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About Testy69

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  1. Testy69

    DayZ Standalone - Shotgun's OP?

    Well, In my defense, I didn't shoot until he raised his gun and starting turning towards me. But I'm still a KoS scum I guess. :/
  2. Testy69

    DayZ Standalone - Shotgun's OP?

  3. Testy69

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    LOL, xxxxxxxxxxx was the one I had visuals with. By visuals I mean distortions; Images multiplying, Images moving, random colors and lights, images looking closer or further then actual. That's the effect it had on me, along with sound distortions. :D :D
  4. Testy69

    DayZ business

    Calm your tits. They will allow admins to tweak server features. When that happens, admins will be able to adjust loot rarety and stuff like that. Also, mod support.
  5. Testy69

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    LOL, man, are you stalking me? :D :D I don't need to suggest how it will be implemented because plant growing is already going to be implemented as told by devs. So cannabis planting/growing can be same or similar to any other plant they implement. Most logical way could be; finding cannabis in the wild and harvest seeds. Like books add soo much.
  6. Testy69

    Marijuana plant, grow and smoke

    You sir, clearly didn't smoke any high quality weed.
  7. Hey guyZ. When they implement plant growing, I want to be able to create my own marijuana farm and get high all day every day every damn day. I want to be able to harvest the good bits. Roll them up and smoke it. For the excess weed. I want to be able to trade them with other players for bullets or what ever currency. I want to see cool visual effects when my character gets high. Combine it with me getting high when playing. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ That's what I wanna do man. Just tend my farm and smoke weed. I'll be your friendly neighborhood druggie. If you are against weed, you can burn my farm with a flamethrower like in that Far Cry 3 mission.
  8. Testy69

    And what if...

    I wish we could write stuff on bullets. So after I killed a guy, another guy can check the bullet hole and find the bullet. He'd read what I wrote on the bullet. It'd say something like "Don't f**k with Testy" or something like that. I think this would be a realistic approach unlike sending messages with arrows.
  9. Testy69

    Suggestion: Introduce yourself

    FYI rocket said they are gonna implement costum armbands for groups. I don't know how it would work but maybe you can paint bandages and wrap them around your arm. It'd be interesting to see a smart enemy copying your group's armband and tricking you :D
  10. Testy69

    Will PIP be added to the final release?

    I strongly agree man. How else are we gonna see the back when driving on hardcore servers.
  11. Testy69

    min pc spec set by enforced min display settings

    This can be implemented as a server option. Problem solved, everyone's happy.
  12. Testy69

    Underground Subway?

    Strongly agree, train tracks can merge with subway in the cities. They will incriese player count to 100-200 later on.
  13. Testy69

    hide items

    I think that's a great idea. Some jackets and pants can have random inner pockets. May be 1 hidden slot for pants and 2 hidden slots for jackets. And when checking someone's or a dead body's inventory, there should be an option "check for any hidden pockets" And that would be the only way to see them.
  14. Testy69

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    Biker? You mean a f*g?
  15. Testy69

    Reduce fall damage.

    When I was a kid, I used to jump down from a wooden tower in the playground of our school. Other kids were scared to jump but I did it many times and never had any injury or pain from it. It was about 10-12 feet jump. So I'm agree that 1 story jumps shouldn't break your legs, 2 stories is fine.