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Why are there basically no 3pp:off servers - grow a pair.

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The reason why 3rd person gets everyone so passionate is because of the nature of the game of dayz. You spend a considerable amount of time looking for gear, especially if you're playing the game properly (as in not server hopping to gear up quick). To then get shot in the back by someone you never had a chance to see is bad enough but in dayz it's worse because of the investment you put into it. Why should some prick get your gear because they used easy mode to kill you? That's what the problem is.



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This topic is still going on..? What don't you people get about the 2 separate game modes for different play styles?


The strict 1pp players can't grasp the concept that somebody else can do something unrealistic which everybody else including them can do in 3pp mode, so instead of sticking to their hardcore mode they all attack the 3pp players claiming superiority? Half the "lamecore" players could still just as easily kill any one of the hardcore players if they moved into the hardcore servers. I play both, and I kill just as many people on either game mode.


A game is made for enjoyment. So why doesn't everybody enjoy the game and stick to your preferred game mode without crying about players who don't concern you at all? Can somebody close the thread already?

Edited by LigerRider
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Yeah just as I thought. Quote mined and taken out of context completely. Nice try though and a win on your part for being disingenuous.

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Half the "lamecore" players could still just as easily kill any one of the hardcore players if they moved into the hardcore servers.


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I love 3PP because you can run around seeing everything and if you notice a player fully geared all you need to do is just follow him looking over walls and when you have a chance just run up to him to knock him out and you instantly gear up. Saves me a lot of time. And to be forced to play on regular servers can be annoying sometimes because of the lack of HC server and not servers like "24/7 daytime HIGHLOOT". But I don't care at this moment I think when devs add more PvE to fuck you over more then I think it will be alright but If there going to be servers like "24/7 Daytime, Low zombies, Double health, High loot, 100+ cars, safe zones etc." Then we will need to do something about that.


P.S. This what made me play DayZ 

this was just amazing to see for the first time and this is how I think it should have been. Edited by DemiSaint
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@up video


I like it how it is possible to actually secure the building.


With 3pp camera people could peek inside while standing around the corner but on 1pp only they can't.

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You laugh but the quality of Regular players is generally better.  They are more likely to be bandits and/or have greater PVP experience because of the Regular servers.


I find it far easier to kill players in Hardcore.  They are generally clueless, having little situational awareness.  They also struggle to figure out where you are when you get the drop on them.  You cannot tail as easily, but when you see them and they haven't seen you, it is far easier to keep that situation static.  In Regular, they will se you much faster due to the ability to look around more easily.

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What if the game forced you into 1st person when you drew your weapon? That way you could still have 3rd person without giving an unfair advantage in firefights. Granted, you could still look over walls, round corners etc... but in the heat of a shootout no one would put their gun away just to see round a corner, that would just be suicidal!

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You laugh but the quality of Regular players is generally better.  They are more likely to be bandits and/or have greater PVP experience because of the Regular servers.


I find it far easier to kill players in Hardcore.  They are generally clueless, having little situational awareness.  They also struggle to figure out where you are when you get the drop on them.  You cannot tail as easily, but when you see them and they haven't seen you, it is far easier to keep that situation static.  In Regular, they will se you much faster due to the ability to look around more easily.

Depends on player. But it's true that newbie will spot you much faster while having 3pp camera above him.


What if the game forced you into 1st person when you drew your weapon? That way you could still have 3rd person without giving an unfair advantage in firefights. Granted, you could still look over walls, round corners etc... but in the heat of a shootout no one would put their gun away just to see round a corner, that would just be suicidal!


Many DayZ mod servers have a mod that force 1pp while you are prone above the ground (ex. on the roof of some building). This is to stop abusing 3pp while camping from roof.

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This is your serious and well thought out answer? So basically you cam over walls to make sure everything is clear before you venture out rather than play the game. That's your choice but it's not an argument against 4th wall - the point of 4th wall is that you CAN'T cam over to cheat and see where zombies are.

