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Best, worst thing you've ever done?

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So here's my question to you


What's the best (most hilarious/evil) thing you've ever done in your DayZ time to another person? In my case


Friend spawns in Polana, some dude with an axe starts chasing him, axe guys friends come along and start messing with my friend, me and another dude go to help out, kill axe dude's friends, knock out axe dude. Proceed to break his legs and bandage him. Then leave him after.


Best part, there's no high rise building for him to kill himself with, also hid the bodies of his friends so he couldn't take their guns/ammo to attract zombies with gunshots.


Revenge is a beautiful thing c:

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Me and my friend of characters who had been alive WAY too long, like 3 months. We were on those rocks/mountain at out of Svetlojarsk and shooting and practicing marksmanship. We shot some fresh spawns and guys with guns and zombies and all that. Everything goes! We said this is bad and this ain't the way we play but what the hell. Then, my friend said he's dead and said he heard some russian. I went for invistigate and got shot as well. No hard feelings, we did wrong and we deserved to die that way.

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Me and my friend of characters who had been alive WAY too long, like 3 months. We were on those rocks/mountain at out of Svetlojarsk and shooting and practicing marksmanship. We shot some fresh spawns and guys with guns and zombies and all that. Everything goes! We said this is bad and this ain't the way we play but what the hell. Then, my friend said he's dead and said he heard some russian. I went for invistigate and got shot as well. No hard feelings, we did wrong and we deserved to die that way.


Ah, a treacherous place to be 'round there if you don't move between shots. Target practice is one thing (zombies are only such a challenge and have little health compartively) but just shooting bambies "just 'cuz" is not evil, it's just, 'unno. I feel sad when I hear about something like that xD

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Oh... The first kill we made as a group was horrible :|


End 2013. We were at the NW-airfield, we had some nice gear. We saw someone who was looting the hangars. We ran towards him. He said that he was friendly (he had practically no gear). We handcuffed him and took everything he had (which was about nothing). Then we said that he was free, he said bye and he started running towards the ATC Tower. And then we shot him in his back.



Worst thing I've ever done in my life, I couldn't sleep that night :o

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The best thing I've done...


I was around Cherno with my friend, we found a guy with  an M4. I had a Lee Enfield. He was apparently friendly, and he decided to follow us.


Suddenly, as my friend was looting pretty far away, he said something, I wasn't able to understand him well, but something in his voice and the clear words "kill you" made me raise my weapon and shoot him. I was right, as he was aiming at my head with his M4. 


Surprisingly, the Lee Enfield knocked him down. One shot, and he was lying on the floor bleeding, but alive. I am a hero, and I don't kill people. At least, only in self defense. 


So I bloodbaged him, I bandaged him and gave him morphine. I recommended him to come back from the dark side, to be a nice and friendly survivor, and left him there.


At that very moment I decided to use weapons which deal a lot of damage to knock down people, like the Lee Enfield and the M14.

Edited by Mitor

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And the best thing, at the NW airfield too:


We met 2 fully geared guys and one had a broken leg. We were with 2 and fully geared too. But no firefight. I gave the guy morphine (I handcuffed him first for our safety) and then we left. Unharmed! :D


Video of this, start at ~4:40: http://youtu.be/Zxh6R2Nhz2o?t=4m44s

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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Didn't kos when I had the chance.


Didn't kos when I had the chance.

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It was in times when spawn points were in Solnichiy. A guy spotted me there and begged me to kill him because he wanted to get better respawn. He chased me 3 kilometers before I finally lost him and he was forced to live with his shit spawn zone lol. (he didn't know that he could kill himself by jumping from tall buildings there)

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best thing :  sneak up on people and then yell "friendly"



worst thing : Falling of a bridge because i wanted to take a screenshot of my buddy   ............

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Some people seem to misunderstand, it isn't best/worst, the title is best, worst. As in, the most amazingly horrible thing you've done to someone :v can be hilarious or srs.

