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Death Cooldown (this is going to be really unpopular...)

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Normal = 5min of wait.

Hero = 1min of wait (rewarded)

Bandit = 30min of wait. (punished)


Having different sets of rules for different play styles is a bad, bad idea. I want less bandits in the game as much as the next guy, but that is entirely the wrong way to go about it.

A player shouldn't be punished for what they do in-game by an out-of-the-game system (respawning isn't part of the 'game'.. you respawn then the game starts). If you want to punish bandits, go cuff one, take his gun and break his legs. Safety for newspawns for the hour it takes him to crawl off his hill.

Edited by zeeabo

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The more you kill people the more time it takes you respawn would be a nice thing. If you kill 1 or 2 that isn't too bad but when you start to kill multiple people in one life/short time you will be "punished" after you die with a longer cooldown.

But maybe let's think that the other way around. If you're a hero so you don't kill much people you're basically rewarded with smaller respawn cooldown.


Something needs to be done because if people just kill each other the mankind wouldn't survive. So if you just kill people and you die a longer cooldown for respawn is a good indicator that there wouldn't be many survivors anymore left.


Also a cooldown for the server you died is needed so you can't loot your corpse and see your friends for a while but that would be a total different timer.


These things should come in later stage closer to the release because we are in a very early alpha still.


Death and mindless killing needs to have consequences.

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Thank god the dev's are ignoring these ridiculous suggestions.

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Mean two real life months, and not playing every day, but my point still stands, they might add some cooldown but I'm sure it win't even be an hour. 


And for all you whiners, little girls, and boy scouts, grow some balls because there will never be any penalty for killing. Man up or die. 

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So on the survival time idea, where how long you have survived affects how long it takes to log back in:


My version of that idea would be that it caps at one hour. If you have survived under 2 hours (fresh spawns) you respawn in 2 minutes. By the time you have survived 10 hours this would be 10 minutes. If you have survived 60 hours, then you have a one hour respawn time. Anything longer, and you come back in an hour.



This would probably partially curb the actions of advanced military geared players from attacking fresh spawns, as they would have a lot more to lose if they died.

Edited by 11tw

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Military geared guys dying to fresh spawns ? How bad you have to be to let that happen ?

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I can't even, just the stupidity displayed here, it's overwhelming.  So now some fuck can camp near the spawns, and kill fresh spawns.  Woo-Hoo man, great fucking idea.  After being killed yesterday I decided to play Dayz, I spawned near someone else and they got frightened from me appearing behind them so they killed me, yay, i guess I'll log on tomorrow to see if I can do better.


Guys we have a thinker, oh wait.

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No death cool down timer until the game stops Arma-ing you to death. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.


15 minutes would be the maximum timer I'd tolerate on a fully fixed and optimised SA.

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Military geared guys dying to fresh spawns ? How bad you have to be to let that happen ?

this game is pretty glitchy right now. Melee is just broken. Hypothetically (I don't often encounter people) a new spawn could kill someone better equipped than them because it would be unexpected)

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Thank god the dev's are ignoring these ridiculous suggestions.

and you know what the dev's are doing and not doing because you know stuff and we are all taking that for granted.


Everything being suggested on this forum will not be in the game for a long time. I can only guess that when they are done with their current list of much more important tasks that the dev's will take a look at this forum, from start to finish. What they include and what they ignore is up to them because this is their game and we have to deal with what they decide.

If they think the ideas about cooloff timers discussed here are good, they will take them into consideration. If not, they will ignore it. They are the experts. Don't ever speak for them, or suggest you know what they think.

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I can't even, just the stupidity displayed here, it's overwhelming.  So now some fuck can camp near the spawns, and kill fresh spawns.  Woo-Hoo man, great fucking idea.  After being killed yesterday I decided to play Dayz, I spawned near someone else and they got frightened from me appearing behind them so they killed me, yay, i guess I'll log on tomorrow to see if I can do better.


Guys we have a thinker, oh wait.

The 12 hours thing was just an idea. My core suggestion was one hour. That isn't so bad. Further suggestions have included the idea that your survival time would affect how long you had to wait (i.e. new spawns spawn basically instantly) and others have said that bandits should take hours to respawn but heroes should respawn much faster.


These are all interesting ideas. Don't dismiss them with an inconsistent and somewhat-lacking-in-clarity argument. The problem you are complaining about, fresh spawns being killed by bandits then having to wait 12 hours to respawn? No one suggested that! In fact the 'bandits take hours to respawn idea' would curb the problem you just brought up.


Please learn to read before replying in such a condescending and annoying fashion.



(As a sidenote, beans to everyone who has joined the discussion in a constructive and non-fallacious manner. Kind of disappointed that the opposing argument doesn't seem to have anyone arguing their arguably valid points effectively)

Edited by 11tw
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My suggestion, in short, is to make it so that when you die, there is a VERY long cooldown timer. This timer would have to be over and hour for full effect (my personal suggestion is 12 hours, but this is up for debate).


