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Running speed after being hit needs to be reduced.

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Basicly thats my sugestion.

After somebody shot you you shouldnt be able to just put your gun behind your back.And "usainbolt" away while bleeding.This is too unrealistic in my opinion.

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There's an animation from pre-alpha footage, Where you hold your stomach and kind of hobble along, I'd love to see that implemented for chest/stomach shots, coupled with the breaking of legs, I think that'd make getting in a gun fight that much more dangerous..

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This is a very good idea. I don't know why I haven't think about this. Many other zombie games do this. We should be slowed down for some seconds after a hit.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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It probably won't happen, but I would like to see a more complex ballistics and impact system once physics is fully implemented.

Say you are trying to run from a fire fight. You are hit in the back by a high velocity round, i.e, 7.62 X 51. Your back arches on impact, and you stumble forward and fall to the ground.


Also, gore systems!!!
Say you are in a firefight, reloading behind cover.

Your knee is showing, and it is hit.

It bends sideways and breaks, nearly blowing the kneecap off and immobilizing you.

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As Preach says there is an injury system already in place, we just haven't seen it implemented yet.  Hobbling when shot, holding your arm when it is broken etc.

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Chest/abdomen/head/leg shots should induce the limp animation for 2-3 hours

But we can go deeepeeeer

Why just stop at limp animations?

A system could be implemented, like an advanced ragdoll or just special animations in general

Where bullets impacting different areas of the body enduce different physical effects!




Explosion behind you and to your left. Left side of body lurches forward, and you are knocked to the ground temporarily.


This can even be implemented into a more complex injurie system

i.e, shattered ribs, dislocated shoulders, ect.


Point blank, shot in stomach with a magnum/shotgun- Incoluntary lurch backward of the stomach, fall onto your knees, hit the ground and possibly die/be immobile.


Say at one point, we get .60 cal sniper rifles or something of equal velocity added into the game


A round from this gun whizzes close enough to your head, and the air collapsing around the round is enough to give you a concussion/make you stagger


Hit with an SKS in the shoulder while running across a field or something of the lot

180 spin, grip shoulder, and collapse sideways.


Hit in the knee by a large enough round, while running (from the front)

Knee breaks, and your running momentum cuples with the energy from the round snaps your leg like a twig (Gore system!!!)


Also, vital organs!


Things like kidneys, hearts, liver, lung- areas to hit that would make aiming for center mass/riding up recoil worth while


Arteries, which require a turniqutte to stop bleeding if hit?


An oxygen need! As long as your lungs are in good shape, you are not underwater, and not in a gas/confined space for too long, will replenish. :D


Smoking could play a role into this later, as well as the vital organs.

Poison gas/smoke bombs/tear gas could be added, which affects vision, drains health and makes the gas mask useful!




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I'd like to see players limited to a slow jog or walk after running flat out for a few minutes. That way you wouldn't be able to out run zombies in open ground, you could get a head of them but as you tire and slow down they'll catch you up.

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I feel like it should depend on where you get hit. If you get hit in the leg, it should greatly reduce to a very slow limp. If you get hit in the arm, you should have to grab the injured arm and not be able to shoot/be reduced to a gait.

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