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A guy approached me and some friends in the wilderness 2km west of berezino, normally we'd be friendly and welcome the rare occasion of a player opening a confrontation with 'hello, friendly' instead of gunfire, but alas we handcuffed him, stuck a bag on his head, and took his clothes.

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A freshspawn, handcuffs, a sporter 22 and 50 rounds of ammo to burn. 


I'll let you guess where that went.

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Best thing Ive done is save 2 players from a group of 5 bandits.. My M4 was beastly that day, and my morals were unusually strong. We all left fully geared and I still talk to the one of the guys to this day. 


Worst thing ever? well.. I guess that would have to be the time I purposefully ran a train of 5 Zeds into a group of around 4 fresh spawns (by fresh I mean they were explaining to each other Frankie Videos they watched and how many times they got killed by Zeds before they all met each other here in this warehouse, type "fresh") just outside of Elektro. The were grouped up and playing the bambi part pretty hard, when I first approached they told me to take off because I had a Blaze on my back and they wanted none of me.. So I ran into Elektro, grabbed some "friends" and carefully took them back to the warehouse my little bambi-buddies were all sitting nice and indian style on the floor at.. The did not expect the party to start so quickly and Im sure at least 1 or 2 may have died as I continued to run North on my way to Berezino.. laughing most of the way there :)

Edited by lrish
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I one shot a guy in the gut with an M4 I had just picked up and loaded a single round into. I was at Balota in the western prison building and he was running towards me, but somehow didn't see me. Single shot to the gut and he dropped. Quickly put in another and popped him in the head to be sure, but he was already down.


Didn't feel too bad afterwards because I ran up to him and found he had nothing but hastily picked up military gear in his mountain pack from hopping Balota. Still though, if he was just passing through like me it would have been different.


Best? I tend to simply avoid people or help when I can. Shortly after early access began my whole MO was helping people get started, giving food, helping people navigate or loot, just being that guy. I still run into nice people once in a while but most of the time seeing a player = me hiding in a bush with my AK at the ready as they pass by.

Edited by Hells High

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Me and a few friends rounded up some freshspawns near Solinchiny. We made grand promises of Mosins, rice, and Taloon packs galore! We eventually picked up about eight of them, and we decided eight was enough to kick off the operation.


We stopped at the gas station. "Our friend with the loot will meet us here," I falsely promised. None of the newspawns were armed, so we took advantage of what little time we had. "SHOOT THE LEGS!" I demanded, to my comrades. The newspawns dropped to the ground, squealing in pain and anger. We tied them up, making sure they would not escape.


Finally, we took position. "FIRE!" I yelled, and we emptied our weapons into each of the fuel dispensers. And with that, they were all doomed to a fiery death.


Don't really regret it all that much, tbh.

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I watched a guy fall from the school in Elektro and break his legs, then crawl towards the Fire Station. I spoke to him, wondering if he needed 'assistance'. Turns out he was trying to suicide but failed.

So I ran away.

Edited by IshFingers

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Best: Trusted a guy, gave him a loaded gun, we became friends and he's saved my life quite a few times since.


Worst: Didn't watch my back after parting ways with a guy who claimed to have no ammo for his SKS. Damn you Stempy!!!!

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A couple of hours ago I picked apart a group of five geared players at Balota with my Mosin over the course of a half hour or so. When I got to the last guy, he tried to run away and ended up running straight towards me. The MP5 took care of him. ;3


I am still playing DayZ for those moments.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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Was playing on hardcore a couple of days ago, with a friend of mine. We decided to head to Berezino to find some pvp action, and we sure did find it. First thing that happens after we get there is me being killed. My friend kills one of them, grabs an akm, and eventually we head down the the center of it all. We kill a couple of guys by the apartments, one sniper on the top floor, (i grab a mosin at this point,) and we keep running around until we head for the pub. After exchanging a few shots by the doors, my friend gets killed, and I chase the killer upstairs. As I turn the corner, my legs get shot, and I drop to the ground. I crawl around the hallway and get a few shots in, and I realize there are two of them in there. One guy with a mosin, and one with an m4. I manage to take both of them out after a couple of minutes, and after grabbing the m4, I look for something to heal my leg, but I find nothing. So I crawl downstairs, and as I exit the door, a guy comes behind me with a shotgun, but misses with what must have been his only shell, and I turn around and shoot him in the face.


