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Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

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Currently we are renting a server through ViLayer. Recently, since posting on the forums about our server and fair game play, we seem to have had a few hackers on our server. Currently we are gathering information and watching the servers but I am having a little trouble with displaying a full list of player ID’s. I am assuming the player ID’s that show when a #UserList command is run, are some type of GUID. Is this correct? Additionally, I have done a screenshot of the current list of players when pressing P. Is there a way that I can pipe the #UserList to a txt file, so that I can get a full list?


Additionally, if there is someone that I want to ban because I have proof of their cheating, does the Ban.txt work and what is the format/syntax to use?


Thank you,

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All server owners can do if you rent a server is kick them, no banning or anything works at this moment.

Although shamefully absurd, Xelpherpolis is correct. You can only kick players at present. I will jump in joy the day server admins can finally obtain some real player ID's and be able to ban them.

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Although shamefully absurd, Xelpherpolis is correct. You can only kick players at present. I will jump in joy the day server admins can finally obtain some real player ID's and be able to ban them.

Me too, this is why I refuse to rent from a GSP, too expensive and no control to something you pay 40+ a month for.

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you can kick or ban players) but you cant unbanned))) Dear Rocket dont give us (server's boss) total setup control under dayz sa servers....

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i have a own server, and i can ban perfectly


#userlist-> find number infront of the players name -> typ "exec ban (number)" -> player is banned!

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i have a own server, and i can ban perfectly


#userlist-> find number infront of the players name -> typ "exec ban (number)" -> player is banned!


Better have a good reason then, or good bye hive access..

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i have a own server, and i can ban perfectly


#userlist-> find number infront of the players name -> typ "exec ban (number)" -> player is banned!


This is needed in many cases. We had a couple of players in our server attempting to promote eachother to admins. The Battle Eye Client caught them but it would have been great to get their user ID's to ban them. We did kick them from the server. It is too bad that people have to cheat at all, it really shows a lack of moral judgement. Obviously it is just a game but still, cheating is cheating.

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This is needed in many cases. We had a couple of players in our server attempting to promote eachother to admins. The Battle Eye Client caught them but it would have been great to get their user ID's to ban them. We did kick them from the server. It is too bad that people have to cheat at all, it really shows a lack of moral judgement. Obviously it is just a game but still, cheating is cheating.

How does one go about trying to promote themselves as an Admin? Guessing passwords?

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How does one go about trying to promote themselves as an Admin? Guessing passwords?


I am not sure, battle eye reported <username> is trying to promote <username> as admin... not sure, maybe a script or something that has been developed but I am not sure. Additionally, i have not proof because it was one of our admins that caught it. However, I do not see any reason for him to lie. You have to remember that this is a piece of software with vulnerabilities like any other software. There are companies that developer and sell applications specifically for using these vulnerabilities to hack the software. I do not know specifics on how they work because I have never used one but I have seen them on YouTube.

Edited by shallowtech

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i have a own server, and i can ban perfectly


#userlist-> find number infront of the players name -> typ "exec ban (number)" -> player is banned!

The problem with this is that it only seems to show me the last 3 players and I can't seem to scroll through the list using pageup or down :/ anyone know the issue with this? My server is filled with hackers almost 24/7 and its the only thing keeping me from banning them 

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I've having a pretty big problem with  hackers on my server, and kicking them doesn't do much good as they join right back. The problem is when I type #userlist, it only shows me about 3-5 players at a time, which isn't very helpful.  Screenshot here. I was told to use pageup to scroll through the list, but it doesn't work. I've pressed every key on my keyboard trying to get this to work, and nothing has fixed this issue yet.  Any suggestions or help?abm5i8.jpg

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I've having a pretty big problem with  hackers on my server, and kicking them doesn't do much good as they join right back. The problem is when I type #userlist, it only shows me about 3-5 players at a time, which isn't very helpful.  Screenshot here. I was told to use pageup to scroll through the list, but it doesn't work. I've pressed every key on my keyboard trying to get this to work, and nothing has fixed this issue yet.  Any suggestions or help?abm5i8.jpg

You could press "P" on your keyboard to see the list available to everyone.

-> Agilov

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I understand, but it still makes it nearly impossible on who to ban by their number. As you can see here, I was the 14th player to join after my server reset. So baconman, ***, Kevin, Gallith would be 13,12,11,10 I would presume. The issue rises when my server is full or its up into the hundred slots like this morning it was at 124.  If only the #exec ban username actually worked, but rather I have to type #exec ban ( number=player) which makes it so hard to even admin/clean up my own server and I don't want to ban the wrong person. s4ayd5.jpg

Edited by MrRepzion

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You can ban just fine on a private shard server...seems like alot of people that actually do not know what they talk about gathered in this thread ;D

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You can ban just fine on a private shard server...seems like alot of people that actually do not know what they talk about gathered in this thread ;D


The majority of the posts is from summer, before private shards were introduced. It just got necro'd.

Edited by ChainReactor

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Type / then use page up to view the user list

You are a life saver, THANK YOU. All the command guides never stated this.. That worked. 

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You can ban just fine on a private shard server...seems like alot of people that actually do not know what they talk about gathered in this thread ;D



You should read better before you post. We're not talking about Private Shards here. Please post something of use instead of insulting other server owners who are discussing banning/kicking. 



