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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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Please can you reset my character

Name: trashcanman

ID: 1228614

Thanks and keep up the good work team. Best. Mod. Ever!

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i have always this problem:

This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

Name: Dean_Corso

ID: 396034AX

i have arma x and use the sixlauncher but nothing work i havent played for 1 second -.-

i hope for support from you thx

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If this is not the case the next (till 1.7.2) most common cause will be that you are running a recent build, which has the new string-based Player ID. You can find your player ID easily by going to the main menu of ARMA 2 -> Profiles -> Edit -> the ID that appears at the bottom of the tiny window that opened up. If this contains anything but numbers (say 123456ABC) it means you are running a version that we don't support yet, but it's an issue that has a high priority and will be fixed very soon.

you mean this ?

so i must wait?

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dont work for me -.-



TR!PLE has found a fix for people with the ARMA2 X-edition, showing it is indeed possible to just drop down in (beta) patches:

1.Do not use SixUpdater!

2.Clean Arma2 X installation

3.update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

4.update to Arma2 93965 beta

5.Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

6.Start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

7.Check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

8.Play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

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did you delete the installed beta patch?

i install now complete new again^^ but i dont will use sixupdater

report you when im ready ;)

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ok, but you don´t need to, really.

delete the "beta" folder in here:

..... \ArmA 2\Expansion

Download the ArmA 2 beta patch here:


install it.

start the game with the OA beta shortcut in the ArmaX installed folder. Check ingame "expansion" .. check "beta", "expansion" and "@dayZ".

thats it.

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This process didnt work for me, whit the patch 93965 i still could not log on the servers.

Onlu when i istall the 9444 patch, i was able to logon again.

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If you install 93965, you could only join servers saying "93965".

I will test right now the new beta patch.

OK! I tested beta 94444 and it is STILL NOT working for ArmA X owners. They said before only DayZ 1.7.2 could solve the problem to ArmaX owners.


YOU dont own ArmaX!

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ok' date=' but you don´t need to, really.

delete the "beta" folder in here:

..... \ArmA 2\Expansion

Download the ArmA 2 beta patch here:


install it.

start the game with the OA beta shortcut in the ArmaX installed folder. Check ingame "expansion" .. check "beta", "expansion" and "@dayZ".

thats it.


:heart::heart: TR!PLE I LOVE YOU MAN :heart::heart:

it works fine now thx thx thx

so sixupdater is really shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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He isnt shit, he only installs the latest patches and DayZ updates ... so he installed beta patch 94444 and this isnt working atm. for ArmA X owners.

Anyway, THX for the flowers ;)

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TR!PLE i take my hat off to you :) Over and over you keep repeating the steps needed because people are too stupid to read the previous posts.

Your fix does work :D

If people can't be arsed to read through past pages leave the idiots and let them go back to licking windows all day long.

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It was never said, that 94444 fixed this!

@PK Richie

Thank you very much :)

I allways try to help and I know what it means to make a mod and that it takes time to find out, what went wrong.


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fix log line 4

[94002] Fixed: PlayerId changed for users using Reinforcements or Arma X Anniversary edition to prevent PlayerId conflicts.

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I am in trouble too. If there is any solution to fix this manually, here are my info:

Arma X

Name: Burkharius Maximus

ID: 17734AX

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fix log line 4

[94002] Fixed: PlayerId changed for users using Reinforcements or Arma X Anniversary edition to prevent PlayerId conflicts.

? whats wrong with this? This is cleary stated and true, you only got it wrong, mate. This means that "after" 93965 the PlayerID changed for players using ArmaX and since then, all ArmaX owners have this problem with the following beta patches. That was made, because sometimes a normal Arma2 CO owner and an ArmA X owner had the same ID. To prevent the "key is allready in use" they made the "XY" or somewhat behind the normal ID of ArmaX players, i think. Thats the only reason that makes sense.

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