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Dean and matt problems

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Hey guys, just a little doozy i found, after the new update where they added dean and matt's skins whenever i load the character customization menu it comes up with the error "variable 'mydisplay' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace". And then dean and matt skins are invisible, have not tested if they are invisible in game yet. Anyone know a fix for this and what it means?

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and what it means?




They are wizards IRL.

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Seriously though if all i see ingame is floating clothing im gonna be annoyed

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Your best bet is for them to fix it, as this sounds like a bug with the skins, which you cannot fix. :)

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the issue arises from the fact that Matt & Dean cant easily be objectified into a mere datastream. Because majic. and reasons.

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you sure you want a dean or matt skin ?

that's ...

kinda strange ..   I'll have to think about it



there are some posts on the web at large, also on BI, and also on these forums about

< variable ' xxxxxxx ' does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace >

in case you're into the technical aspects of dean or matt skins ..


is one a bandit and one a hero ?

.. just asking

Edited by pilgrim

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you sure you want a dean or matt skin ?

that's ...

kinda strange ..   I'll have to think about it





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On reddit, one dayz player confesses :

"I like the more detailed looking face of Dean and Matt compared to the other faces"

hmmmm .. ok...  hmmmm ... I seeeee
.. and how long have you been feeling like this ... ?

don't look
warned ya

Edited by pilgrim

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Actually i dont wont one, dont even need one as im still alive after weeks and weeks, just worried that if another player uses it they might be invisible and i wont see them and die.

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Actually i dont wont one, dont even need one as im still alive after weeks and weeks, just worried that if another player uses it they might be invisible and i wont see them and die.


You mean players who have loaded Dean will be invisible to players who have not loaded Dean and the invisible Deans will be able to sneak up on the visible Not Deans

so unless you load Dean you could end up in a server full of invisible killers looking like Dean ?


- that's a strong selling point

I hope if everyone looks like Dean we can all see each other


where does Matt fit into this nightmare ?

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