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About MapleSyrupSmuggler

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  1. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Mosin M44
  2. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Why change the Mosin

    QFT. Some of theses forum goers have not no idea what they are talking about. The bipod in the OP's pic would be pretty easy to put together as long as you have all the pieces, heck I reload my own ammo for my M44 "carbine" made in '44 for hunting and I get 3 in groupings at 100 yds. It's pretty easy as long as you aren't a dumbass.
  3. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Gave an annoying fresh spawn some canned food then shot him with my mosin. To be fair he was waiting for a good moment to knock me out and take my gear, he kept trying to sneak closer and closer to me. IMO fresh spawns can be the most dangerous players cuz they have nothing to loose, 90% of them have just died and they are just looking for a geared player to kill and take his shit and if they die they just respawn in a different town.
  4. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.

    Its ok guys, I server hop so I can kill server hoppers while they are server hopping.
  5. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Wth did gayz go back in time? Now I can't craft a leather courier bag.
  6. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Srsly? Did they delete all mosins? They are by far the coolest/best weapon in the game... or were.
  7. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    We need a char reset!

    Q_Q'ers gonna Q_Q
  8. MapleSyrupSmuggler

    Loving how rare AKM's and High Cap Vests are.

    The Mosin is still the superior rifle in all of gayz. I have found several akm's and the mags and even killed a hacker with an m4 with everything on it including a pristine acog but still passed it up for my trusty Mosin.