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Why don't the devs post content on the official forums?

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Today I saw a thread written by a DayZ software engineer and it made me sad that the devs don't make posts like this here. I asked Rocket a while ago why the devs don't post on the official forums and he said he doesn't like the "format" of the forum. I assume he means there are no upvotes or downvotes.

It irritates me a bit because I, honestly, enjoy the fact that discussion can actually occur in this forum as opposed to Reddit where every sane/valid opinion is simply downvoted into oblivion. Is there anything that can be done to make this happen? Can't the forum mods add an upvote/downvote button or something?

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i agree with that thay should post stuff here, thay post updates but nothing else.

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Maybe they are far to busy perfecting the game to have the time to post :huh:

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They don't post here because they are focusing on hot spot capture mediums. Reddit twitter etc are places where potential customers could be convinced into a purchase if they see dev participation. These forums however are mostly occupied by current users of the game.

Thus equals zero worth zero payback.

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They don't post here because they are focusing on hot spot capture mediums. Reddit twitter etc are places where potential customers could be convinced into a purchase if they see dev participation. These forums however are mostly occupied by current users of the game.

Thus equals zero worth zero payback.


You are probably right. That must be why he is there answering some stupid-ass questions.


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Maybe they are far to busy perfecting the game to have the time to post :huh:

but can post it on Reddit ?



it should be first here then everywhere else. why have an official forums then post crap on reddit .

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maybe the devs just dont want to post on here because everyone realise official game forums have some normal guys who like the game and some new guys who want to find important information or learm stuff like what they don't know yet because no manual for teaching but also....




if I am gamer dev I don't never going in the forum because is always same there is very strange man who love too much the game or hating too much the game and they need help from a doctor not some dev to say hello here is a picture of my cat.

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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Today I saw a thread written by a DayZ software engineer and it made me sad that the devs don't make posts like this here. I asked Rocket a while ago why the devs don't post on the official forums and he said he doesn't like the "format" of the forum. I assume he means there are no upvotes or downvotes.

It irritates me a bit because I, honestly, enjoy the fact that discussion can actually occur in this forum as opposed to Reddit where every sane/valid opinion is simply downvoted into oblivion. Is there anything that can be done to make this happen? Can't the forum mods add an upvote/downvote button or something?

i Assume its to avoid allot of the backlash more dedicated fans of the game would give the developers who dont give a flying fuck about what there house cats name is, so on and so forth.


That and I believe the ONLY time iv seen rocket post in official here was when a guy found some files with hanging dead bodies and crap like that around structures and buildings. It was more of a pissed off brief comment than an actual conversation as nothing was said from him again about it in the topic lol.


Oh i forgot there is another guy that will answer things on forums thats a developer but he shows up at really weird times during random gaming post with things of interest.

Edited by Deathlove

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Who cares? It's not hard to google "Reddit" or "Twitter". 

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Who cares? It's not hard to google "Reddit" or "Twitter". 

That avatar....... burns my soul.... .XD

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Forums = Deeper game discussion that trounces anything on reddit yet we can be very jaded and venomous here so I can see devs being a bit hesitant to speak here.


Reddit = Look at my video of a grenade I found gais, look at my picture of my character gais. Almost nothing of value on reddit.

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This bothers me as well. I HATE social media like facebook and twitter, and cant stand reddit due to it being a downright madhouse most of the time.

I get wanting to reach out to a larger audience, but I find the lack of a presence in their own OFFICIAL forums almost insulting. We are the dedicated players (for the most part) that put up with all the issues of the game in its alpha state. We are the ones who realize we are TESTING the game for the devs (in exchange for a reduced price and the chance to play it early on, which is STILL fun even in its unfinished state).

I honestly feel ignored.

There is another game I play that is in alpha. Its called space engineers. Essentially it is minecraft in space. Awesome game, and whats more, is the devs are active in their own forums. ESPECIALLY in the bug reports section. One of the devs, Phand, is actually a celebrated hero for all her hardwork and dedication, constantly providing feedback between the devs on the bug team, and the players who go to the trouble to post their issues and upload world files and bug reports. On that forum, there is a real sense amongst the community that the devs care what the players think, and a real connection is formed. There is the honest feeling that the players can help shape the development of the game, and the knowledge that new, REASONABLE ideas, which are popular amongst the wider community, will at least be considered, and likely even be added at some point.

