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About Testnewbie

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Testnewbie

    A challenge for you all :)

    Dear topic starter, are you aware of the energy/hydration system in SA? Your energy is capped at 20k so once you reached 20k or be close you don´t need food for a super long time. In fact I haven´t been able to get to a point where I need food again after I ate a lot of food. Water is everywhere so no need to carry it anymore. For the first ~4hours I am feeding my char with rice/milk/peaches after that I am done with eating till I die. So the whole challenge is not really challenging. When you eat cooked meat it´s even better since the energy you get from cooked meat is 2nd best in game and is just topped by cooked fish - afaik. So eating some steaks till you´re stuffed, do it again when you can and you are done with eating till you die. I have to look up the code for cooked meat/fish I am pretty certain after 5-6 pieces of meat/fish you are at your 20l energy cap.
  2. Testnewbie

    A Fresh kiwi

    I found several kiwis but that´s 2 patches ago. Always lovely to find "pristine" rotten fruits #dafuqIjustfound? :huh:
  3. Testnewbie

    Not a hero or bandit, but sometimes merely an observer?

    I have to admit, I like to shoot "legs" when I am waiting for my brother and be bored. Not a single pair of legs of course but a "squad leg". It´s really interesting to see how the squads react. I never go for a killshot just "legging" one member and see if they can handle the situation. In 9/10 cases I could wipe at least two because most squads try to "fight back" but from 600-700m it´s hard to locate the shooter if it´s just one shot. Besides that the "Berenzino camping" is really sweet too. Just looking how people run into the meatgrinder and die for stupid reasons.
  4. Testnewbie

    DayZ SA: New Zombie Movement

    Well the hoppers are on stable as well and they are pretty nasty. Shoot them if you can or evolve good dodging skills :D
  5. Testnewbie

    when are pistol silencers going to work

    For a singleplayer game it would be easy to "fix" it one way or the other, for multiplayer game it´s not that easy. The whole sound thing is pretty complex in dayz SA and pretty bugged at the moment. So I guess they will work on that once they have added all "sound sources".
  6. Testnewbie

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    It was proven many times by several players but the red chain came never up in the tests if the other player was a freshspawn. The more loot/players the longer the red chain. Hopefully they will remove it completely :)
  7. Testnewbie

    More Backpacks?

    Ok, being a hero/medic is a good reason to carry a backpack :)
  8. Testnewbie

    More Backpacks?

    Who needs a backpack right now? I mean, you get so many slots with the clothes/vests that you simply don´t need a backpack. When you fresh spawn, grab the first little one you see, get some clothes and get rid of the backpack. Later on we might find a real use for them but right now I don´t see a reason for carrying one. Makes you so easy to kill and doesn´t add anything useful except you are some kind of horder :D Right now you don´t need: - water - everywhere - food - once you are energized at cap (20k) you won´t need food for a super long time and you can just grab something if you need. - much ammo since you won´t kill too many before you get shot or just need it for hunting. - morphine because rags and sticks will do the job - pharmacy stuff because it doesn´t do anything right now So what´s left that doesn´t fit into your clothes? Stones and sticks are everywhere. Hunt some meat, make a fireplace, get energized and be done with food. Or get yourself some powdered milk, cereals or rice. I am running around with some ammo, some peaches(I love peaches) and some rags and that´s all I have in my slots. Matches could be useful but I don´t need food any more. But before someone thinks I like to brag or being a jerk here, feel free to give me some reasons to carry a backpack :)
  9. Testnewbie

    Please adjust the damage values soon

    That sounds like some weird DayZ shit. From my experience the AKM is super deadly and one shots in the head and two shots in the chest. Pristine clothes and full health taken into account. But sometimes the damage is just weird and there are a lot of shit that can stop your bullet/lower the damage. If you can´t get a really secured headshot or might say face below glasses shot without the guy wearing a mask, aim for the legs. Break his legs for follow up shot. To clearly give a good statement though we need distance, quality of the clothes and health status. The health is nothing we can know of but the rest should be easy. I got shot my M4, Mosins and SKS without taking any damage besides my clothes because it was too far away. I took M4 shots point blank that just ruined my clothes (4-5hits on the chest) and I got one shot in the head close to medium range with sunglasses and ballistic helmet. But the AKM is the weapon I really fear because 3 times I died to hit now. 1 headshot instant down and dead and two times I got double tagged in the chest --> dead. Medium to close range that was, prestine clothes and full health. Rule of thumb: Try to kill from 300-500 meters and aim for the legs if you can´t secure a sure headshot. That work´s pretty much all the time for me with mosin and akm. Above 500m it can get pretty hard to get some lethal damage done before the target is out of sight/in cover. Below 300m you might get shot pretty easily by his teammates plus the desync can be a pain in the ass. There are countless situations of people eating >5 mosin shots point blank without passing out - including me. Broken arm, ruined jacket but that was all I took from 6 hits point blank by two mosin players. Killed both of them with 2 hits each with my mosin. Was super weird and I am certain they think I somehow "hacked". Told them afterwards that I did not and the game just reck´ed them but well, I will never know if they believed me or not.
  10. Testnewbie

    ATC Tower with 4 campers/bandits

    Running towards a building, using an exploit to see if someone is in and than trying to get them killed using glitches is simply against the "rules". ATC and even more Camo are hard to clear soon a little easier with nades but for now it´s a real challenge. On the other hand, no one forces you to clear these buildings. So there is no excuse to use a glitch, actually there is never an excuse to do so. Only reason to use it to proof it´s there and be able to report it on the devtracker and that´s long done.
  11. Testnewbie

    LRS/Hunting scope for the blaze?

    Why you need a scope for a "rifle" that loses every bit of punch above 50m? Sporter is awesome to kill ZEDs or troll player when you have backup but that´s it. Above 50m it doesn´t do shit anymore. :D
  12. Testnewbie

    ATC Tower with 4 campers/bandits

    You know that exploiting wall glitches can lead into a ban? Just because "everyone is using it" doesn´t mean it´s allowed. But I like to point out that not everyone is using it and there are a lot of veterans that don´t use such exploits at all. And no, I wasn´t one of them I don´t play softcore servers - too many kiddos :D
  13. Testnewbie

    DayZ sunshafts...

    I´d like to walk where you walk because here I can´t do that. OT: Sun is a pita right now but can be used for your advantage pretty damn good. Sun in the back, opponent gets recked - lousy phrase but pretty true.
  14. Testnewbie

    new night time lighting

    It´s never pitch black outside except it´s completely cloudy and you are in the middle of nowhere. Besides that you always have moon and stars. You should "need" torches and stuff to be able to loot buildings because inside buildings it should be really dark. Same for thick forests but besides that no need for torches till we have some real stuff going. They can be nice to mark an area and such things.
  15. Testnewbie

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Things will change once we have persistant loot ---> trading goods ---> a little bit of economy. But again, I think it´s mostly a 3rd person server problem because "kids" usually don´t play on hardcore servers. At least that´s my experience. I have my non pvp character for a loooong time now and I met a lot of people. Civilian clothes, careful approaches and communication together with visiting small towns and staying away from pvp zones will give you a nice experience outside of KoS/pvp. Same experiences I had in the Mod back in the days.