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Will DayZ SA ever allow modding?

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1) Will it ever be opened for modding by users to be able to change server rules and change certain game mechanics (the more control the better).


if not then some other questions/points are:

2) Why not? Why will Rocket who started this journey by using a game that allows modding and whom is a modder himself be so inclined to force his ideas onto players, with no options to change things or freedom. This feels a little hypocritic, arrogrant and greedy.


3) It does not need to effect DayZ SA at all, You could have your default server tab for Official servers, and a side tab with custom games with servers that are modded/changed for purposes of "fun" it would be like Starcraft where you have your official games and custom maps that players have created. People who oppose this idea are only opposing freedom for more options and obviously incline to force everyone to play on the same servers with same rules that they themselves enjoy only.


4) I dont need to play another game or call of duty or whatever else others may stupidly suggest, I feel that i can make DayZ a great game for myself and my friends who play and other users whom may be open minded to join modded servers and check out their stuff. I feel dayz can be a great game for me if i could just change a few game mechanics. I feel some ideas and rules by rocket/bis are just plain terrible and ruin the game for us at least.


5) I understand the things I ask for are already available on Arma 2 and DayZ mod, but it won't be a solid foundation as DayZ SA, I like how most of the stuff in DayZ is working now, and just to make small ruleset changes that will overall make the game come across different than the offical servers.

Edited by blazed

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1) yes


They need to finish the game first, so the files edited my modders don't change in the next patch and constantly break the mods. Its on the roadmap though have no fear :)

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Not much points to mods right now, no private hives to have them on, and all public hive servers need to be vanilla.  You'd 'break' a mod every time an update comes out.  That and you'd also give the real hackers a tool to develop hacks.  I mean yeah they'll make their own, but you'd just be handing them a tool in that case.  They want things to be as secure as they can reasonably be before the start releasing files.


That and I can just see all the redundant mods that would come out that do lazy shit like import stuff from the Mod (vehicles, tents, ect).  'I download dis mod and now i get de golba ban.  I wan refund!!!1'

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Once it's out of beta.


(the more control the better)

You obviously haven't seen the disgusting variations of the default DayZ mod servers.

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What changes are you thinking about?  Please elaborate?


Full kitted character after spawn, 500 vehicles, self bloodbaging and so on.... you should know the trend by now :P

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I am massive supporting OP on this and really looking forward to it.


Also, for the reason we are apparantly getting- its too early , updates will break the mods etc... well modders are very talented and adjust to new updates very fast. On the stable we are only having one update a month (if that), so I'm quite sure modders could keep up with this 'progress'. So waiting another 6 months+ just seems over the top...


looking forward to private servers and modded servers because most of the community Kill on sight and that ruins any potential interaction, co-operation, or fun situations where you don't know if someone was friendly or enemy, now typically 99% of the community will press shoot instead of push to talk. Just having a server on its own private hive means people won't be ghosting into areas fully equipped, they will have to make home on one server and not hop to get gear... So this helps a lot...Also you can block people who are complete pricks or cheating...


Finally not everyone wants easy mode.. My dream server would be something like.. an increased zombie threat server , it would be increased zombies (x10) , zombies die from head trauma only (take all damage off their body and limbs, just head damage), 4 hour restarts with day and night (alternating each restart), As for vehicles i know their not avaible yet but just to say  i would only like about 10-20 ground vechicles eventually for the server imo- approx 10 bicycles,3 moto's and 7 cars, couple of Urals or trucks, and 2 Heli's for the whole server (one little bird one big Merlin)...


So basically,,, would like an increased zombie threat server to encourage more team work and make it harder...And also the bonuses of private hive been No Ghosting/ Hive so people are all a fresh spawn when they join it.. And opportunity to ban people who cheat or abuse .

Edited by AgentNe0

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at least let them finish making the damn game first before you want to go changing it.

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Finally not everyone wants easy mode.. My dream server would be something like.. an increased zombie threat server , it would be increased zombies (x10) , zombies die from head trauma only (take all damage off their body and limbs, just head damage), 4 hour restarts with day and night (alternating each restart), As for vehicles i know their not avaible yet but just to say  i would only like about 10-20 ground vechicles eventually for the server imo- approx 10 bicycles,3 moto's and 7 cars, couple of Urals or trucks, and 2 Heli's for the whole server (one little bird one big Merlin)...



That's all good, but we may not need modders to achieve that (well ok the headshot bit, because of the infected not zombie lore) but the rest will be handled by the devs. So modders would spend all that time ramping up zombies ect, only to have the devs counter with there zed AI and numbers increase package.


I think we just need to let them finish it, because at this stage we cant even tell what will be required by the modders. The devs already want scalable time in so day night wont need to be a mod, zed numbers wont need to be a mod, cars and trucks wont need to be a mod....Cant decorate a house till its built :)


Private hives will be great aswell, for all the reasons we already know. I don't disagree with anything in your post, just feel that now isn't the time for modders to do there thing.

