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So.. Is this what its about?

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So I have a story for you today. I'm fairly new to DayZ with probably 50 or so hours under my belt. Maybe not that new. But still, I've never killed anyone, and don't want to. So I come across a Mosin and find a decent amount of ammo for it. I decide to start making my way up the coast and come upon the outskirts of what I believe to be Svetlojarsk or however you spell it. Upon getting closer to some of the buildings, I notice a player up ahead of me, completely unaware of my presence and running toward a building, presumably to loot it. I catch up to him as he goes inside and ask him to stop. He doesn't have a gun but has a melee weapon on his back. He continually tells me not to shoot him, to which I reply, I'm not going to kill you, just come here (I actually wanted to give him food and drink) and asked if he was hungry or thirsty. He ran out the front door. I went ahead and searched the building, arriving at the top floor, until I heard voices and footsteps approaching. It was the same player, and he brought back a friend. They climbed up the stairs and they both asked me not to shoot. I kept my gun trained on them in self-defense but neither had a gun. I backed into a corner (my first mistake) and they came up to the top floor. I demanded they both go back down and aimed at them. They both rushed me and tried punching and swinging at me. I ran outside and another of their friends appears with a fire extinguisher. They've hit me a couple times on my way out and I'm bleeding. I keep running while continually turning and firing my Mosin quickly at them, attempting to bring one down, while they chase me hot on my heels. They keep telling me to give it up, but I refused to die easily. (At this point you may be wondering why a guy with a gun is running away from unarmed bandits. I asked myself this too but didn't see another option.) I'd put the cursor on them, fire, and nothing. Either the aiming is broken, or there's a delay, or something. I never hit any of them. Finally, my game closed itself on me, to which I quickly opened it again to find myself dead and hear them laughing. 


So..is this what DayZ is all about? I wanted to help one of them, and they chase me until they kill me? I die because the game glitches? I guess I'm just sort of frustrated. I want nothing more than to be a hero in this game and help out new spawns and play cooperatively with others, yet things like this just sort of make me bitter. Thoughts? Input from experienced players?

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So..is this what DayZ is all about? I wanted to help one of them, and they chase me until they kill me? I die because the game glitches? I guess I'm just sort of frustrated. I want nothing more than to be a hero in this game and help out new spawns and play cooperatively with others, yet things like this just sort of make me bitter. Thoughts? Input from experienced players?

Yes, the alpha version of the game is about glitches and desync and rubber-banding. Throw in an adrenaline rush every time you kill or get killed, and you have the makings of what might be a fun game upon release. 

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it is a game about life after civilization ends is about man struggle against man and nature is about what happens when there is no more consequence and everybody is fear losing what they got


welcome to hell



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You need to be the one in control of the situation and be aware of your surroundings. You've already picked up on the main error you made which was backing yourself in to a corner, especially with a slow fire rate weapon such as a Mosin.


The game closing and glitching unfortunately happens, alpha etc etc, so not much you can do there.


I was being chased by a few bandits a couple of weeks back, rather than turning and firing regularly at them I kept running until I got far enough away to be able to pick them off, video link below:


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The dot isn't a crosshair.  You can aim roughly with it, but it isn't an exact represenation of where your gun is going to shoot. (assuming that's what you meant by cursor)

It's extremely difficult to hit players trying to melee you, with most guns, especially a mosin so you weren't wrong for running.  I recommend getting distance on people, and doing things like trying to force them through narrow spaces/door ways.  Going up stairs can be helpful as they're forced to walk on stairs, just don't trap yourself.


My suggestion is you get good at killing people, before you try to get good at helping people.  So that when those occasions do happen, you can defend yourself.

Edited by Bororm
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 I recommend getting distance on people


Exactly this.

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man the gunplay is so atrocious in stand alone now with the unreal tournament movement.


People move with absolutely no weight to them

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Dayz has sold more than two million copies. Those were just two dudes.


If you don't want to kill anyone, you shouldn't play Dayz at this point.


I've had a similiar thing happen to me a few times, once a 'long' time ago...


I came around a corner near the 'new' office in Elektro when I spotted two guys jogging at the other end of the street.

I attracted their attention and tried to communicate with them. The first guy jogged towards me and when he was about five meters away he pulled out a wood chopping axe and I raised my mosin, putting a couple of bullets in his body.


My mates were standing just a few meters away behind a wall, both armed with rifles they quickly turned the other guy into a swiss cheese. I never really figured it out. These guys really wouldn't have stood a chance either way but they still went for it.

Edited by Exorade

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You need to be the one in control of the situation and be aware of your surroundings. You've already picked up on the main error you made which was backing yourself in to a corner, especially with a slow fire rate weapon such as a Mosin.


