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Please adjust the damage values soon

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I know weapon balance is not a priority, but please, just do an across-the-board damage check and bump it up a notch - it's insane that I've now had at least 5 people survive headshots from my AKM, from various distances, 4 of which were done on people with NO PROTECTIE headgear.


Some of them kept running with blood spilling from their cranium (the guy with a ballistic helmet). Please. Just up the damage on everything so it makes some semblance of realsim, it doesn't have to be fine-tuned.

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I know weapon balance is not a priority, but please, just do an across-the-board damage check and bump it up a notch - it's insane that I've now had at least 5 people survive headshots from my AKM, from various distances, 4 of which were done on people with NO PROTECTIE headgear.


Some of them kept running with blood spilling from their cranium (the guy with a ballistic helmet). Please. Just up the damage on everything so it makes some semblance of realsim, it doesn't have to be fine-tuned.

Lol get better aim son..

Trust me its got a massive damage the akm drops them like flys tbh....

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Lol get better aim son..

Trust me its got a massive damage the akm drops them like flys tbh....


Sorry, I consider myself good enough that I don't trust just about anyone who claims otherwise.. especially a "lol son" post.


Last night I dropped a guy clearly in the head, friend came to loot body, confirms I only ruined his wool cap, guy still alive. Nonsense.

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Was the Mosin Damage also nerfed? I would like to point out that it really sucks if you cleary hit someone and he doesn't go down when you play with the mosin.

I know that there are factors reducing the damage and let you survive a shot or two before anyone bothers to point that out, and I'm perfectly fine with that.


Nerfing the dmg of weapons in the game is not making sense and here are my top reasons why:


1. First and foremost: Combat logging. Seriously this shit has to stop as soon as I hit someone and he's not dead he instantly runs off and logs out. That is NOT surving, that is pussying out of a situation you lost control over. Fucking cowards. If I shoot with a LRS from 1000 meters I just can't get to my target before he logs out.


2. Lag and overall game performance. Due to the desync and other technical obstacles it's hard enough as it is to hit someone. Taking the one shot to kill opportunity makes it way to easy for players with desync to survive. I would like to point out the countless encounters my mates and me had where we had to pump full magazines into one person from 1 fucking meter because the shoots just wouldn't get registered properly. It also rewards players like the countless server admins who abuse their rights and kick people to loot the good weapons, while punishing the regular players who can only get their hands on weapons with lower damage like a sporter22.


3. The way the game is build hitting moving targets is difficult. And I absolutly like that, it should stay that way and I'm absolutly against half automatic sniperrifles, range finders, infrared scopes or technical gimmicks like that, if anything I would include wind, humidity and stuff like that. But IF you hit a moving target you should be rewarded for it. Just yesterday 3 avoided death by logging out after taking 1 or even 2 hits in the back, legs or frontal chest. Where is the point of "surviving" if I can just log out because of faulty gamemechanics?


4. Due to strange damage tables and or lags desync it is possible to kill an enemy AFTER you recieved a killshot. This happened several times on nwaf in the prison. My Teammate shot someone and died 3-4 seconds AFTER his enemy was already on the ground because he could continue shooting instead of going down instantly.

Edited by TyrDaishi
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I know weapon balance is not a priority, but please, just do an across-the-board damage check and bump it up a notch - it's insane that I've now had at least 5 people survive headshots from my AKM, from various distances, 4 of which were done on people with NO PROTECTIE headgear.


Some of them kept running with blood spilling from their cranium (the guy with a ballistic helmet). Please. Just up the damage on everything so it makes some semblance of realsim, it doesn't have to be fine-tuned.


That sounds like some weird DayZ shit. From my experience the AKM is super deadly and one shots in the head and two shots in the chest. Pristine clothes and full health taken into account. But sometimes the damage is just weird and there are a lot of shit that can stop your bullet/lower the damage. If you can´t get a really secured headshot or might say face below glasses shot without the guy wearing a mask, aim for the legs. Break his legs for follow up shot. To clearly give a good statement though we need distance, quality of the clothes and health status. The health is nothing we can know of but the rest should be easy. I got shot my M4, Mosins and SKS without taking any damage besides my clothes because it was too far away. I took M4 shots point blank that just ruined my clothes (4-5hits on the chest) and I got one shot in the head close to medium range with sunglasses and ballistic helmet. But the AKM is the weapon I really fear because 3 times I died to hit now. 1 headshot instant down and dead and two times I got double tagged in the chest --> dead. Medium to close range that was, prestine clothes and full health. 


