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Why you don't need to server hop to get geared.. ever.

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You are banging your head against the wall Irish, but i like your style.

It's all about the style really, isn't it? B)

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if loot is to spawn always server side, i dont  think its so easy to make loot dissappear around a hopping player. i also think it would have repurcussions, say your in the mil tents at nwaf, balota or otherwise and a hopper comes in, if this was to work, it would clear the loot you would be trying to get as well as for him, this just will not work with the current on server loot spawns. at least i dont think


No the way it worked with the arma games as it was only for that player not everyone else.. so it would 1. be easy, they have done it before with a lessor engine and 2. be very effective and not hurt anyone else in the process. 


So yeah, thats about it.. :)

Edited by lrish

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You are banging your head against the wall Irish, but i like your style.


..it really comes down to which head now doesn't it ;) 

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I honestly don't see why they dont take the mods approach to server hopping.


If you server hop or spawn near loot the loot disappears before you can grab it. So all loot near a players log in location is gone.


Hm, how would they work that though? It sounds like a solution but how far away does it work? Because if you can be say 10m from gear, like outside a hangar and that doesn't make it disappear then you can just do that and it's not an issue.

Or if you have all gear in a 300m radius disappearing upon spawning in then you have people being able to delete whole airfields worth of loot.


Or is it just that the people who spawn in can't see it? If it was like that it would be great "BUT THAT'S NOT REALISTIC" neither is magically teleporting to other realities/dimensions, to whoever disagrees with that approach.

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Hm, how would they work that though? It sounds like a solution but how far away does it work? Because if you can be say 10m from gear, like outside a hangar and that doesn't make it disappear then you can just do that and it's not an issue.

Or if you have all gear in a 300m radius disappearing upon spawning in then you have people being able to delete whole airfields worth of loot.


Or is it just that the people who spawn in can't see it? If it was like that it would be great "BUT THAT'S NOT REALISTIC" neither is magically teleporting to other realities/dimensions, to whoever disagrees with that approach.


Gotta choose lesser evil here.

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The title explains the topic pretty well..


..if the purpose of server hopping is to find that one item, than I can't really come up with too valid of an argument other than you should not exploit the game.. but thats another story. 


I'd like to point out that if the goal is to gear up, and get yourself ready for battle or survival you never need to server hop to do it. Below is a picture of what I gained from walking the "path of the warrior" starting from my spawn in Berezino (which I did not loot a single item from as its a deathtrap in there). This was on 2 servers total, 1 last night and 1 this morning.







I agree with you, as everything does not get taken.   Things always get over looked and if you know where to look you can find pretty much everything you need.  Besides, they can't take everything anyway.  I have found morphin in obviously looted military jails, AKM's in barracks, even mags for AKM's in tents.  It's not hard to gear up at all.

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Just Say No to Server Hopping. 


But what about this?


"So you actually have to go out onto servers with your clan or whatever and hunt out to find the special parts. You might hear a rumor that there is a helicopter on a particular server, so you want to go on that server take down the helicopter so you can get the part to get your server helicopter going."


- Dean Hall




Pretty much a complete contradiction of what your saying form the man that created the game.

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I get that server hopping is a problem but I still beliieve when loot respawns properly it will be much less of an issue...so having loot whenever someone logs into the area just seems like an out of place solution...first get loot respawns working properly THEN see what the hoppers are like 

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Hm, how would they work that though? It sounds like a solution but how far away does it work? Because if you can be say 10m from gear, like outside a hangar and that doesn't make it disappear then you can just do that and it's not an issue.

Or if you have all gear in a 300m radius disappearing upon spawning in then you have people being able to delete whole airfields worth of loot.


Or is it just that the people who spawn in can't see it? If it was like that it would be great "BUT THAT'S NOT REALISTIC" neither is magically teleporting to other realities/dimensions, to whoever disagrees with that approach.


Its is client side, so not a single other person is affected except the hopper.


..Which does bring up an issue. What if they just camp the spot, wait for YOU to loot it so he can take whatever you got off your body? Still better than straight server hopping if you ask me.. 

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But what about this?


Dean will realize its a stupid ..




..anyhow. It will just take them some time to get there.. you'll see. 


