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Why do you play DayZ?

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Right now just getting to know the new towns. Played heaps of the mod so I know all the existing areas but once my friends come back I can be their tour guide.

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I was going to stop playing, but eventually I found out that in certain epoch servers, you could gut other players and eat them.


Then I never stopped.


Earned the title of Bandit Cannibal Overlord on the server I played on, but I stopped playing on that server, and I try to be neutral now. I can't play bandit. Makes me feel awful.



LMAO I thought it said "Human Choice Cunts" at first. XD


I was like ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

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Because I like zombie, survival and horror games. I have many games of this kind, but I prefer the zombie themed type.

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Right now just getting to know the new towns. Played heaps of the mod so I know all the existing areas but once my friends come back I can be their tour guide.

I'm trying to avoid using DB so when I stumble across a northern town I can find something interesting. I played so much mod that I when I played another mod that randomly drops you in fields and forest I knew where I was everytime. 

Edited by LeeFriendField

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I ask myself this question every time I boot the game up and get that 'please wait' screen that refuses to go away.


However I'm playing at the moment purely to kill fully geared players, nothing beats getting 'abuse' from whiney fools over the internet.


9/10 I won't even bother to loot them.

Edited by TheWanderingMan

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I used to play dayz because it is was the only zombie survival out there. I stopped playing because I log in and there is never anything new to do, development is too slow.

I was going to come back but now I've just watched some h1z1 gameplay and read a lot about it and well no reason to play dayz anymore when h1z1 come out and does everything dayz does but bigger, better with faster development. I predict in a years time dayz will only have a fanbase of around 10,000 hardcore players while h1z1 will have millions. I like realism but when its too real you end up doing more boring stuff to stay alive and less of the fun stuff.

It was inevitable that a massive company was going to get on the bandwagon, after seeing the impact dayz has made, to create something spectacular, but we only have rocket to thank for that.

Flame away! But that's my opinion!

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 forced nighttime on all gamemodes


Yeah, why does everyone seem to like only playing when there is daylight. Im sick and tired of daylight in SA and finding nightservers with people on is impossible, expecially at hardcore mode(in EXP nightmode is gone). Isn't this a survival game? Shouldn't the 'survivors' have to survive nights too? Night is what makes this game shine, scarier and more intense. Please make all servers have nightime and force all the 'day only' pussies into the darkness, please!!!

Edited by Kaboki

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The mod - best PvP experience in many, many years


SA - lol

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Because I really like the atmosphere, the realistic (but at least for now often flawed) approach to everything and because I'm a huge fan of exploration. I'd rather play it offline if they'd fix the zeds (by which I mean increase their numbers by, like, a lot and make their AI more complex and believable) and add lots and lots of items and stuff to interact with because, honestly, fuck PvP and fuck everyone who ruins other peoples fun for their own amusement.


If you kill me in DayZ, you killed a guy who never had any intention to fight you, it wasn't a battle of skills where everyone signed up for the same deal and the better player won. It was just you, making me feel bad so you can feel good - which is something I'll never understand because I'd feel bad too in the same situation. And no, it wouldn't be like that in real life - if history showed us anything than it's that people tend to work together and form groups when faced with a crisis - killers/bandits are the exception and would not make up over 50% of the population.

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Because I've been obsessed with zombie apocalypses since I saw Night of the Living Dead when I was 6 or 7. 


Ahhh now thats what i call great parenthood ! 


i mean that in a non offencive way ..


and for the game 


No other game bevore has given me the feeling of being in constant danger.


( standing in a forrest on a 5/40 server in the fuxin middle of nowhere, eating rice and suddenly all hell breaks loose and some moron tryies to shoot you with a magnum ) 



Edited by Munson_fry

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I play to gear up and die.


Maybe kill a few people along the way. Have a conversation with a random dude and get killed moments later.

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Because I really like the atmosphere, the realistic (but at least for now often flawed) approach to everything and because I'm a huge fan of exploration. I'd rather play it offline if they'd fix the zeds (by which I mean increase their numbers by, like, a lot and make their AI more complex and believable) and add lots and lots of items and stuff to interact with because, honestly, fuck PvP and fuck everyone who ruins other peoples fun for their own amusement.


If you kill me in DayZ, you killed a guy who never had any intention to fight you, it wasn't a battle of skills where everyone signed up for the same deal and the better player won. It was just you, making me feel bad so you can feel good - which is something I'll never understand because I'd feel bad too in the same situation. And no, it wouldn't be like that in real life - if history showed us anything than it's that people tend to work together and form groups when faced with a crisis - killers/bandits are the exception and would not make up over 50% of the population.


If you can't handle PvP you don't deserve to play DayZ at all.

Couldn't care less about your feelings. All I hear is "I'm bad at it and I refuse to get better because it takes effort".

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If you can't handle PvP you don't deserve to play DayZ at all.

Couldn't care less about your feelings. All I hear is "I'm bad at it and I refuse to get better because it takes effort".


Here's the thing: there's quite a lot actual shooters people like you can play - even more realistic ones - but there's no other game I could go to that is even close to DayZ. And I'm not bad at shooters - quite the contrary, but DayZ is not a shooter and killing other players is the last thing I have in mind when playing it.


Why do you even assume it's a matter of skill and effort anyway? Is it really that hard to comprehend that other people might not like the same things as you do? Usually, I'd say "to each his own" and let it be, but having fun on the expense of others is not okay - even in video games. It might not be real-life, but the anger and frustration* is still very real - and you are causing it. Mario Kart and Call of Duty multiplayer causes anger and frustration too - but a very different kind, the good kind you get from all kinds of competitive sports, the kind the gives you a reason to get better and pay them back.