Rule of thumb: Try to kill from 300-500 meters and aim for the legs if you can´t secure a sure headshot. That work´s pretty much all the time for me with mosin and akm. Above 500m it can get pretty hard to get some lethal damage done before the target is out of sight/in cover. Below 300m you might get shot pretty easily by his teammates plus the desync can be a pain in the ass. There are countless situations of people eating >5 mosin shots point blank without passing out - including me. Broken arm, ruined jacket but that was all I took from 6 hits point blank by two mosin players. Killed both of them with 2 hits each with my mosin. Was super weird and I am certain they think I somehow "hacked". Told them afterwards that I did not and the game just reck´ed them but well, I will never know if they believed me or not. 

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If I shoot someone in the chest twice with an AKM I expect him to at least flinch or be blown over. Not just continue shooting at me as if nothing happened.

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Was the Mosin Damage also nerfed? I would like to point out that it really sucks if you cleary hit someone and he doesn't go down when you play with the mosin.


It seems it was according to this video (not mine, just something I found):



The guy recording the video was clearly hit at least once, but did not even bleed. The other guy also needed several mosin rounds before he went down. All this happening at close to point blank distances (they were both poor shots, obviously, but I am just talking about the shots that hit).

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It seems it was according to this video (not mine, just something I found):



The guy recording the video was clearly hit at least once, but did not even bleed. The other guy also needed several mosin rounds before he went down. All this happening at close to point blank distances (they were both poor shots, obviously, but I am just talking about the shots that hit).


Pretty good example for the current problems. I can understand if someone survives a hit when he has a full backpack or when he gets hit anywhere but the head/chest. But if you do, for the love of christ, the shot should be fatal. Or rendering the target unconscious at least. If the mosin is not the right weapon to do this job there are plenty of other bolt action long range rifles who can operate within this parameters.

Edited by TyrDaishi

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If I shoot someone in the chest twice with an AKM I expect him to at least flinch or be blown over. Not just continue shooting at me as if nothing happened.

If there're not wearing SAPI plates over the area where the AKM bullets strike them, I want the player's character to slump down to ground and take no further part in the fight.

If they are wearing SAPI plates, I expect them to be knocked off balance or even to the floor at close range by the impact.

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Depends if the gear carried in vests etc has an effect on the damage caused, guys have survived chest shots, due to zippos, pistol/rifle mags, ration tins, etc. If that gear doesn't play a part then they should go down direct unless as Terminal says they're wearing plates. Ballistic helmet will stop an AK round except at close distance, will even stop a 7.62x54 at distance too, a bloke without it is quite simply dead from a headshot or at least should be.

Its happened to me before with my M4 having to slot off >10 rounds without any significant damage being caused and I only use semi to increase precision.

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Clothes and backpacks reduce the damage you take from attacks but items inside your inventory increase blood damage taken.



The guy recording the video was clearly hit at least once, but did not even bleed. The other guy also needed several mosin rounds before he went down. All this happening at close to point blank distances (they were both poor shots, obviously, but I am just talking about the shots that hit).

That telekinetic bolt action. For me it looks like a server communication error - the guy gets hit and taked blood damage (as the screen goes grey for a moment) but the server does not realize it and sends the next update with full blood and health basically resetting the state. Shooting someone after getting hit and then dropping dead sounds like desync but it might be caused by blood loss as well (though it should probably show unconscious before).


Anyways those issues should be fixed before really tackling weapon balance (which I would handle as somewhat realistic weapon strength balanced out by rarity and ammo shortage).

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 I only ruined his wool cap, guy still alive. Nonsense.

must have been the wool of  one of those nasty kevlar sheep .



i come at u bro!

