey, you know this it is common sense, why are people who dislike the new weapon sway going to click on a thread that starts with 'I LOVE THE NEW WEAPON SWAY' Why are you trying to play stupid even though you are not and pretending you don't see how this is biased and starts the discussion on an unfair footing for one side.


Not necessarily. If someone says "I like X because Y" you're free to say "I dislike X because Z", it doesn't need to begin with an unbiased title like "what do you think about X?".


Anyway, like I said take this up with Boneboys if you have an issue. This isn't the place...

Edited by Mos1ey

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The problem is that sometimes, people misunderstand each other. No need to get nasty in such cases.


Sometimes, I've seen obvious trolls. If all of the people who are interested in actually making DayZ a great game just put the people on our ignore lists that are obviously either trolls or mentally not capable of discussing improvement, the overall quality of this forum will steadily improve and the dim bulbs will start going out completely.


In the end, the people who all in all only want DayZ to be nothing else than "a really hard game" are going to be in for a disappointment. Because DayZ, if it remains as unplayable as some things are, will not make it past Alpha phase whether these people like it or not. Hard should mean "challenging" and not "ridiculous"


BTT: I'd still like to point out for all people who don't know it, that this glitch still exists


Bug report:


Once again you have posted a video that is completely unrelated to the issue people have with the new weapon sway. I am going to say this to you one more time as i have seen many people tell you and you seem to be ignoring them.


You were looking at a tree 50 METERS away from you, i will reiterate one more time for you, there is no issue up to and before 300 meters, you will barely even notice the sway, the target is so large on your screen at those distances that it is a peice of cake o make those shots and you will not, like you yourself have not been noticing the terrible sway. the problem is when you are scoping from above 500 meters away and you are laying down and your target is the size of a dinner plate. You have used a splint so you know it is no issue with your apparent broken limbs. The sway is uncontrollable and you can not accurately hit targets without pure luck and hoping you pull the trigger at the right time, that is not how shooting is in real life and it should not be the way it is in game. Please dude instead of arguing about something you have clearly not even done on this game, go to the apartments above cherno, then shoot some zombies in cherno from 800 meters away, post that video please and then tell me you are happy with it. 


I promise you if you were to do this i would hold your opinion higher then any on this forum because then you would actually know what it is you were talking about, you could also back this up with video evidence, please go and do this for me.

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Once again you have posted a video that is completely unrelated to the issue people have with the new weapon sway. I am going to say this to you one more time as i have seen many people tell you and you seem to be ignoring them.


You were looking at a tree 50 METERS away from you, i will reiterate one more time for you, there is no issue up to and before 300 meters, you will barely even notice the sway, the target is so large on your screen at those distances that it is a peice of cake o make those shots and you will not, like you yourself have not been noticing the terrible sway. the problem is when you are scoping from above 500 meters away and you are laying down and your target is the size of a dinner plate. You have used a splint so you know it is no issue with your apparent broken limbs. The sway is uncontrollable and you can not accurately hit targets without pure luck and hoping you pull the trigger at the right time, that is not how shooting is in real life and it should not be the way it is in game. Please dude instead of arguing about something you have clearly not even done on this game, go to the apartments above cherno, then shoot some zombies in cherno from 800 meters away, post that video please and then tell me you are happy with it. 


I promise you if you were to do this i would hold your opinion higher then any on this forum because then you would actually know what it is you were talking about, you could also back this up with video evidence, please go and do this for me.


For Chrissake calm down, I know that you're talking about something else. I only posted the video for people that don't know the glitch and not "to prove" anything.


I have spent plenty of time in Svetlo mountain sniping at zombies and bandits and I know how freakin' hard it is. And yes, it sucks that you can't lean your gun on anything or that being prone gives you zero extra stability. This type of swaying around motion that makes you have to time your shot is something you should only have when shooting while standing up straight and not while being prone or crouched in front of a barrier.

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Once again you have posted a video that is completely unrelated to the issue people have with the new weapon sway. I am going to say this to you one more time as i have seen many people tell you and you seem to be ignoring them.