After that, I crawl around the corner and hide in a bush, and a guy comes running up to me. I prepare to shoot him, but he starts talking, and I get him to grab an axe of my friends body, to get me a splint. After getting my legs fixed up, we head inside and gear up. He grabs a mosin, I grab a backpack full of medical gear and m4 mags, and we head outside, when a freshspawn comes over to us and starts talking. I handcuff him and kill another freshspawn that comes up to us, (just for fun,) and we just hang out for a bit, talking and making jokes. Eventually we start hearing shots again, coming from the apartment, so we head over to take them out. However, as I enter the door, I see a guy aiming at me, and I fire a few shots, but he takes me down after a few shots. No idea what happened to the others after that.


All in all, it probably took 30-45 minutes to do all this.


EDIT: That's the best thing I've done, as in my greatest achievement so far in this game.



Worst thing I've done, was probably a couple of days before that, when I was playing with the same friend from the last story. We ran into these two guys, and decide to roll with them for a while. They seemed like cool guys, but over skype, we decide to take them out when we get the chance, because we were only there for some fun pvp/being assholes. So, we run out of Berezino, and as we get to this tiny river, they both go to drink. I charge one of them with my axe, while my friend fires an arrow at the other guy, and hits him right in the head. We didn't really have a reason, it was just fun. 


Banditry is much more fun if you get them to trust you, you know. ;)

Edited by BillySpleen

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Best and worst thing I ever did was waiting between Vybor and NWAF for a group of 3 IRL mates to make their way over from Lopatino to hit the base.. Saw them running across a field in a triangle formation.. Put a bullet right in the middle of the triangle and laughed my arse off watching them scatter like rabbits.

...Then I circled around them, came up behind like "oh man what was that, I think it came from over there"

Had them all sweaty nervous wrecks by the time we logged off, 3.5 hours later without contact from a single player outside our group.

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Gave an annoying fresh spawn some canned food then shot him with my mosin. To be fair he was waiting for a good moment to knock me out and take my gear, he kept trying to sneak closer and closer to me. IMO fresh spawns can be the most dangerous players cuz they have nothing to loose, 90% of them have just died and they are just looking for a geared player to kill and take his shit and if they die they just respawn in a different town.

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Gave an annoying fresh spawn some canned food then shot him with my mosin. To be fair he was waiting for a good moment to knock me out and take my gear, he kept trying to sneak closer and closer to me. IMO fresh spawns can be the most dangerous players cuz they have nothing to loose, 90% of them have just died and they are just looking for a geared player to kill and take his shit and if they die they just respawn in a different town.

Some people call the new type of zombie crawlers. I call new spawns that try to KO thinking they have nothing to lose crawlers. Once enough of them have crawled for hours after trying to KO that fully geared player, they might eventually start learning.

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Not sure if it can be counted as best or worst in any regard, but it's something I remember from a few months back, was up by Zelenegorsk, checking it out for the first time in the standalone.

 Was just looting and checking the place out in general, came around a corner on the square where all them market stands are - suddenly there's this other character running ahead of me, thinking he ran from me I took chase instantly and followed the person into the nearest corner bar to see that he was checking it for loot, actually stood over a can of food for a moment as I opened voice comms and told him to turn around slowly. 

 I had a mosin at the time, and kept it pointed at his head, then he replied "Don't shoot!" and well.. it came as a surprise to me that it was a female voice, and I have no idea why on earth I did it, but I simply pulled the trigger, and dead he/she was.  I kept apolegying to the corpse repeatedly, but I do not think who ever it was heard it or belived me.. 

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