What they will end up "fixing" it to is this: same idea, but only for each server. So there cant be 1000 cars working on one server or any one server for that matter.. there is no relation to servers that are on different hives nor are there only a limited number of say NVG's in the entire dayz world.. just each server is limited. Like it should be. ..but not this server hopping promoting insanity. They will have to change it once it goes live, and quickly from the backlash.. they just have not thought that idea through well at all if they truly intend to promote serve hopping and server host wars for items.. thats just not smart at all for a game like this. 

Edited by lrish
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Hm, how would they work that though? It sounds like a solution but how far away does it work? Because if you can be say 10m from gear, like outside a hangar and that doesn't make it disappear then you can just do that and it's not an issue.

Or if you have all gear in a 300m radius disappearing upon spawning in then you have people being able to delete whole airfields worth of loot.


Or is it just that the people who spawn in can't see it? If it was like that it would be great "BUT THAT'S NOT REALISTIC" neither is magically teleporting to other realities/dimensions, to whoever disagrees with that approach.

Yeah, there would be a way to exploit this that would boogle the mind and seriously mess up the game beyond what is happening now.  The law of unintended consequences would take full effect and it would be ugly.

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Yeah, there would be a way to exploit this that would boogle the mind and seriously mess up the game beyond what is happening now.  The law of unintended consequences would take full effect and it would be ugly.


Again, it only affects that one person who server hopped and got hit with a timer anyhow.. that guy. No one else has an issue not seeing loot. 

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..Which does bring up an issue. What if they just camp the spot, wait for YOU to loot it so he can take whatever you got off your body? Still better than straight server hopping if you ask me.. 


Well they can have fun trying to use all the stuff they just ruined :lol:


However if they're looking for guns it's unlikely they'd get ruined.


Maybe they could set up some kind of penalty for spawning in and minutes later killing someone at an airfield? That stops campers like that or at least delays them.


Or maybe their dimensional travel screws up from server hopping too much and they spawn on fire and die.

I approve of that as a solution.

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Well they can have fun trying to use all the stuff they just ruined :lol:


However if they're looking for guns it's unlikely they'd get ruined.


Maybe they could set up some kind of penalty for spawning in and minutes later killing someone at an airfield? That stops campers like that or at least delays them.


Or maybe their dimensional travel screws up from server hopping too much and they spawn on fire and die.

I approve of that as a solution.


Fix the loot respawn issue on the servers which has been broken since day one


All these complicated ideas about how to stop hoppers are going to take more time and effort to implement than the above....also if loot respawns as it was intended it is unlikely most will continue to server hop. All you have to do is make the time limit before server changes greater than the time it takes for loot to respawn (but this BS that I get the timer after being on a server for 4 hours needs to stop) 

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This all got a little off topic, but lets just wait and see what happens with loot spawning, central hives and server hopping down the road.. too early for all this conjecture anyhow. ;)

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every police station in EVERY town was empty tonight... ALL other buildings were untouched. <_<


goddamnit serverhoppers! > :(

Edited by quantum2k6
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Server hoppers are usually after the M4's, AKMs and now the MP5's. Even on a server that has just suffered a herd of looters, I can still usually find a Mosin or SKS in a barn or piano house, a decent pistol and plenty of rounds in a fire station, pristine clothing with plenty of pockets, and tons of food and drink. I also find more optics in garages now than I ever did in military tents. 


Do I look like a fully loaded Russian infantryman in 20 minutes? No, but I still get what I need to play and survive. 


I like the 'bubble' idea, but add a warning on logout, so that a player is informed beforehand and can choose to stay on the server or accept whatever penalty there is for hopping. The stiffer the penalty, more will opt to stay and play on. 

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I have been on the same server for over a month.


Found plenty of long guns, No AK yet but I've dropped 2 M4's in the woods since .46 and will do the same to any Mikhails when I find them.


I pack a 1911 with  2 mags when I find a Longhorn I'll drop the 9mm, a Magnum, splitting axe, machete, combat knife, 3 canteens, pre-update Bi-nocs(found another pair in jailcell today so confirmed on stable), sticks, rope, medicals, matches and assorted food.


I have no need to 1337gearhop.

