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Magazines for 1911

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Do they exist ? And if so where ? By now I have searched several bases found multiple guns lying around and not a single mag. 

Also what the hell happened to splitting axe ? It takes forever to kill a zed with that thing. 


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You can find them in the military tents of either Balota, or the NWAF, in barracks, jail/office building, ATC, Fire stations, but most of mine I tend to find in ruined UAZ jeeps. There's a car dump near Chernaya Polana with 6 or 7 UAZ. I often find 1911 mags there.

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thay do exist, thay are just hard to find. melee damage is kinda broken, will get fixed soon.

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You can find them in the military tents of either Balota, or the NWAF, in barracks, jail/office building, ATC, Fire stations, but most of mine I tend to find in ruined UAZ jeeps. There's a car dump near Chernaya Polana with 6 or 7 UAZ. I often find 1911 mags there.

Just went through NWAFand nothing. Will check the jeeps if I find any. Thanks. 

Yup melee is very broken a single zed just broke my leg. 

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Just went through NWAFand nothing. Will check the jeeps if I find any. Thanks. 

Yup melee is very broken a single zed just broke my leg. 


Zombies were a lot sillier in the mod.

Getting one-hit KO or having your legs broken right off the bat wasn't even an occurrence worth mentioning.

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Do they exist ? And if so where ? By now I have searched several bases found multiple guns lying around and not a single mag. 

Also what the hell happened to splitting axe ? It takes forever to kill a zed with that thing. 


I left an engraved 1911 with a clip loaded, 2 spare clips and a box of ammo (along with a CR75 + 2 clips for that too) in the tent city west of NWAF, 2nd row of tents from the west end, 3rd tent up from the road. I'm not gonna make it home from work in time to pick it up before reset.

Don't think it's due for a reset for roughly another 45 mins, you might find it if you get in quick. Aussie Hardcore, Hell in a Handbasket is the server. If you're not au/nz you might be kicked for ping though.. hope it works out for you lol would be a shame for them to be eaten by the server reset, I only dropped the 1911 cos after a week of fruitless searching I finally found not one, not two, but three amphibiaS clips all in the space of about 10 mins rummaging through the tents.

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I think this need be fixed soon,Big guns like SKS,mosin are too common to found. if you somehow find pistol before fully pimped SKS you still need to find a mag for it. more pistols need to be added and allways 1 mag inside them and less SKS, i haven't seen B95 in a long time,yet i found 2 SKS:s in piano house on the lobby and upstairs  -_-  way to many SKS:s currently in the world

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As many folks already said, it would be cool if pistols and Sporter had a chance to spawn with empty magazine.

Also weapons, that are not considered as strictly military, should  have mags spawning in civilian areas instead.


I hate the fact, that before I have Sporter with mag, I always have atleast SKS or Mosin, so I cant be bothered to use Sporter....or Crossbow for the matter.

Edited by Hombre

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I hate the fact, that before I have Sporter with mag, I always have atleast SKS or Mosin, so I cant be bothered to use Sporter....or Crossbow for the matter.


I feel ya buddy. Over the last 3-4 days I have collected 7.. SEVEN 30-round .22 mags and 3 10-round .22 mags. Just since I started keeping track, I've walked past 17 SKSs and 8 Mosins, 3 M4s and at least 3+ of each pistol and 2+ of each pistol magazine.   I've got a fully pimped acog m4 and I'm actually looking to trade down to the sporter because it's apparently BY FAR the rarest and thus most valuable gun in the game. Probably because it's the only one that doesn't draw in everyone in a 10k radius as soon as you fire it.

On that note, I'd actually prefer that they took silencers out of the game until they actually function. But that's probably just me and merely a sidenote.

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Melee is completely broken, suppressors don't work, zombies re spawn in vicinity if you use loud fire arms. Nice job guys, way to go. 

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Zombies were a lot sillier in the mod.

Getting one-hit KO or having your legs broken right off the bat wasn't even an occurrence worth mentioning.

they didnt land hits from 10ft away, do the lunge attacks, or srpint full-speed in buildings (or run right thru them). tbh i liked the mod zombies. a bit more dangerous but also more predictable/evadable. the main threat was getting aggroed in a building with only one door and low/no ammo.

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Wait... are people telling me that pistol magazines are actually implemented? I just thought they were a myth, like the chupacabra or the manbearpig.

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I just thought they were a myth, like manbearpig.

ManBearPig is no myth. I'm super cereal.

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I feel ya buddy. Over the last 3-4 days I have collected 7.. SEVEN 30-round .22 mags and 3 10-round .22 mags. Just since I started keeping track, I've walked past 17 SKSs and 8 Mosins, 3 M4s and at least 3+ of each pistol and 2+ of each pistol magazine.   I've got a fully pimped acog m4 and I'm actually looking to trade down to the sporter because it's apparently BY FAR the rarest and thus most valuable gun in the game. Probably because it's the only one that doesn't draw in everyone in a 10k radius as soon as you fire it.

On that note, I'd actually prefer that they took silencers out of the game until they actually function. But that's probably just me and merely a sidenote.

yeah 30 round mags a way more common that the 10 round ... i carry a sporter when ever possible i love the cool little thing even saved my life a few times ive had a guy shoot me then bandage me and epi me after he checked my gear ...or the " friendly" callout and best reply "yeah bro i primary a sporter" 

but back to topic i have a engraved 1911 and only found 1 mag for it and only 2 amphibia mags on a week old character 1911 mags seem the rarest .. and they still do the backwards derpy animation too

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