The pros go as follows:

-makes ghosting completely impossible

-makes death meaningful, so people will act more realistically when threatened

-will make kill on sight less common and 'your gear or your life' more common (because people will believe that the people who they have robbed won't attack them out of fear of a long wait before respawning. Therefore this means that some bandits won't bother wasting a bullet on you.)

-will eliminate deathmatching in all vanilla or 'traditional' servers (my suggestion is only implement this on ordinary servers, not ones with titles like: 'deathmatch!!! last man standing!!!'


and finally:

-makes every choice count


That last one is just the whole point of survival games.


Now you might be thinking: 'but that is so unfair!', and that is why I like it. This game is a lesson in suffering, and when you see that 1 hour (or twelve...) wait when you die, you will truly experience suffering.

To be honest, a 12 hour wait wouldn't be as bad as you think, as believe it or not, I have other things I could be getting on with (play something else, read a book, sleep, go to the store, watch tv...)



As a sidenote, this could be reduced to a minute in servers which are already bloodbaths. I don't mind if people ghost or respawn to fight the same people, as I avoid those servers.


Before I'm going to involve myself in this discussion, I have a question for the OP:


What's your suggestion based on?

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Before I'm going to involve myself in this discussion, I have a question for the OP:


What's your suggestion based on?

the suggestion is based on the problems of ghosting, deathmatching, kill on sight and banditry.


Basically a lot of the stuff that is wrong with the game would (in my opinion) be fixed by implementing one of the ideas discussed here.


My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.

Edited by 11tw

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My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.

Not going to happen, devs already said they will not implement such thing as reward for heroes and punishment for killers. This is meant to be a sand box allowing people to choose their play style without game punishing them for it. 

Stop trying to force people to play nicely, grow some balls and if you can't handle people killing you for the sake of it, this is not a game for you. Go play Sims. 

Ghosting can be easily resolved with spawning player as far away as possible, so that he can't reach his body in 10 minutes after which it will disappear. 

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the suggestion is based on the problems of ghosting, deathmatching, kill on sight and banditry.


Basically a lot of the stuff that is wrong with the game would (in my opinion) be fixed by implementing one of the ideas discussed here.


My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.

Why would you want to arbitrarily reward niceness?

And how do you take into account other actions besides killing? Not all bandits will kill for the sake of it, but I wouldn't exactly call someone who cuffs you up and breaks your legs after robbing you of your gear a "nice person". People who have to defend themselves may end up killing people and get longer respawn times simply because they were attacked more.


It fails to take into account the whole picture, that's why the hero & bandit system wasn't re-implemented; it sucked.

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The idea of punishing someone for surviving longer by increasing their death timer is incredibly dumb... don't even know why anyone would suggest that.


With the way the game is currently, I think the system should be set up so that everyone has to wait until their body despawns to respawn... max time 10 minutes.  This isn't so much a punishment as a forced break from the game and a deterrent to running back to get your gear (yes I know it won't stop everyone).

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the suggestion is based on the problems of ghosting, deathmatching, kill on sight and banditry.


Basically a lot of the stuff that is wrong with the game would (in my opinion) be fixed by implementing one of the ideas discussed here.


My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.


Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. I don't want to get into a discussion without knowing the fundaments of one's suggestion/opinion.


Ghosting is a problem, I concur that much. I want it gone as much as the next person, save for the ones who frequent it's use. An increased login timer could help, but I think there are better solutions out there for that particular problem. A login sound is an idea, but I can understand, to a degree, the beef people might have against it. One character per server would be more ideal in my eyes. I know I will stay on my server when we get basebuilding and other permanent items/objects get implemented.


On the deathmatching and the large amount of kos'ers: The game, in it's current state, doesn't offer much else. Thus, we now find ourselves amidst players who won't hesitate to blow your brains out. The solution you propose, in my eyes, is but a short-term one as it doesn't account for the long-term. After all, the state of the game will change when more content in the form of activities are implemented. Some will be here soonTM, others (much) later.


On banditry: why is this a problem? I find it thrilling that at any moment I can hear someone yell 'FREEZE'. What do I do? Do I run, fight or surrender myself? Robbing people of their possesions is a valid tactic. It's a high risk/high reward tactic and within that same tactic lies the possible punishment for the bandit. After all, his victim might just have a few friends right behind him who procceed to kill the bandit.


Continuing on that line of thought: I don't think we should punish people in various degrees depending on their playstyles through game mechanics outside the actual game (and by that, I mean things like respawntimers changing in relation to the behavior of a player, not the things like diseases/hunger/hypothermia/etc.). All playstyles, excluding exploiters and hackers, are valid in my eyes. I rather have game mechanics and dynamics inside the game being the ultimate factors in one's punishment or reward.



I think your suggestions are too much based on the short-term i.e. the current state of the game. I think you, no, we all need to ask ourselves the following questions: What are the short-term effects and the long-term effects of my suggestion? Does my suggestion only take the current state of the game into account or does it also account for future changes (meaning that the problem will persist even though (lots of) new content has been added)?