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I don't server hop for gear mainly because of why or how I play the game, not because of some moral issue. A lot of people play simply to get geared (as in, the highest tier military loot and high grade weapons) and rush to the nearest hotspot for some combat (whether its against bandits or whatever). Personally I enjoy creating the story of my character making due. Sometimes I get interesting ones, sometimes I don't, that's part of the fun. At least I never starve, the hoppers tend to leave everything but police stations untouched. I've managed to gear my current hardcore character pretty heavily, including an AKM, sidearm and pristine large vest by legitimately playing the game without hopping. This doesn't make me any better than anyone that might choose to hop but I imagine my feeling of accomplishment is a little higher. Then again, it isn't about the combat for me.

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I don't server hop for gear mainly because of why or how I play the game, not because of some moral issue. A lot of people play simply to get geared (as in, the highest tier military loot and high grade weapons) and rush to the nearest hotspot for some combat (whether its against bandits or whatever). Personally I enjoy creating the story of my character making due. Sometimes I get interesting ones, sometimes I don't, that's part of the fun. At least I never starve, the hoppers tend to leave everything but police stations untouched. I've managed to gear my current hardcore character pretty heavily, including an AKM, sidearm and pristine large vest by legitimately playing the game without hopping. This doesn't make me any better than anyone that might choose to hop but I imagine my feeling of accomplishment is a little higher. Then again, it isn't about the combat for me.


Thats a lot like how I do it, but for me its more on an open level.. for lack of better terminology. I will play any way that comes across my mind that sounds fun, but each character I sort of try to form a story and I always do things differently each time. Ive never lived the same life twice in dayz, not even close.. :P

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I also hope that when they fix loot respawning, that this could tone down server hopping maddness.

Also it could mean that less stuff would spawn, but would respawn regularly...like I dont know...every 40 minutes or so?


That way, if you joined server thats up for few hours, you would have better chance of finding anything and have some fun.


Btw what Rocket said, about the need to hop servers to get parts for heli, that sounded like very bad way to handle it.

I never thought this global economy will affect things like spare parts and force you to server hop for them. I always thought it would be more about .50 cal or some hardcore weapons not being too common.

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I don't think it would be an issue since loot could be cleaned client side, not affectin anyone else or the server itself for that matter.

Server just upon connecting informs client the area where loot is denied for that particular client and that's it.

Spawning shit client client side might bring some issues (DayzMod anyone?) but despawning, i don't think so. =)

im pretty sure full server side loot spawn, means its a bit more complicated than that. also by that system, every time you spawn in as a character on any server, your gonna have to run at least 1.5 click or whatever distance to be sure of any loot, as a fresh spawn that kinda blows and making scripts that are aimed just for server hoppers will generally affect anyone spawning into a server normally aside from hoppers in general.

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No the way it worked with the arma games as it was only for that player not everyone else.. so it would 1. be easy, they have done it before with a lessor engine and 2. be very effective and not hurt anyone else in the process. 


So yeah, thats about it.. :)

pretty sure thats not the case, iv been in an area and seen loot vanish before my eyes (mainly at airfield barracks) only to see a guy spawn in the same barracks im in (either a really stupid log out, or someone combat logging etc) but it definitely cleaned the loot i could see as well, as they did this to prevent people from group loot farming as well. all they need to do is have loot on fixed time loot spawns, with buildings flagged as "spawned" every time they spawn anything, and i think to make it nice and hard, buildings that spawn should not respawn anything for at least half an hour if not more. preferbly more as i can easily loot loop in a place like elektro or the nwaf over a half hour so it takes away from the whole idea of rare loot spawn in general. im almost fine with  it how it is tbh with a single spawn per restart. just means you rely a lot more on luck as to whether someones looted where you are going through

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I think making loot disappear for hoppers is the best solution so far, it's not perfect but it would help a lot. Of course there would probably be problems where it disappears for everyone...but I'm sure they'd fix it up eventually.



I mean if they have to spawn far away like 100m or so from hangars or whatever they're still going to have to run over and there are probably going to be people watching half the time.


Also combined with that, to combat everyone having loot disappear they could just have some things flagged to disappear rather than all loot.

So AKM's, M4's, their attachments, Longhorns etc etc, all the best and most powerful weapons should be the only things to disappear rather than everything.



It's pretty fair towards non hoppers too.

You might genuinely log out in an empty building where there happens to be a random high class weapon spawn but there was none when you left.

Then you spawn in hours later on the same or a different server, suddenly there'd be a Longhorn in front of you.


With system no accidental things like that could happen either.


How often would someone go to sleep or something in a zombie apocalypse and wake up to find new guns in front of them...

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