We are a public server and have a ban.txt file inside the Control Panel of our server. We're using Fragnet as our GSP.  If we indeed catch a hacker (killed and video recorded) we add that player's name to the ban list and kick them immediately from the server by pressing "P" , highlight their name, and click "kick". We then follow up with an admin on these forums to report the incident along with the video evidence. It doesn't solve the problem with hackers, but it does at least slow them down. As far as complaints against the server for kicking, we've had a few reported but with recorded evidence and screen shots of the player list at the time we kicked, our provider has dropped the complaint and replied back to us that we had sufficient evidence for the kick/ban. 


Also we received this from Fragnet the other day regarding BEC. This might help some fellow server owners using BEC: 



The major changes include:
*** V.1.606 ***
- Added/Changed: Config setting to [Misc] - AutoLoadBans , will run loadbans ban-file(s) if they get changed. In previouse versions this was on by default all the time.
- Changed/Removed: Say command in the commands.xml can now have predefined text in the <text> tag. check the example commands.xml file.
The command [!say SomeText | !say Playername !SomeText] are no longer supported. it did not really make sense anyway.
- Improved: Some more exception handling on misc stuff.
- Added: Version check on file: Bec.lib. if the exe & lib file has a version mismatch Bec will not startup. its added because people tend to only update the exe file.
- Added: command "exit" to the scheduler. when used it will terminate Bec
- Added: Display a warning if a scheduler job used loadbans with no files defined and BeCustomBanFiles is in use.
- Fixed: seconds in the scheduler using the hh:mm:ss format had a bug after last update!.
- Fixed: A bug when the time in the scheduler was set to 24:00:00 instead of 00:00:00
- FIxed: A Bug in Commands.xml file. if _name_ or _time_ was not set for the ban commands, no reason was given.

Kind Regards,
Fragnet Networks




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You should read better before you post. We're not talking about Private Shards here. Please post something of use instead of insulting other server owners who are discussing banning/kicking. 



We are a public server and have a ban.txt file inside the Control Panel of our server. We're using Fragnet as our GSP.  If we indeed catch a hacker (killed and video recorded) we add that player's name to the ban list and kick them immediately from the server by pressing "P" , highlight their name, and click "kick". We then follow up with an admin on these forums to report the incident along with the video evidence. It doesn't solve the problem with hackers, but it does at least slow them down. As far as complaints against the server for kicking, we've had a few reported but with recorded evidence and screen shots of the player list at the time we kicked, our provider has dropped the complaint and replied back to us that we had sufficient evidence for the kick/ban. 


Also we received this from Fragnet the other day regarding BEC. This might help some fellow server owners using BEC: 


Maybe you should read this as any server owner: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/

and you know that it is not possible to  ban on non private shards :D




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Maybe you should read this as any server owner: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/

and you know that it is not possible to  ban on non private shards :D





Then why do I have the option of a ban list.txt in my CP of Fragnet as a public server? Names are added as we catch hackers and at this time its the only reason we add a player to the list . The rules according to this document: http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf  states that:



You may not perform the following actions on your server
o Restart server to farm loot
o Restart server to protect your character integrity after dying
o Kick/Ban players without just cause


o Lock / Password the server


Hacking is a just cause for kick/ban especially when you have Video evidence and the players name. Fragnet has confirmed this with me and the complaint filed by a person who we banned was indeed hacking. Boneboys even confirmed this hacker for us after sharing the name and video with him and the GUID was added to the BEC global banlist. 

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Like stated before, you better have really god proof before banning someone on public shards or ill call them Half price shards lol


You can not just go around kicking players, or banning them if you want it kept, our grey police are running around I've been reading.

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Like stated before, you better have really god proof before banning someone on public shards or ill call them Half price shards lol


You can not just go around kicking players, or banning them if you want it kept, our grey police are running around I've been reading.


We understand how important it is to have significant proof before banning anybody and thus why the only players to date we've banned are proof positive hackers. Each player we've caught we have created a folder on our FTP for and in those folders are screenshots of the playerlist, and video(s) of the player in the act of cheating including video of their name on screen after checking their pulse. We do all that so we can always backup our case of a "just cause" ban.  

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Then why do I have the option of a ban list.txt in my CP of Fragnet as a public server? Names are added as we catch hackers and at this time its the only reason we add a player to the list . The rules according to this document: http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf  states that:



Hacking is a just cause for kick/ban especially when you have Video evidence and the players name. Fragnet has confirmed this with me and the complaint filed by a person who we banned was indeed hacking. Boneboys even confirmed this hacker for us after sharing the name and video with him and the GUID was added to the BEC global banlist. 


Because its a option they would have to restrict when you switch on-the-fly from public to private - what is not possible it seems.


  • Kick/Ban players without just cause

There is litterally no way to tell who is hacking - you would need video proof of the guy while he is hacking and not only that but you also need to kill the hacker directly after you saw he is hacking - pretty much impossible when you ask me :D


Also the do list does not tell you that you can ban ;)


You may perform the following actions on your server :

  • Restart server
  • Kick abusive players (harassment, cheating, exploiting bugs)

           - Be aware that this can tread a fine line, and if you are found to be violating this rule your server may be disabled until the issue can be addressed. 

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