Like I said - there's SO MANY shooters where everyone agreed that killing each other is fun, so why do you peole have to "invade" the one good game that isn't supposed to be like that and turn it into the same kind of game you chose not to play for no reason at all?

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Like I said - there's SO MANY shooters where everyone agreed that killing each other is fun, so why do you peole have to "invade" the one good game that isn't supposed to be like that and turn it into the same kind of game you chose not to play for no reason at all?


Invade ? It IS possible to kill other People and well...we DO KILL other People. Sometimes out of boredom, sometimes because, well, you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe one of our members has a short fuse that day and despite what we all agreed on how we Play that day KOS´ed your ass.


But we also meet People that we dont kill or we all just agree to walk away, or we save a freshy from 6 Z´s hauling his ass. Or run around playing Music like complete numbnuts....


The game is great for everything i stated above and given the Features that shall be added there will be more layers of interaction...

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Invade ? It IS possible to kill other People and well...we DO KILL other People. (...) given the Features that shall be added there will be more layers of interaction...


Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And interaction is all fine and dandy - I'm all for that, really - but a dangerously high number of players treats Chernarus like it's the freakin' Thunderdome and that's not how things should play out. Like I've said: there are lots of other games were you can do that w/o annoying the shit out of everyone - why not play those instead?

Edited by DCpAradoX

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Here's the thing: there's quite a lot actual shooters people like you can play - even more realistic ones - but there's no other game I could go to that is even close to DayZ. And I'm not bad at shooters - quite the contrary, but DayZ is not a shooter and killing other players is the last thing I have in mind when playing it.


Why do you even assume it's a matter of skill and effort anyway? Is it really that hard to comprehend that other people might not like the same things as you do? Usually, I'd say "to each his own" and let it be, but having fun on the expense of others is not okay - even in video games. It might not be real-life, but the anger and frustration* is still very real - and you are causing it. Mario Kart and Call of Duty multiplayer causes anger and frustration too - but a very different kind, the good kind you get from all kinds of competitive sports, the kind the gives you a reason to get better and pay them back.


Like I said - there's SO MANY shooters where everyone agreed that killing each other is fun, so why do you peole have to "invade" the one good game that isn't supposed to be like that and turn it into the same kind of game you chose not to play for no reason at all?

Here's the thing: if you had any clue about DayZ PvP you would know that there aren't any other FPS games  that offer similar experience


I assume that it's a matter of skill because when I started my journey with DayZ I also had problem with bandits. But I've learned a lot since then and now I can avoid or survive bandit encounters ~90% of the time. I'm not talking about recklessly attacking well armed team. When I want to avoid any PvP I can easily do it by not being stupid and using my experience.


I'm not going to feel responsible for every person that will feel upset with my choice of playstyle, especially in the game that encourages players to do whatever the hell they want.


There are many games that offer survival in zombie apocalypse theme without the fear of getting killed by other players. How about you try them if you can't deal with the fact that PvP is integral part of DayZ experience?



Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And interaction is all fine and dandy - I'm all for that, really - but a dangerously high number of players treats Chernarus like it's the freakin' Thunderdome and that's not how things should play out. Like I've said: there are lots of other games were you can do that w/o annoying the shit out of everyone - why not play those instead?



Here we go again: "My playstyle choice is better than yours because it is".

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There are many games that offer survival in zombie apocalypse theme without the fear of getting killed by other players. How about you try them if you can't deal with the fact that PvP is integral part of DayZ experience


I don't give a shit about zombies, they're not why I like the game - you could replace them with just about anything and it wouldn't matter to me - in fact, replace them with realistic wild animals and feral packs of dogs and I'd like it even more. And no, there is no alternative - name one and I gladly uninstall DayZ and play that instead. That's why it's so frustrating - I have no choice; it's DayZ or nothing at all.


And there's a huge difference between occasional PvP interactions and full-blown Counter Strike matches between clans in full military gear. I don't say you shouldn't kill anyone in the game ever - I'm saying it was never intended to be just another zombie apocalypse shooter. And my playstyle choice is better because I'm not an asshole to other people just because I can.

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I don't give a shit about zombies, they're not why I like the game - you could replace them with just about anything and it wouldn't matter to me - in fact, replace them with realistic wild animals and feral packs of dogs and I'd like it even more. And no, there is no alternative - name one and I gladly uninstall DayZ and play that instead. That's why it's so frustrating - I have no choice; it's DayZ or nothing at all.


And there's a huge difference between occasional PvP interactions and full-blown Counter Strike matches between clans in full military gear. I don't say you shouldn't kill anyone in the game ever - I'm saying it was never intended to be just another zombie apocalypse shooter. And my playstyle choice is better because I'm not an asshole to other people just because I can.

Clans will always compete with eachother. thats the point of being in a clan on this game (atleast for most). a few problems with teh current state of the standalone aplify the issue tho;


- All spawns focused near berinzino

- No permanent storage (you cant get taken back to base to insta re-gear so you care 10x more about your gear)

- High spawn rate of everying, death doesnt matter.

- No vehicles would make re-grouping a pain if your clan has disperesed into the far reaches, so they generally stick close to berizino/svet.


Basicly the clanny "death squads" always roamed the north in the mod mainly seeking to capture or destroy eachothers vehciles and gain superiority on the server- the current issues with gameplay in the SA however, push them closer to the spawn area and so they prey on others much, much more often.

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I like to scavenge. I also enjoy how it's striving to be more realistic than most games.

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