When was the last time a dev posted anything in the ideas/suggestions thread? Said anything like "that's an interesting idea", or "we are actually already considering something similar", or hell even "WOW! what an awesome idea! This lit a fire here in the office and everyone really likes it! We are all amazed we didn't think of it ourselves" (admittedly a bit much).

Of course, another thing that is awesome about SE is the development pace, with new content and fixes released weakly (Thursday is patchmass). But Im not concerned about the development pace with DayZ. Its a completely different game and what not. I just dont like the lack of ANY input here on the forums. I mean, WE are the ones testing this game for you. We DO enjoy it (most of us, anyway, me included). But throw us a bone here! Let us know that you give a damn what your most dedicated players think!

But whatever. Not stopping me from playing. Not stopping me from engaging in discussion. Just get the feeling none of that discussion is relevant to the devs. But I could be wrong. Maybe they have their reasons. After all, rocket works in mysterious ways...(a joke. Sarcasm. I dont literally mean to imply deity ness)

Edited by Crazykage

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I'm pretty sure the devs used to post on here quite often, that's why there used to be so much traffic right?

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That avatar....... burns my soul.... .XD



Forums = Deeper game discussion that trounces anything on reddit yet we can be very jaded and venomous here so I can see devs being a bit hesitant to speak here.


Reddit = Look at my video of a grenade I found gais, look at my picture of my character gais. Almost nothing of value on reddit.

Deep discussion here? HAHAHA, yea...like every couple centuries we do. It's mostly terrible threads here.


This bothers me as well. I HATE social media like facebook and twitter, and cant stand reddit due to it being a downright madhouse most of the time.

I get wanting to reach out to a larger audience, but I find the lack of a presence in their own OFFICIAL forums almost insulting. We are the dedicated players (for the most part) that put up with all the issues of the game in its alpha state. We are the ones who realize we are TESTING the game for the devs (in exchange for a reduced price and the chance to play it early on, which is STILL fun even in its unfinished state).

I honestly feel ignored.

There is another game I play that is in alpha. Its called space engineers. Essentially it is minecraft in space. Awesome game, and whats more, is the devs are active in their own forums. ESPECIALLY in the bug reports section. One of the devs, Phand, is actually a celebrated hero for all her hardwork and dedication, constantly providing feedback between the devs on the bug team, and the players who go to the trouble to post their issues and upload world files and bug reports. On that forum, there is a real sense amongst the community that the devs care what the players think, and a real connection is formed. There is the honest feeling that the players can help shape the development of the game, and the knowledge that new, REASONABLE ideas, which are popular amongst the wider community, will at least be considered, and likely even be added at some point.

When was the last time a dev posted anything in the ideas/suggestions thread? Said anything like "that's an interesting idea", or "we are actually already considering something similar", or hell even "WOW! what an awesome idea! This lit a fire here in the office and everyone really likes it! We are all amazed we didn't think of it ourselves" (admittedly a bit much).

Of course, another thing that is awesome about SE is the development pace, with new content and fixes released weakly (Thursday is patchmass). But Im not concerned about the development pace with DayZ. Its a completely different game and what not. I just dont like the lack of ANY input here on the forums. I mean, WE are the ones testing this game for you. We DO enjoy it (most of us, anyway, me included). But throw us a bone here! Let us know that you give a damn what your most dedicated players think!

But whatever. Not stopping me from playing. Not stopping me from engaging in discussion. Just get the feeling none of that discussion is relevant to the devs. But I could be wrong. Maybe they have their reasons. After all, rocket works in mysterious ways...(a joke. Sarcasm. I dont literally mean to imply deity ness)

Testing? Almost 3/4th of us are playing the game just to play the damn game. Me and you may test and put feedback but to say ALL of the forum people here do...is just crazy. The forum community here is god awful, it's like a LoL or 4chan up in here.