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Maybe the damage system is like the one from arma 3 ? i noticed that in arma 3 if you shoot someone at the "edge" of his body, the shot will inflict much, much less damage, like a graze wound. The mysterious non lethal headshots would be caused by the weapon being not totally accurate (we know the deal with sway, weapon attachments etc...) and the bullet grazing the head ? it would explain how the woolen cap was ruined but not his brain :p

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Maybe the damage system is like the one from arma 3 ? i noticed that in arma 3 if you shoot someone at the "edge" of his body, the shot will inflict much, much less damage, like a graze wound. The mysterious non lethal headshots would be caused by the weapon being not totally accurate (we know the deal with sway, weapon attachments etc...) and the bullet grazing the head ? it would explain how the woolen cap was ruined but not his brain :P


As far as I know there is some interesting stuff in the game already like bullets that can bounce in your body (I remember a comment where someone got shot in the head and had a broken leg afterwards).


The problem lies within the seemingly inconsistant behavior when those events occur. It would be really appreciated on my part, and I hope many share my point of view, if the devs could make some clear statements on the current state of the game regarding gunplay and what will be the final goals regarding it when the game is finished.


Decisions where made or must be and I don't see why the community shouldn't know where we're heading here. I'm assuming that the development reached a point where it should be fairly easy to make some definite statements. Even if that means that the inconsistency will stay in the game due to technical limitations.


In my experience there is almost never a problem if some promises can't be kept. The lack of communication between groups is a much bigger reason for grudges and undeserved hate. Impatiance is a whole different story though, this forum is living proof.

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Simple solution , simply make sure the vests dont absorb any damage and items inside do no absorption either.


Kevlar does nothing to stop rifle most rifle rounds.

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Lol get better aim son..

Trust me its got a massive damage the akm drops them like flys tbh....


First of all, your name is offensive.


Secondly, damage is completely random with the AKM. I, too, have shot people in the head only to sometimes watch said people run to cover. Or, you'll think you've killed them with a shot to the head, but upon further inspection they're merely unconscious with blood spurting from their ear.


When the Standalone first launched, the damage was awesome. You actually had to fear the Mosin. It was a one shot kill 99% of the time as long as it hit you in your chest or above. Now, the Mosin is usually two shots to kill, so you can run around in areas that you normally wouldn't have been able to during early alpha. It was much more realistic. We're just regular people trying to survive; we're not battle-hardened veterans who've been trained to remain as calm as possible in shitty situations.

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First of all, your name is offensive.


Secondly, damage is completely random with the AKM. I, too, have shot people in the head only to sometimes watch said people run to cover. Or, you'll think you've killed them with a shot to the head, but upon further inspection they're merely unconscious with blood spurting from their ear.


When the Standalone first launched, the damage was awesome. You actually had to fear the Mosin. It was a one shot kill 99% of the time as long as it hit you in your chest or above. Now, the Mosin is usually two shots to kill, so you can run around in areas that you normally wouldn't have been able to during early alpha. It was much more realistic. We're just regular people trying to survive; we're not battle-hardened veterans who've been trained to remain as calm as possible in shitty situations.


Yep, so far 4 people that had no protective gear on their head didn't die from the headshot, mearly fell unconcious which is INSANE. One of the headshots was from point blank, the others were 100-200 meters. Sure, some of them do turn lethal, but these exceptions are ridiculous at best, the guy I shot in the head but had a helm, it was 50 meters at best, how can you keep running away with blood coming off from your helm is beyond me...

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it's insane that I've now had at least 5 people survive headshots from my AKM, from various distances, 


No, its INSANE that this actually happens in real life.. 




..so, I think you can get my point..

Edited by lrish

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Maybe the damage system is like the one from arma 3 ? i noticed that in arma 3 if you shoot someone at the "edge" of his body, the shot will inflict much, much less damage, like a graze wound. The mysterious non lethal headshots would be caused by the weapon being not totally accurate (we know the deal with sway, weapon attachments etc...) and the bullet grazing the head ? it would explain how the woolen cap was ruined but not his brain :P


No man, DayZ Standalone characters don't even have edges, hit boxes start around 1 cm inside the textures of character. It was all tested by WOBO in his DayZ science youtube videos




All this damage madness started the very moment of introduction of damaging items when the items started to 'absorb' damage.