You were looking at a tree 50 METERS away from you, i will reiterate one more time for you, there is no issue up to and before 300 meters, you will barely even notice the sway, the target is so large on your screen at those distances that it is a peice of cake o make those shots and you will not, like you yourself have not been noticing the terrible sway. the problem is when you are scoping from above 500 meters away and you are laying down and your target is the size of a dinner plate. You have used a splint so you know it is no issue with your apparent broken limbs. The sway is uncontrollable and you can not accurately hit targets without pure luck and hoping you pull the trigger at the right time, that is not how shooting is in real life and it should not be the way it is in game. Please dude instead of arguing about something you have clearly not even done on this game, go to the apartments above cherno, then shoot some zombies in cherno from 800 meters away, post that video please and then tell me you are happy with it. 


I promise you if you were to do this i would hold your opinion higher then any on this forum because then you would actually know what it is you were talking about, you could also back this up with video evidence, please go and do this for me.


Actually dude, that's exactly how it is in real life. You're not going to hit anything half a kilometer away from you without a very accurate rifle, a very good scope, high quality ammunition and several minutes of controlling your breathing and aim. That's the reality.

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Actually dude, that's exactly how it is in real life. You're not going to hit anything half a kilometer away from you without a very accurate rifle, a very good scope, high quality ammunition and several minutes of controlling your breathing and aim. That's the reality.

You could shoot right on target 400m away with an m16 if you know what you're doing...

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You could shoot right on target 400m away with an m16 if you know what you're doing...


An m16 has an accuracy of about 4MOA. So under perfect conditions, you're shooting 16" groups. That's before accounting for our movement and any environmental affects. I've personally never seen anyone just pick up a rifle and shoot with perfect accuracy right off the bat. I takes a lot of trial and error, preparation, knowing your weapon, knowing yourself, and knowing the environment you're shooting in. None of the rifles in the game currently are capable of any degree of accuracy past about 400m.

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Not to mention these are surplus mosins we are firing! I'd be ecstatic about landing a torso shot at even 300 meters with something that worn down.

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Actually dude, that's exactly how it is in real life. You're not going to hit anything half a kilometer away from you without a very accurate rifle, a very good scope, high quality ammunition and several minutes of controlling your breathing and aim. That's the reality.

High quality rifle, check, accurate rifle, check, a very good scope, a pristine out the box long range 8 times scope, check, ammunition is ammunition, what are you talking about high quality?????, if your implying my ammunition is bent out of shape in some way it is not soo check, Controlling my aiming and breathing, well i cant check that one because it is currently impossible in the game, there in lies the main issue, it is bugged and it should be fixed soon.

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Not to mention these are surplus mosins we are firing! I'd be ecstatic about landing a torso shot at even 300 meters with something that worn down.

lol, do you even shoot bro ??

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lol, do you even shoot bro ??


no amount of shooting experience can overcome mechanical accuracy and the 5 + moa that your typical mosin tends to be when using surplus ammo.


Its simply not a very accurate weapon platform Inaccurate gun + bad ammo  = huge ass groups


The gun is inconsistent at best.

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Also the sway is relatively accurate although I can't compare to being out fo breath and shooting as I shoot at the range and have never been in such a situation.

LOL -- I couldn't hit a zombie in the head from less than a meter away with a .22 (no mag). It's overboard. Way too much side to side play. 

It needs to strike a balance of enough sway to throw shots off at say 100m vs not shooting like diabetic with low blood sugar who also happens to have Parkinsons at less than 5m.

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High quality rifle, check, accurate rifle, check, a very good scope, a pristine out the box long range 8 times scope, check, ammunition is ammunition, what are you talking about high quality?????, if your implying my ammunition is bent out of shape in some way it is not soo check, Controlling my aiming and breathing, well i cant check that one because it is currently impossible in the game, there in lies the main issue, it is bugged and it should be fixed soon.


Are you talking about the in game quality of your equipment? Because I'm talking about rifles and scopes that are designed for accurate shooting at long distances in real life. Which is what you will need in addition to the better grades of ammunition in order to make the sorts of shots you are talking about. You'll need a sub-minute of angle rifle, none of which are currently in the game. You'll need a scope that is calibrated and zeroed to the rifle and rounds you are using. You might not need match-grade ammo, but you will need a powerful, high-velocity round manufactured to good tolerances. You'll also need a rangefinder, and an instrument to measure the direction and speed of the wind. You're not going to make the shot freestanding either, (which is why your weapon sways in game, because at the distances we're talking about, you're not going to be able to hold the rifle still enough), so you'll need a bipod or something to rest your rifle on.