The game closing and glitching unfortunately happens, alpha etc etc, so not much you can do there.


I was being chased by a few bandits a couple of weeks back, rather than turning and firing regularly at them I kept running until I got far enough away to be able to pick them off, video link below:




but dat low FoV exploit though..

Edited by Chompster

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You need to be the one in control of the situation and be aware of your surroundings. You've already picked up on the main error you made which was backing yourself in to a corner, especially with a slow fire rate weapon such as a Mosin.


The game closing and glitching unfortunately happens, alpha etc etc, so not much you can do there.


I was being chased by a few bandits a couple of weeks back, rather than turning and firing regularly at them I kept running until I got far enough away to be able to pick them off, video link below:


This is a nice video, and I do appreciate your post, my situation wasn't quite like that, they were literally right on me, no more than 10 meters behind me at any point. I really couldn't find a means of escape. 

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My suggestion is you get good at killing people, before you try to get good at helping people. 

That !

Well said. Admitedly I suck at both.



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So..is this what DayZ is all about? I wanted to help one of them, and they chase me until they kill me? I die because the game glitches? I guess I'm just sort of frustrated. I want nothing more than to be a hero in this game and help out new spawns and play cooperatively with others, yet things like this just sort of make me bitter. Thoughts? Input from experienced players?

I believe that this is what the game ought to be, hear me out, in a post_apolcalyptic world, when someone runs away from you, tells you to stay away, you listen to them, unless you want to be killed.

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but dat low FoV exploit though..

What exploit? My FoV is always sat at the same value, I don't change it to try and gain an advantage, I play with it on a setting that feels comfortable and gives me a good range of vision.

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but dat low FoV exploit though..


Low FoV is pro.


I never could spot anything on NWAF but since I entered 1pp mode with max low FoV I finnaly spot and kill people in the forrest around NWAF way before they spot me.

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Just unfortunate in this instance.


Simply you wanted to be friendly, they didn't...


You had stuff they wanted. It's a tough call, but sometimes it's not worth the risk in trying to help people. That said, hopefully this particular encounter will make you more wary and more cautious when attempting to make contact in the future.


However if im ever alone and i make contact with someone, i tend to get quite alarmed if i am suddenly outnumbered. And i wouldn't choose to approach a group of more then one player if i am alone. 

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So..is this what DayZ is all about? I wanted to help one of them, and they chase me until they kill me?


Its not really what DayZ is about, its more like what we are about.

Getting shot in DayZ for no apparent reason will never stop, thats just how we humans are built.


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You need to be the one in control of the situation and be aware of your surroundings. You've already picked up on the main error you made which was backing yourself in to a corner, especially with a slow fire rate weapon such as a Mosin.


The game closing and glitching unfortunately happens, alpha etc etc, so not much you can do there.


I was being chased by a few bandits a couple of weeks back, rather than turning and firing regularly at them I kept running until I got far enough away to be able to pick them off, video link below:




Looked closely on the video now, those bandits were wall glitching like a pro :D

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Looked closely on the video now, those bandits were wall glitching like a pro :D


The last one was, that's why I shot his back through the wall!

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So..is this what DayZ is all about? I wanted to help one of them, and they chase me until they kill me? I die because the game glitches? I guess I'm just sort of frustrated. I want nothing more than to be a hero in this game and help out new spawns and play cooperatively with others, yet things like this just sort of make me bitter. Thoughts? Input from experienced players?


If you really want to be a hero in this game you need to learn a little human psychology first.  How they talk, how they approach you, how they react to you etc..  Once you learn how to "feel" people out, you can start being a hero.


Also, stand your ground.  Stand your ground does not mean do not back away from people. Always keep your distance.  What I mean by saying stand your ground is, if you tell someone to do something, they better listen or suffer the consequences.  People will take advantage of your kindness, and ultimately crack your skull if you're overly kind and not willing to pull the trigger when it's necessary to do so.


You tell someone to stay back and they keep coming towards you, then you put a bullet in them. Plain and simple.


My kindness only goes as far as how well people listen to me. I tell them to keep their distance once and only once and I make that clear to them right from the beginning. You follow my advice and I guarantee you that you won't get melee'd down by a couple bambis again.

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human psychology 101: when orders are ignored, send rounds down range.


if you have already backed yourself into a corner, friendly or not, if people refuse to give you breathing space put them down.  If they were unarmed the second one would have had to re-evaluate or been 1:1fight.

You can fire warning shots if you want to, but i don't waste ammunition ;)


This can all be communicated verbally first and during your encounter if you feel like being a no-kill player and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

stop or i'll shoot. do not come any closer or i'll brain you. you've got 3 seconds to get out of my sight before i turn you into a 300 round box etc...

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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