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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this is why exact reason what make the devs don't coming here

No, THIS is, maybe, why.

Because when people speak their minds, in an intelligent and non-toxic manner, a troll always comes along to shit on it with horrendous grammar, using no discernible intelligent thought, having no concept of how to debate in a manner that isn't insulting, and failing to explain in any way just what the HELL they mean or imply.

Thank you shrub. you have enlightened me. Glorious epiphanies have been revealed to me, and I have seen the light. I almost cant blame the devs now, because you just reminded me, quickly, efficiently, and not moments after my post, just how asinine some people can be around here. If I didn't know better, I would say you very cleverly disguised ALL THAT in your simple, nonsense grammar, sentence. But I have a distinct feeling that would be giving you too much credit.

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Because they're bungholes. It's really that simple. Have a nice day.

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No, THIS is, maybe, why.

Because when people speak their minds, in an intelligent and non-toxic manner, a troll always comes along to shit on it with horrendous grammar, using no discernible intelligent thought, having no concept of how to debate in a manner that isn't insulting, and failing to explain in any way just what the HELL they mean or imply.

Thank you shrub. you have enlightened me. Glorious epiphanies have been revealed to me, and I have seen the light. I almost cant blame the devs now, because you just reminded me, quickly, efficiently, and not moments after my post, just how asinine some people can be around here. If I didn't know better, I would say you very cleverly disguised ALL THAT in your simple, nonsense grammar, sentence. But I have a distinct feeling that would be giving you too much credit.


you don't see how much mad insane you looking for a game forum this rage and insult because some guys who make the game don't listen you?? find doctor calm down relax and drink milk before head explode and you are broke down from stress of being ignore by a man in check republic who never realise you exist


before too late.

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™

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Deep discussion here? HAHAHA, yea...like every couple centuries we do. It's mostly terrible threads here.



True alot of the threads here are pretty garbage.


Lots of 1st time posters making threads about the guy they met in the airfield or asking the same question about where to find the akm after 20 other threads of the same thing were opened that day.

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you don't see how much mad insane you looking for a game forum this rage and insult because some guys who make the game don't listen you?? find doctor calm down relax and drink milk before head explode and you are broke down from stress of being ignore by a man in check republic who never realise you exist


before too late.

I think you are blatantly overstating or reading too much into my post. Perhaps its the lack of any kind of inflection in text communication? I don't know. But I assure you, this game, its development, and the lack of dev input, are the LEAST of my concerns in life. When I say it "bothers" me, I don't mean to imply I am tearing my hair out or crying myself to sleep at night. I mean it very slightly concerns me. So don't put words in my mouth, or in this case, add emotions to my words.

But honestly, I think you KNOW that, and are just being a troll, playing the old "u mad bro?" card.

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I think you are blatantly overstating or reading too much into my post. Perhaps its the lack of any kind of inflection in text communication? I don't know. But I assure you, this game, its development, and the lack of dev input, are the LEAST of my concerns in life. When I say it "bothers" me, I don't mean to imply I am tearing my hair out or crying myself to sleep at night. I mean it very slightly concerns me. So don't put words in my mouth, or in this case, add emotions to my words.

But honestly, I think you KNOW that, and are just being a troll, playing the old "u mad bro?" card.


ok if you think what I am say is for being a troll I don't understand why because I am just one guy who finds a great game and comes here to speak about but now I see a topic I join conversation and make simple point why devs never go to official game forum for ANY GAMES because is too many crazy in the world and then guy comes after and PROVE MY POINT so I show to other guys in the conversation 'look, you see, this is why devs don't coming here' and I am troll???


haha, you are nice guy I am sure but please before you make a personal attack and start to shout bad names for people you never meet before maybe listen to the voice that say 'shhhh, don't be crazy in public' and try to understand own problrems before accuse other guy of have problems that exist in your brain that care too much about a forum for a game that still is be develop

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™

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Oh here we go again.....

Rocket has explained why he prefers other media and did so a long time ago.

I believe his reasoning valid and if you take the time to follow he and the other Devs you would know that they are in fact quite communicative in comparison to may other development teams.



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