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what is your most spectacular death?

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really is there much to talk about i can only think of 3 ways to die in dayz from top of my head


1. random death (possible hit from epic range zombie 3 miles away I dont consider this spectacular at all since zombie issue will never be fixed)

2. kosed by some 12 yo addicted to CoD

3. died of hunger, thirst, etc


what is ur mosst spectacular death?



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I haven't personally had any spectacular deaths, but I watched a fully geared mate inertia run off the roof of a fire station once- That was pretty spectacular.

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I haven't personally had any spectacular deaths, but I watched a fully geared mate inertia run off the roof of a fire station once- That was pretty spectacular.

lol did he live

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lol did he live

Nope, broke all 8 of his legs (well the message popped up enough times) and died instantly with ruined shoes and pants. I saved the rest of his gear though  :thumbsup:

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One time when I first started playing back in Dec or Jan. I was mildly geared ,axe,backpack, but no food. I had fell into the starving state, then I  had a friend come online who was down the coast from me. So I started running toward him and him to me. Before we met my vision had gone full grey, then I saw him off in the distance and before we could get close I went unconscious. When he finally got to me and feed me I died.

I'm sure I had more of them but thats the first one that comes to mind

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It was early in the standalone. We were in the military camp near pavlovo. It was night time. There were 4 people in the server, two being my friends, one myself. We were in the hospital. My friend is shining his flashlight on me so I can show off my baller new red poof hat I found. After him shining the flashlight on me for around a minute I get shot in the head from the darkness. That's one death I remember the most. (In standalone)

Oh yeah, and my friends killed their flashlights, went prone and were scared shitless lol. We should've known better than to mess with flashlights after all those hours in the mod.

Edited by MuchHigher

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Oh wait I got another. When the experimental first came out there was a German server that didn't spawn loot. So there was a huge Bambi boxing match at night going on in cherno I believe, maybe electro I forget. I just remember dead bodies holding flashlights that remained on and countless bodies all over the roads. Was a good time. I eventually got killed in this bare knuckle bloodfest. It was fun fist fighting other Bambi's in the lighting from dead people holding flashlights.

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<'gooogle translation'>


One time a zombie attack me in the house.

I have only the axe.

I call my friend Freddy to come help me because he have a axe to.

We fight the zombie together with the axe.

Then we both have death and the zombie eat us.

We almost survive.

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I was playing with the same character for about 40 hours. All kinds of crazy gear and good stuff. Became really bored and decided to make a campfire on the roof of the fire station at NWAF for no good reason. Got on the roof and the server suddenly restarts. I log in to another (full) server and when I spawn back in on the roof I notice a guy next to me sniping. I spawn right in his crosshairs.

Knowing this could easily go wrong I stand completely still and say, "Hey man."

He says, "Yo dude."

5 seconds of awkward silence

I don't make any moves because I don't want to spook him.

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to spawn in on you. I was on another server and...

*BAM!* I'm dead

Can't blame him really. I would have done the same thing.

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There are no spectacular deaths. They're all embarrassing.

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I approached a desk.


"You are Dead."


Only player on new server start. o.O


Desk too OP.

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I slipped off the steps of a police station (the ones leading inside) broke my legs and only ruined my pristine balistic helmet


I was at the Rify shipwreck, climbed to the top and did the sit down animation. Next thing I know, Im sitting/flying through the air at ludicrous speed, slam into like 2000 meters away and starved to death as I swam back.


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Not a death but one time someone was camping NEAF and fired at me and a few buds getting some optics/ammo instantly knew where he was (you see I hunt people and know dem snippr riffle spots (spelled wrong on purpose)  and one shot took him out at ~500 yards with a Mosin PU.

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Fell off the roof of an apartment building north of Cherno. Landed on a car in the street. Was fairly exciting.

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Well, once I spawned on the roof of the building.

No stairs, no ladders.


Didn't survive the fall...

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Broke my legs, managed to crawl to svet, shot at zombies to attract them. What made the death a spectacle was the way I went in and out of unconsciousness about three times before I died. Took about ten minutes to die.


I didn't realise at that stage that rrf existed or that we could respawn once we went unconscious.

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there was once a guy on the roof of the berezino police station. there was me, my three mates and four randoms telling him not to jump. he moaned about some gut feeding him bleach. in any case, he jumped, then it was a free for all to get his gear...

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My most spectacular death was when i was fully geared up to the bone, i was walking and suddenly a big 7.62x51 bullet fired from a mosin penentrated my head and killed my instantly.


such spectacular

much fabulous


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