You just don't get it do you? I never said we "cam over walls to make sure everything is clear". I said when you're running around in 3PP you will inherently see over walls depending on the angle.

Even if you're 50-100 yards away from the wall in an open field you will see over it if the slope is high enough. Doesn't matter if you're in 3PP or 1PP.

Now with 4th wall you will see zombies appearing and disappearing depending on the angles.

That makes the game look stupid. 4th wall is not a fix. Think of something better.

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Interaction is better on 3pp but that also means hackers are more robust on 3pp servers.   That's about the jyst of a 3pp server.  


Corner peeking is for pussies but whatever, let them be bad players who need a crutch.

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No it is not a level playing field at all unless both parties are aware of each other and start either end of a barn. That is a level playing field. It is not a level playing field when you're camping on a roof exploiting the view and I'm on the street. I cannot in anyway counter your view AT ALL. You have all the advantage and none of the disadvantages.


1. then by that logic 1st is also unfair if one arty is aware and one is not. the attacker has the same advantages.

2. roof campers....yes....if you didn't ADAPT realises that  could happen and check the roofs from an elevated position prior to entering the town...


Also even in 3rd the shooter WILL have to expose themselves to take the shot. Regular checks of the roofs for that shadow popping up are crucial.


Theres 2 reasons its harder in 3rd, less time to aquire target when exposed, and more concealment for the enemy.



You also fail to realize that not everyone plays the game the same. Some of us aren't bothered about hunting people down. So when I make my way into a town looking for supplies I'll be careful but that isn't going to help me when there's a camper over looking the obvious areas of the town people search (POlice station, supermarket, etc).


So now you cant be shot by a camper in 1st?....come on. Its perfectly possible thers a sniper in one of a dozen nests on HC around any given town....you may not spot them and you may get shot. That's a problem with the mentality of some players.....not 3rd person view.



Does it make it harder? Of course it doesn't. It makes it easier which is demonstrable. In 1pp it's way harder for you to track me, it's way harder to mover around as you can't magically see zeds. If you get into a fight it's harder to see your opponent and harder to engage. You think it's harder "for the other person" which is not the way to look at it at all. Since when do you judge how hard a game is from how hard it is for someone else? It's easier in 3pp view to look around corners before you move. It doesn't make the game harder for you just because someone else can see you and you can't see them. Once you are fighting, you use 3pp to check every angle and then move. 1pp you poke out your head and hope a bullet doesn't go through it, scan quickly and duck back. You keep repeating this move, often repositioning yourself to try and see different angles. 3pp makes this job a completely different game and people are robbing themselves of a more intensive and lifelike experience.


Now this is what I talking about right here....


Why exactly shouldn't we look at how it effects the other players....that was the whole point of HC.....to effect the other players on the server.


Don't try and sugar coat it....if people just wanted to play 1st that view is avalible on any 3pp:on server....it was ALL about how it effected other players.


Now you say its harder for you to track someone.....its also harder for them to spot you.....by your own admission its easier to spot in 3rd and harder for you to track in first. Logicly its harder for the guy you are tracking to spot you. Experiment with it....so much easier to get close in HC....I know from experience.


You said it best at the end...."makes it a different game" yes its different because there are 10x more possabilities to think about during a firefight. But not easier at all.




3pp gives an attacker all the advantages and gives up nothing against his opponent. In most other games or sports, when one person holds all the cards giving his opponent no chance at all they call that unfair advantage. All 3pp does is gives the sociopaths, the KOS'ers, the people most of us can't stand a huge advantage over the people that want to survive and loot and meet a few people and get into some gun fights.


So the defender cant take cover and start scoping with 3pp.....just like his attacker?

How does one person "hold all the cards" if 3pp makes spotting easier surly logic dictates its easier for a defender to spot an attacker than it I in 1st.


It makes no sence....first you guys say...