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I can't wait to see what the modding community comes up with when the game is released!


New maps, like Taviana, Panthera, Namalsk, Lingor, Altis, Stratis... New gear and building objects.

Some of you will now start to complain about high powered weapons, high end gear and vehicles, but remember that you do not have to press that server " join" button.

If I am feeling vanilla and survivalist I'll join one of my favorite vanilla servers, if you feel like playing death match, then you can join one of the modded to kill servers.

Imagine someone adding Altis Life mods to this and going full RP!



This is totally in the tradition of BI and one of the reasons I bought into the game even in alpha stage. To watch it grow, be part of the community in the alpha stage and to see it being developed into 100's of modded variations.


This is not H1Z1 or WarZ were you get One game that only the developers can change, this will be the most awesome experience in the survival gaming genre ever!

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You can't stop modding just because some people will abuse it, if that was the case then DayZ wouldn't have been made, and netiher would have DotA in Warcraft 3 which lead to big titles such as LoL, HoN, Dota 2, Smite, etc.

People won't stay on garbage servers with crap admins they will quickly move on you need to build a community around it.


What changes are you thinking about?  Please elaborate?


I didn't really want to elaborate because people are predictable and they will start a flaming if they don't agree, even though no one wants to take official servers away from them.


But some key areas for me are:

  • Pop up screen/message on server joining outlining all the changes so people get adjusted right away.
  • Different Spawning methods
  • Loot, loot locations and %'s, same for vehicles.
  • Some decent ingame map by pressing "m" so people don't need to use Shift-Tab and to open dayz map on steam web.
  • Grouping and ally symbols make it easier to not friendly fire, grouped players can then talk ingame from anywhere so no need for TeamSpeak or inviting new people TS (another idea i have is if you kill someone in a group they spawn and drop a radio next to their corpse which you can use to listen into their coms until said player spawns back into game after timer)
  • Guns should ware out when you shoot so you not incline to KoS everything.
  • Killing a player that had no kind of weapon on him and that did no damage to you, should add a status of "guilt" your player goes around for 5mins playing mix of sounds from moaning, I shouldn't have done that, etc so it gives away your position to a certain radius and also people will know that you killed an innocent.

Little changes like this and many more... you get the idea...


Full kitted character after spawn, 500 vehicles, self bloodbaging and so on.... you should know the trend by now :P


God mode too, and ability to fly with my_people_need_me.mp3

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I dont wanna see mod support anytime soon before even Beta

Dev should keep the Upcomping feature list updated and focus on redesignig all Arma II content. I love how the "new" cities and areas look

I am happy with my AKM fully geared, five cow steaks in my backback, a saw off shootgun, ammo box full of mosin ammo (in case I find a longhorn), ammo box full of akm ammo, other stuff ot survive

I am a happy player come from the "mod" over 600 hours played there and now reach 110 hours on the SA

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(well ok the headshot bit, because of the infected not zombie lore)

I am still waiting for the guy who debated this with me to provide any genuine link or proof that the zombies in Day Z are supposed to be strictly infected and the survivors are immune? I have not seen proof of this anywhere, it seems just a hearsay people bring up when anyone mentions zombies and headshots.

besides that, yes best to wait until they have patched in their improved zombie AI etc.. I don't expect we will see private hives and editable files before December 2014 which is a hell of a wait..

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1) Yes


5) I agree, just not the way the mod is. Admins asking for money, and giving players better loot, 1000000 heli's, 100000 vehichle's, respawning loot every fucking second. 

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1) Yes


5) I agree, just not the way the mod is. Admins asking for money, and giving players better loot, 1000000 heli's, 100000 vehichle's, respawning loot every fucking second. 



I guess you mean admins asking for donations? this is basically true with every game from minecraft to garry's mod, personally I wouldn't join a server that gives big advantages for donations, but that's me.


As for 100000 helis or vehicles or loot, who cares? You don't need to join that server, heck I wouldn't even care if they had flying enabled and advertised their server as flying mod dayz, remember these are suppose to be differnet to the official server otherwise there isn't much point to it, they would be like the crazy golf of golf.

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What changes are you thinking about?  Please elaborate?

Without it being a nasty comment, some modding teams work a bit faster than the base game's team. An example being Breaking Point for Arma 2 (and 3, they got that working very quickly). Yes, they ported over some previously existing models and sounds, but the rate they released content was very quickly in comparison to the other teams.

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Without it being a nasty comment, some modding teams work a bit faster than the base game's team. An example being Breaking Point for Arma 2 (and 3, they got that working very quickly). Yes, they ported over some previously existing models and sounds, but the rate they released content was very quickly in comparison to the other teams.


But there's a big difference between writing scripts and writing things directly into the engine, more work for the latter I believe especially rewriting huge chunks of that engine.


Modding already confirmed via Steam Workshop at least but we won't see modding until private hives are implemented, which could be awhile.

Edited by R.Neville

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