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Green Mountain Serial Killer Q/A

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Ok, as you may have concluded, I stay and camped in the Green Mountain Area, mainly in the building. I usually take people in and give them supplies, well when they are sitting the I usually come up from behind them while they are sitting there, well this kid came in and I tied him up and started getting ready to kill him, laughing while he was sitting there freaking out as I stripped him. Well I went to get my axe up stairs that I kept laying in the first room, well when I came back he was sitting there calling me a sick basterd and shit, well he tried to wiggle free and I knocked him unconcious and then left him there until he woke up and then told the kid creepy stories and sang ring around the rosie to him then after a few more minutes I killed him violently.

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If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?

Edited by DMentMan
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The meaning of life is to believe the basis that was built on lies, if you believe something completely, that is the way it is no matter what, you will never know the difference. Belief is everthing, if you believe in hell, and you believe your going there, you most likely are, if you believe in reincarnation, that may happen. I think everything is based on true belief and the belief in the lies that buil belief.

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If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?


In case there's a power outage and they have to close the store.

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