"its easy mode to easy to spot and kill" - well if that's true for you its true for the other 99 players....its easier for them to kill you making it a harder experience.....come on guys that's not rocket science....that's simple common sense.


As I said in other post though, yeas 1st is harder on the individual and more immersive. But harder environment....no way....3pp is where the harsh environment is at :D

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Many DayZ mod servers have a mod that force 1pp while you are prone above the ground (ex. on the roof of some building). This is to stop abusing 3pp while camping from roof.


Good idea! So do you we may see this kind of thing on SA in the future?

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Many DayZ mod servers have a mod that force 1pp while you are prone above the ground (ex. on the roof of some building). This is to stop abusing 3pp while camping from roof.

As a predominantly 3PP player I would have no problem with this. That seems to be the 1PP players number one argument and I can agree to that kind of fix. :)

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Interaction is better on 3pp but that also means hackers are more robust on 3pp servers.   That's about the jyst of a 3pp server.  


Corner peeking is something that can happen when using 3pp, Il be a pussy and run away from it though, while I yell its a crutch to justify my decision to myself.


Fixed that for you :)

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It is not some super hardcore game, like it or not.

3rd person mode is the main mode and people like me, who enjoy 3rd person shooters (Gears of War, GunZ, CoD 3rd person playlist), like it. The devs even said realistic stuff like accurate calibers are not important so they obviously want it to be accessible to a lot of people. Can't have that with some super duper simulation stuff like FPS only.


I wouldn't mind if it was FPS only but for good casual fun 3rd person is better.

Edited by myshl0ng

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This thread must have pissed off some script kiddie(s) becouse teleport killing hacker(s) are on fire on hardcore servers.

Edited by Frosti

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The thing I find funny about the hardcore ragers, is that when you sort for hardcore servers in my area with <150 pings, you will get over 100 hardcore servers with under 5 players, 2 full and on a good day, 2 more that are half full. There are more hardcore players running around in safe, cushy, barren environments than there are playing with a real risk involved. When those numbers change, let the shit talking begin. Until then, hardcore players seem like just as big a bunch of pansies as all the regular players are.

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The thing I find funny about the hardcore ragers, is that when you sort for hardcore servers in my area with <150 pings, you will get over 100 hardcore servers with under 5 players, 2 full and on a good day, 2 more that are half full. There are more hardcore players running around in safe, cushy, barren environments than there are playing with a real risk involved. When those numbers change, let the shit talking begin. Until then, hardcore players seem like just as big a bunch of pansies as all the regular players are.


Ofcourse there is no difference between regular and hardcore players, where did you got such a  idea?


Only difference is the gameplay.

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I certainly have no problem with Lamecore players enjoying their comfort zone, after all it takes a while to get used to a game so why not play it in easy mode until you build up the mad skills that you need to take on a Hardcore server? We all had to start somewhere. 


Just because those who play Lamecore are more likely to suck a bag of dicks shouldn't mean they should be looked upon differently. I am all for tolerance of those who may be a lesser gamer. In fact I welcome newbies like this to the gaming world and hope that they don't find the controls too difficult in the beginning.

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But I like looking at my ass when I run around.


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But I like looking at my ass when I run around.



I was on the server the other day (Hardcore, of course) and someone playing as a woman character had been shot but a bug had set her "ow" sound into loop. It was distracting yet slightly arousing. She just kept running around going "ow, ow, ow, ow".

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I certainly have no problem with Lamecore players enjoying their comfort zone, after all it takes a while to get used to a game so why not play it in easy mode until you build up the mad skills that you need to take on a Hardcore server? We all had to start somewhere. 


Just because those who play Lamecore are more likely to suck a bag of dicks shouldn't mean they should be looked upon differently. I am all for tolerance of those who may be a lesser gamer. In fact I welcome newbies like this to the gaming world and hope that they don't find the controls too difficult in the beginning.


What are you, 10?

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What are you, 10?


Looks like you are not one for tolerance, friend, and for that I am deeply disappointed in you.. :(

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