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Reduce fall damage.

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When you fall from one story, you break your leg. Now I am not saying you should be able to jump from two stories and be fine, but five or so feet shouldn't ruin your game. I would suggest that more 'degrees' of injury be introduced, from just minor pain which goes away in a few seconds after some limping, to a more serious injury that needs to be checked later, to a full blown broken leg.

I just find it annoying that my game was just ruined because I decided to jump down from a small height to avoid going past some zombies!


Thank you,


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One story (of a building) is 10 feet

no imagine jumping off a 10 foot drop onto concrete.

there is a pretty good chances you would break or hurt something

and plus, dont take shortcuts, characters are fragile.

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Fair enough, hadn't quite put the concrete thing into perspective! I would still say a fracture is a bit extreme though... sprains maybe?

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Can imagine this will change a bit in the future. With a better health/ medical system all kind of things could happen when falling down.

I think I can remember Rocket talking about a falling animation (or maybe it was a developer of another game lol not sure tbh..). Maybe when they work on this they might change how falling works. Something.

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Hope so, good to remember it is in alpha, can't wait for the finished product!

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One story (of a building) is 10 feet

no imagine jumping off a 10 foot drop onto concrete.

there is a pretty good chances you would break or hurt something

and plus, dont take shortcuts, characters are fragile.

Well you would come out of it just fine if you did a recovery roll. Maybe a few scrapes and bumps and a chance of a twisted ankle or sprain. Ive done it enough to know my leg won't be hurting for more then a few minutes. In all honestly, maybe it could be worked where at certain height between x and y, you could do a recovery roll. This would be a little animation but you can't do it with a backpack or slav vest.

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One story (of a building) is 10 feet

no imagine jumping off a 10 foot drop onto concrete.

there is a pretty good chances you would break or hurt something

and plus, dont take shortcuts, characters are fragile.


When I was a kid, I used to jump down from a wooden tower in the playground of our school. Other kids were scared to jump but I did it many times and never had any injury or pain from it. It was about 10-12 feet jump.


So I'm agree that 1 story jumps shouldn't break your legs, 2 stories is fine.

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When I was a kid, I used to jump down from a wooden tower in the playground of our school. Other kids were scared to jump but I did it many times and never had any injury or pain from it. It was about 10-12 feet jump.


So I'm agree that 1 story jumps shouldn't break your legs, 2 stories is fine.


Now try it fully laden with a backpack full of canned goods, ammo and a loaded rifle in your hands. ;)

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Well this was after my new spawn (just died cuz of stupid zombie combat, grrrr), so I was totally unladen, no weapons, no backpack. And yet a 10 (probably 8) foot drop broke my legs and effectively killed me.

Shouldn't there be (at a later date) a system which takes into account whether you are weighed down?

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I died falling from a sidewalk that is around the markets.



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When you fall from one story, you break your leg. Now I am not saying you should be able to jump from two stories and be fine, but five or so feet shouldn't ruin your game. I would suggest that more 'degrees' of injury be introduced, from just minor pain which goes away in a few seconds after some limping, to a more serious injury that needs to be checked later, to a full blown broken leg.

I just find it annoying that my game was just ruined because I decided to jump down from a small height to avoid going past some zombies!


Thank you,


Edit: Fix the BUGGINESS of falling. Improve the injury system ingame.

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Also can our boots/shoes take the fall damage first? I really don't think my pants should be ruined when i land on my feet.

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Also can our boots/shoes take the fall damage first? I really don't think my pants should be ruined when i land on my feet.

You're landing on your ass maybe.


Here is an idea, what if damage was based on velocity * mass ? When you fall carrying your own weight in guns and ammo it's probably not the same for your ankles than when carrying a cup of coffee.

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DayZ be like: You are Dead!



OK, i used it as a joke, but just now I died on experimental for slowly dropping down a ledge and jump down a distance not bigger than my body heigh and died instantly....

A max. 1.80m fall kills you? Really?

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The  damage you take from falling is ridiculous, it's probably because your character doesn't know how to bend his legs... hehe. Anyway, it should defiantly be nerfed.

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Yep falling/jumping have been bad in every RV engine game and I agree it should be nerfed bit down.

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I encountered a glitch in which I tried to climb down the ladder from the top, but my character just clipped through the ladder and fell about 4 feet TO HIS DEATH.


I can jump off a 10 foot building and land on my feet, and the worst i feel is a bit of ankle pain. This is just ridiculous. Not to mention the falling off a ladder glitch just ruined the past 10 hours of play.

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If it really was just 4 feet I don't think it would kill you. Break your legs most likely, unless you fell while you were half dead anyway. Protip: Healthy, Energized and hydrated status increases the damage you can take.

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Not the forum to report glitches on.


Go to what i believe to be bugs forum




I know you are angry, its happened to me as well. Once they get this new engine up and running as well as working on physics, then they can work more on better falling.


Above all else: Alpha.

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No matter it happend due to a glitch, I also think falling damage needs to be reduced or happen from higher heights.


I jumped down about 3-4 ft, a light grey "hit" - and my pristine pants and everything in it was ruined.

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hey, in Real Life :

with a 35 kilo backpack, an axe and an automatic weapon slung on, plus whatever youve got in your pockets - then step backwards off a ladder 4 or 5 feet off the ground


bet you hurt yourself

(dont try this at home kids)

Edited by pilgrim

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@Pilgrim I hear what you're sayin but still unless your'e 10 I don't think that should kill you, much less break your legs. I definitely agree that the fall damage on here is ridiculous. However like AnyoneInCherno? said, "Alpha".

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hey, in Real Life :

with a 35 kilo backpack, an axe and an automatic weapon slung on, plus whatever youve got in your pockets - then step backwards off a ladder 4 or 5 feet off the ground


bet you hurt yourself

(dont try this at home kids)



So, we basically need (beside the volume system) a weight system, adding up your inventory and combining it with your falling height, to calculate the likeliness of you hurting or breaking your legs.

While there is room for an "unlucky step" probability where you hurt your foot on lower heights, you can also remember lately jumps, so the more often you got away with a probability of over 50% e.g. the more likely it is to stumble and hurt yourself.


This doesn't even need to be phys correct, just simple weight * meters (if above 1 meter (~3 ft) e.g.), that values applied to a logarithm scale give your a probability of X


Then have "lately high risk jump" and "unlucky step" applied to it and there you go.



Anyway - I still won't ruin my shoes, pants and everything in it.


When you hurt your leg, make the pants go one condition down. That's enough I think...

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I'm really liking DayZ. A lot. 

But it's supposed to be all about realism, right?

So how is it that after spending dozens of game hours getting decently geared and FINALLY being ready to join a high-pop server, I can spawn and die after less than a minute because I fell <10 feet?

At the VERY most this should cause a broken leg, which I was prepared for with 2 splints in my bag, but instead I've lost days worth of progress.

I can't possibly be the only one that thinks this, but it isn't in the sticky and it isn't in the "similar topics".

Anyone else agree with this?

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