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Bullet damage really lets the game down atm, it needs to be completely unforgiving, Earlier today I rounded a corner into a player who immediately, and stupidly tried to take out a mosin, so I let loose with my sawn off and hit her twice in the chest/face, from about 1-2 meters, she stayed up, started firing back but luckily missed and I managed to kill her after hitting her twice in the leg with a Mosin then in the face. Ridiculous

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A lot of the issues with damage now has to do with two things - the netcode/desync/lag/whatever AND/OR the actual damage protection bit (i.e. with clothes mitigating weapon damage).


I agree that the weapon damage needs to be tweaked sooner or later. But, this is one of those rare times when the "it's alpha" excuse is actually applicable. If you're looking for a balanced/wholesome experience now, it just isn't going to happen.

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Now that we have loads of player feedback on how the item damage system is currently unsatisfactory, how about we start discussing how it can be improved rather than continuing to complain about it.

I'll lead the discussion with a suggestion.

I like that items take damage when we are shot. It adds an additional wrinkle of complexity to banditry. But as we know, players being able to load their pockets with junk as suto-armor is gamey and unrealistic.

As an alternative, items on our person should reduce damage taken marginally instead of as an aggregate up front. Let me explain that in layman's terms.

Currently, items on our person absorb all of the damage dealt before our avatar is affected. Instead, having tins of food or helmets in our vests should cause damage received to be reduced by a percentage based upon the durability and quality of the vest items.

So let's say a Mosin shot to the chest of a person wearing no clothing is affected by a 0% modifier. Alternatively, a ballistic vest reduces it by 5%, and a ballistic vest packed full of sardine cans reduces damage by 10%.

After one powerful shot like a Mosin, the items would be ruined and successive shots would deal full damage with a modifier of 0%.

Thus, items still take damage from being hit with bullets and zombies, but players can't load vests full of vests and become juggernauts.

Thoughts? Alternative suggestions? Critiques?

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A lot of the issues with damage now has to do with two things - the netcode/desync/lag/whatever AND/OR the actual damage protection bit (i.e. with clothes mitigating weapon damage).


I agree that the weapon damage needs to be tweaked sooner or later. But, this is one of those rare times when the "it's alpha" excuse is actually applicable. If you're looking for a balanced/wholesome experience now, it just isn't going to happen.


I'd agree, but they've already fiddled with the damage system on several occasions, such as upping the .22 damage somewhat recently. That means they intend to make the model workable, albeit not 100% balanced.


Which means, we could expect them to fix the damage values being too low on more than a few occasions.

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Something tells me the damage system is all placeholder atm and will get replaced completely in due time.


No way the final game keeps the current blood/ shock damage mechanic its pretty bad and not very modular.

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First of all, your name is offensive.


Secondly, damage is completely random with the AKM. I, too, have shot people in the head only to sometimes watch said people run to cover. Or, you'll think you've killed them with a shot to the head, but upon further inspection they're merely unconscious with blood spurting from their ear.


When the Standalone first launched, the damage was awesome. You actually had to fear the Mosin. It was a one shot kill 99% of the time as long as it hit you in your chest or above. Now, the Mosin is usually two shots to kill, so you can run around in areas that you normally wouldn't have been able to during early alpha. It was much more realistic. We're just regular people trying to survive; we're not battle-hardened veterans who've been trained to remain as calm as possible in shitty situations.

First of all good,im glad you dislike my name don't care tbh..

Second i drop players well over 200 to 300 with 1 shot from a mosin the damage was nerfed but im sure that your aim is fine...


And last of all the akm damage is a strange thing at times but you still drop players with it over 200 metres with a 4 bullet burst so.

Son get some better aim because there's nothing wrong with the hit boxes on this game its the way players are manipulating them just like every other game out there....

They have made the models a bit smaller,which was due to the KOS aspect that was going on at the start of the game..

The guys model reminds me of the hooded guy in cs now not like the massive hitboxed other player models..

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