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Why do you get so little meat when butchering even a relatively large animal?

Case in point, I shot a deer the other day and butchered it with a machete ( I am not sure how this worked, as machetes tend to not have sharp edges or blade profiles that are conducive to slaughtering game). I only got about 6 steaks, all about 9-11%


Why is this? In real life, a deer should be able to hold you over for several days, including all of the meat, entrails (some of which are DELICIOUS), bone marrow, etc.

And, why do you need specific knives to slaughter game? I've butchered a deer using a goddamn tomahawk before, which was actually easier than using some parts of a butchering kit....

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I have expirence with boar.


When I cutted boar with pristine machete I got meat of 70-90%. Then my machete got badly damaged so  I switched it for damaged kitchen knife that gieved meat 30-40$ and got badly damaged. Then badly damaged knife cut 3rd boar for 5% -20%.




It prob depends on quality of the knife.




Also I had option to cut boar many times before the body dissapeared. I ended having more meat laying on ground then 5 persons with mountain backpacks could carry. Such a waste.


It seems like hunting was intended for groups of playes couse 1 boar can feed 5-6 people.

Edited by Frosti

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Before ask this you should ask why theres not even one cut mark on animal ? you cutting animal with knife isnt it but until you done cutting, animal still has not any knife mark on it   Also animations totally fail you cant even dig knife properly. I dont care how much steaks I getting cause anyway already animations and graphics failed. If they was successful then we can talk about amount of steaks.

Edited by BayZ

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Before ask this you should ask why theres not even one cut mark on animal ? you cutting animal with knife isnt it but until you done cutting, animal still has not any knife mark on it   Also animations totally fail you cant even dig knife properly. I dont care how much steaks I getting cause anyway already animations and graphics failed. If they was successful then we can talk about amount of steaks.


I think id rather have a feature work before the animation is put in. This is Alpha as everyone has said a million times but Arma Engine doesnt really get into specifics as you might be able see in game as your putting a steak on the fire or whatever. For most players if it works its fine then they can put the animation in later

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I've killed and skinned animals back in experimental with my combat knife, but somehow this doesn't work anymore. I'll have to find a machete or kitchen knife to skin an animal again...

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I have expirence with boar.


When I cutted boar with pristine machete I got meat of 70-90%. Then my machete got badly damaged so  I switched it for damaged kitchen knife that gieved meat 30-40$ and got badly damaged. Then badly damaged knife cut 3rd boar for 5% -20%.




It prob depends on quality of the knife.




Also I had option to cut boar many times before the body dissapeared. I ended having more meat laying on ground then 5 persons with mountain backpacks could carry. Such a waste.


It seems like hunting was intended for groups of playes couse 1 boar can feed 5-6 people.

The condition of your knife should in no way impact the condition of the cuts of meat. Yes, a sharp knife will make the job easier, but butchering can be done with essentially your bare hands! Again, see above, used a MACHETE. Machetes are not designed for "slicing", they hack through pithy vegetation!

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The condition of your knife should in no way impact the condition of the cuts of meat. Yes, a sharp knife will make the job easier, but butchering can be done with essentially your bare hands! Again, see above, used a MACHETE. Machetes are not designed for "slicing", they hack through pithy vegetation!

As someone who has attempted to fillet a fish with a dull knife I have to disagree.

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As someone who has attempted to fillet a fish with a dull knife I have to disagree.tak

Take hands, rip meat off bones, pull out bones, boom.

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It's a video game, and it's a work in progress.

Yeah you could rip the meat off a fish with your hands, just like you could easily open a can with a machete and not spill half of it, or even if you spilled it eat it off the floor, but they need to make gameplay interesting too.  They can't make everything 100% realistic, or it'll be dull from a gameplay perspective.  If there's no reason for a can opener over any other item what's the point.  They have to represent these things in some way, so you butcher an animal with a dull knife you get less meat, that makes sense on a basic level.


Things will change, they'll probably add in more knives and such with different results.

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It's a video game, and it's a work in progress.

Yeah you could rip the meat off a fish with your hands, just like you could easily open a can with a machete and not spill half of it, or even if you spilled it eat it off the floor, but they need to make gameplay interesting too.  They can't make everything 100% realistic, or it'll be dull from a gameplay perspective.  If there's no reason for a can opener over any other item what's the point.  They have to represent these things in some way, so you butcher an animal with a dull knife you get less meat, that makes sense on a basic level.


Things will change, they'll probably add in more knives and such with different results.

On my person, everywhere I go, I carry:


A decent (4 in blade) folding knife

Keyring, containing:



-Small piece of mirror

-keys (duh)

Bracelet containing 30feet of paracord



Why then do we spawn with a flashlight?

Having gear doesn't make it easier to survive, it just makes it more likely. If you don't know proper fire lays for use in inclement weather, you won't get a fire going in a rainstorm (something which I can do, and my survival classes usually can't.) even with 200 matches.


Skills > Gear in my book.


Not that I am disagreeing with you.

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Last time I tried to fit a cow in my backpack it just would not fit, the tail was sticking out !

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