To sum it all up: I don't think these suggestions will work in the long run. We might use some of them, in an altered fashion, as a stopgap solution until more content or better solutions get implemented. However, as I've explained, I'm not a fan of them.

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Why would you want to arbitrarily reward niceness?

And how do you take into account other actions besides killing? Not all bandits will kill for the sake of it, but I wouldn't exactly call someone who cuffs you up and breaks your legs after robbing you of your gear a "nice person". People who have to defend themselves may end up killing people and get longer respawn times simply because they were attacked more.


It fails to take into account the whole picture, that's why the hero & bandit system wasn't re-implemented; it sucked.

to be honest General Zod's comment on awarding niceness convinced me that this reward system is pointless, however the core idea still works.

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and you know what the dev's are doing and not doing because you know stuff and we are all taking that for granted.


Mostly yes. In this situation abso-fucking-lutely


the suggestion is based on the problems of ghosting, deathmatching, kill on sight and banditry.


Basically a lot of the stuff that is wrong with the game would (in my opinion) be fixed by implementing one of the ideas discussed here.


My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.


If you had watched anyone of the countless interviews you would already know the dev's view on the. KoS is NOT a problem, bandditry is NOT a problem, Death matching is NOT a problem (however will be reduced when the balance the spawns). If you paid attention then you would know that Dean would never reward NICENESS.  Fucking LOL! You should listen to General Zod below.


Not going to happen, devs already said they will not implement such thing as reward for heroes and punishment for killers. This is meant to be a sand box allowing people to choose their play style without game punishing them for it. 

Stop trying to force people to play nicely, grow some balls and if you can't handle people killing you for the sake of it, this is not a game for you. Go play Sims. 

Ghosting can be easily resolved with spawning player as far away as possible, so that he can't reach his body in 10 minutes after which it will disappear. 

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If anything is done it should only be done once the game is fully released. Right now we need as many people playing all the time to test the game.


So once the game is released I think the amount of wait time should equal the amount of time you've been alive to a maximum of 1 hr. This would reduce the frustration for new spawns getting killed immediately. It also would make new spawns respect their lives more, because if you've been alive for 10 min without too much gear it would still suck getting killed. Too many people, including myself sometimes, don't respect their life if they don't have good gear.


Private servers should have the ability to increase this time as they see fit, but not reduce it.


Yes you can get people griefing each other more because I doubt those children would think about how their actions could lead to their own death and cool down. I'm torn between which option is the best. I would love the idea on a whitelisted server that really makes sure their players are mature and not just trolling people. (Bandits or people who aggresively defend their territory are not trolls BTW)

In the end if it gets bad with people trolling then it can be changed, but I think we should try implementing this later on.

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to be honest General Zod's comment on awarding niceness convinced me that this reward system is pointless, however the core idea still works.

Yeah, it's definitely something to work off of, but they'd have to do it correctly, because being punished for things the game can't put context into would be very annoying at times.


I'm not all that opposed to having to wait a short period of time, like 10-15 minutes (slightly longer than it takes for bodies to despawn, so you can't enact immediate revenge on your killers and get your stuff back unless your group picks it up for you). The biggest concern I see with this is that seemingly random or glitch deaths occur all the time, so they'd have to implement it at a point in the distant future where most of these bugs are gone (and even then I know there'll still be some problems).


That is the only real reason I've been opposed to death timers, not because I don't think your life should be valuable, but because I can understand what the computer can't necessarily 'understand', where it can only read values that are true or false and act on the given values. It's too arbitrary of a system to start adding a lot of rules in, but that's also where the bigger problems come in.


Oh, and it also fails to take into account people's gear. Right now it's incredibly easy to gear up, so you'd have many instances of people who had spawned in recently but were just lucky enough to get to a base before their time limit capped and now have the ability to sprint back in and retaliate against a veteran player who will usually win but is slowly getting pushed back.

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Well fortunately things like that will never get implemented. The backlash for forcing people out of the game for an hour when they die, would be so big devs would most likely remove it anyway. 

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Well fortunately things like that will never get implemented. The backlash for forcing people out of the game for an hour when they die, would be so big devs would most likely remove it anyway. 


They wouldn't even be stupid enough to implement in the first place. 


A stupid solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

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A game dev only role is to make a game that people will play the more people playing and for longer the better they have done their job do you really think they will ever implement a feature that forces players not to play? NO so stop asking for it.

On top of this it’s a bad feature

-That will do nothing to promote player interactions. And only seek to increase the rampant KOS why would you rob someone when you can shoot them and have them locked out for any amount of time allowing you to loot in even more safety.


-Servers would become empty and never build a core  following and a lot would probably close down what’s the point of hanging out on a server if when you die your out of there could you imagine what would happen when you kill an admin and he gets locked from his own server.


-What happens when the game is no longer popular and there is not 1000’s of servers to pick from.


-hacker would have a field day knowing everyone they kill is gone worst case they could almost hold admins to ransom “do what we say or we empty your server”

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