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Admins selling guns with infinite ammo for real money o_O

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http://vk.com/dayzloot - their group in vk

basicly they are offering players to buy  any kind of weapons with infinite ammo for different prices, or "full weapon and item pack" for 1500 roubles which is ~32 euros (ROFL).

After players purchases item,pack w/e. He can get these items as much as he wants.Basicly everytime he dies he can go on that server and admin will get him new stuff.And if im correct they can just hop on another server and ruin others people game.

Admins of this server say that developers approve this since its alpha :D


I checked this servers ip and its public hive


Correct me if im wrong but shouldnt people that buy this kind of shit get banned.And servers with such advertisment should be closed no ?


Sorry for my %*@* english.

Edited by maleficum
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Admins of this server say that developers approve this since its alpha :D


That's the funniest part!!! These guys needs to be terminated from this world.

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Sounds like a lucrative business.


I remember one server of DayZ mod that were selling private armed helicopters for 60$. I could not belive how many people bought them.

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That's the funniest part!!! These guys needs to be terminated from this world.


Why get so wound up over something so pathetically insignificant LOL.

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this is DISGRACE!!!!




if they make a gun with infinite ammo and every time you die you get again a new one HOW LONG BEFORE GAME IS FULL WITH INFINITE AMMO GUNS FROM DEAD PLAYERS???

This explain what happen to me and machete master in the airport because the guy was shooting for 5 minutes full auto NO RELOAD!!!


simple answer make code that recognise infinite ammo magazine and when you try to join a server BAND FOR LIFE

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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Admins of this server say that developers approve this since its alpha :D

If its a public hive ad they charge real money for it thats definitely a lie. The developers might be okay with a private hive that is free or only allows members. But this way its just selling cheats.


Also I am not sure if you won't get banned by Battle Eye when joining another server with this - DO NOT BUY (should be obvious)!

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Why get so wound up over something so pathetically insignificant LOL.


Imagine yourself selling beer bottles in the streets for 10 dollars. Later on you will sell a guy a bottle and he will let people take 1 sip for 5 dollars (it's just an example ofcourse).


How would that feel?

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Imagine yourself selling beer bottles in the streets for 10 dollars. Later on you will sell a guy a bottle and he will let people take 1 sip for 5 dollars (it's just an example ofcourse).


How would that feel?


I'd say he has a good business mentality and shake his hand.



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