Really though, all you need to know is that none of the rifles in the game right now are designed to be accurate at the ranges you are talking about, so it weapon sway is the least of your problems.

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LOL -- I couldn't hit a zombie in the head from less than a meter away with a .22 (no mag). It's overboard. Way too much side to side play. 

It needs to strike a balance of enough sway to throw shots off at say 100m vs not shooting like diabetic with low blood sugar who also happens to have Parkinsons at less than 5m.


It's really not.


You wan't overboard try arma 3 they were a bit overzealous with it. 


Fight the sway and even when extremely tired you will be able to hit anything. It's really not bad.

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It's really not.


You wan't overboard try arma 3 they were a bit overzealous with it. 


Fight the sway and even when extremely tired you will be able to hit anything. It's really not bad.



Yeah, I am still not seeing what all the fuss is about.  As long as I haven't just run a marathon, the sway is really not that hard to combat.


Meh, QQ will always happen about anything.

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Yeah, I am still not seeing what all the fuss is about.  As long as I haven't just run a marathon, the sway is really not that hard to combat.


Meh, QQ will always happen about anything.


It is mostly just people complaining that they can't hit people from 800m away with a scoped mosin after sprinting for half an hour.


Funny thing is you still can and the other funny thing is that people are complaining that the easy I mean super easy dayz shooting mechanics are challenging to them.

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It is mostly just people complaining that they can't hit people from 800m away with a scoped mosin after sprinting for half an hour.


Funny thing is you still can and the other funny thing is that people are complaining that the easy I mean super easy dayz shooting mechanics are challenging to them.



Are you telling me that you have to have patience to be a sniper?  That's cray cray! :P

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It is mostly just people complaining that they can't hit people from 800m away with a scoped mosin after sprinting for half an hour.

Funny thing is you still can and the other funny thing is that people are complaining that the easy I mean super easy dayz shooting mechanics are challenging to them.

No, I think the real issue in this thread is that everyone is making assumptions about everyone else in the thread. Then people get combative, talk in circles and we get nowhere.

Also, that's a pretty tall horse your on there. Maybe it's time to come down.

Edited by JubeiDOK

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No, I think the real issue in this thread is that everyone is making assumptions about everyone else in the thread. Then people get combative, talk in circles and we get nowhere.

Also, that's a pretty tall horse your on there. Maybe it's time to come down.


I think we three should start a May 2012 club/unit/clan.  That is when the outbreak started.  I can't wait 'til zombies are an actual threat.  These folks will just bitch about that.

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I think we three should start a May 2012 club/unit/clan. That is when the outbreak started. I can't wait 'til zombies are an actual threat. These folks will just bitch about that.

I'd love to see it get back to where the average life span is about 20-30 minutes, was so much fun and intense back then. :)

And to stay on topic....sway

Edited by JubeiDOK

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Killed a fellow sniper in Balota ATC last night, he was prone in the doorway top floor. Shot at me at just a fraction short of 500 yards and he missed by a country mile, I was prone too so a static target. I fired once, headshot....he nearly threw his gun through the roof in death animation.

I can't say really wether shooting is too hard or too easy. I've got 200 hours played and never been shot yet, except accidental friendly fire in the arse. I've seen a lot of shooting ingame, and most of it has missed.

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Actually dude, that's exactly how it is in real life. You're not going to hit anything half a kilometer away from you without a very accurate rifle, a very good scope, high quality ammunition and several minutes of controlling your breathing and aim. That's the reality.

The current weapon sway mechanic (as well as many other) has little todo with reality. Since we can never fully imitate reality (nor do we want to in most cases) it is always better to look at sch mechanics in terms of what gameplay elements it changes. In this case it makes long range sniping and sprint/shoot harder. (although I have no doubt that with enough practice it can be exploited like in COD Twitch combos).

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People think that the addition of vehicles will offset a stamina system. News flash: you won't have a vehicle for the majority of the time you're playing, so get used to walking.


And when you do get in a vehicle, you will be a major target.


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